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  • Posts: 1783
Post #821
Nightmare: Without scythes, how do you hunt? Do you clobber the poor Pokemon over the head with your pincers?

Also for Nightmare, with evolution many Pokemon find that their personality develops further, sometimes changing drastically, in the case of Ash's Charmeleon, and sometimes becoming wiser and more mature, in the case of Mark's Charizard. As Scizor is not a natural evolution, was their any sort of noticeable change in your personality/way of thinking? If so, what was it?
Nightmare: I'm still experimenting, but yes, that seems to work best out of what I've tried.

Radical changes with evolution happen mostly for Pokémon who evolve when they're young. I don't feel changed, save for the trauma of having turned into one of them.



  • Posts: 11
Post #822
May: What do you think of all of us question askers? Aside from the dumb scenario questions, I mean.

Mark: What do you think of all of us question askers?

So, yeah.

Doctor Horrible Count: 30 viewings


  • Posts: 1783
Post #823
May: What do you think of all of us question askers? Aside from the dumb scenario questions, I mean.

Mark: What do you think of all of us question askers?
May: I don't get you. Why are you even this interested in us? And it's kind of creepy how you know everything that's been going on.

Mark: Um, some of you seem okay. Some of the questions are just… weird.



  • Posts: 16
Post #824
Mark's Sandslash: How do you feel about May and her methods? How do you feel about Alan?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #825
Mark's Sandslash: How do you feel about May and her methods? How do you feel about Alan?
Sandslash: May is just confused. I wouldn't want to be her Pokémon, but I doubt she means anything by it, and if they don't mind, I suppose that's their choice. Tyranitar was a special case, but the others seem healthy to me - well, I suppose Floatzel is eccentric, but she was eccentric from the beginning and I doubt anything like Taylor's death will happen again.

Alan is all right. He's very nice, and I'd much rather be his Pokémon than May's, but he's just too argumentative and easily worked up. I don't think he should have left.


Phantom Latios

  • Posts: 1
Post #826
Ash: Have you ever had a crush on the women you traveled with when you were a child?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #827
No questions about Ash's romantic interests. :P



  • Posts: 10
Post #828
Mark: How do you feel about these new Triple Battles being implemented?
May: same.
Alan: same.
Mrs. Grodski: same.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #829
Mark: Well, I've never tried one, but it sounds like it could be fun, I guess.

May: It's a bit too much if you ask me. Many-on-many battles are kind of hectic.

Alan: They're pretty cool. Nothing against them.

Mrs. Grodski: Hmph. In my day, Pokémon just battled each other one on one.



  • Posts: 16
Post #830
Mark's Sandslash: Which nature do you fit in the most with? (Jolly, Naive, Sassy, etc.)


  • Posts: 1783
Post #831
Sandslash: What are 'natures'?

(The fic universe assumes natures don't exist as independent entities; they're just what the games use to simulate the effect that individual Pokémon's personalities have on their capabilities.)



  • Posts: 16
Post #832
Mark's Charizard: Do Pokémon become depressed or are capable of experiencing appropriately similar symptoms to the affliction humans call "depression?"

Scyther: When eating prey, do you have any favorite portion of its body?


  • Posts: 10
Post #833
Rick: Where is Mewtwo2 now?

May: Is there anything specific you hope to find in the Ouen Safari? If so, what?


  • Posts: 7
Post #834
Mark: Which oneof your Pokemon is your favorite?

May: Same.

Alan: Same.

I am ButhelChank, hear me roar!


  • Posts: 17
Post #835
Anyone who can answer: Has Champion Cave changed at all since, oh, say, a month and a half before the league battles started?

Chaletwo: Assuming everything goes well and the war is avoided, what are you going to do about your dragon trio afterward? Do you have a better idea than having them stuck inside pokéballs for all eternity?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #836
Mark: Which oneof your Pokemon is your favorite?

May: Same.

Alan: Same.
Mark: Well, they're all different individuals. I can't exactly just pick a favorite.

May: Skarmory, but Skarmory's my favorite Pokémon in general.

Alan: They're living creatures! Having a favorite is like having a favorite family member. It's demeaning.

Anyone who can answer: Has Champion Cave changed at all since, oh, say, a month and a half before the league battles started?
Chaletwo: I don't think so. It may be that the Nevermeltice crystals that grew in Polaryu's presence are keeping it cold now.

Chaletwo: Assuming everything goes well and the war is avoided, what are you going to do about your dragon trio afterward? Do you have a better idea than having them stuck inside pokéballs for all eternity?
Chaletwo: I… guess I can try to reprogram them somehow, if I'm back at full power.

EDIT: Oops, forgot these, it looks like.

Mark's Charizard: Do Pokémon become depressed or are capable of experiencing appropriately similar symptoms to the affliction humans call "depression?"
Charizard: I think so. I wouldn't know how humans experience it, but…

Scyther: When eating prey, do you have any favorite portion of its body?
Scyther: Depends on the prey. Some parts are tastier on one Pokémon than another.

Rick: Where is Mewtwo2 now?
Rick: That's none of your business.

May: Is there anything specific you hope to find in the Ouen Safari? If so, what?
May: I… don't know. Nothing special, I think.



  • Posts: 26
Post #837
Chaletwo: Where did your inspiration for the three dragons come from? And I don't mean why did you do it, but their colours and abilities and such?
Letaligon: What are you like when you're by yourself? Do you have any hobbies like cleaning yourself or watching the sky?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #838
Chaletwo: Where did your inspiration for the three dragons come from? And I don't mean why did you do it, but their colours and abilities and such?
Chaletwo: The legendaries of Kanto and Johto, mostly. Fire, Electric and Ice, red, yellow and blue. I wasn't very original.

Letaligon: What are you like when you're by yourself? Do you have any hobbies like cleaning yourself or watching the sky?
Letaligon: I train and I battle, and then I go in my Pokéball. I don't need hobbies.



  • Posts: 16
Post #839
Sandslash: Were you surprised that Chaletwo recruited other people in his plan to stop the war of the legends, like Leah?

Leah: How do you feel about May and Mark apparently being more successful at capturing legends than you are?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #840
Sandslash: Were you surprised that Chaletwo recruited other people in his plan to stop the war of the legends, like Leah?
Sandslash: Surprised? We knew that from the beginning. I don't understand what you're asking.

Leah: How do you feel about May and Mark apparently being more successful at capturing legends than you are?
Leah: Meh, it doesn't really count. Judging from what they said, they already knew where those legendaries were, which removes most of the challenge. If they continued at it for as long as I've been doing it, I'd bet they wouldn't end up with any more legendaries than I have.


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