Posts tagged "Leta/Letal/Letaligon"

There are 26 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
Mark: …um, that sounds like it would be kind of bizarre. I guess I'd, uh, try to get out of it or something? I think I saw a movie like that sometime.

Letal: I want to do it.

Chaletwo: When bored? Uh, not much. Immortality kind of makes you get used to having nothing to do.



  • Posts: 1783
Mark: Well, by now I really don't think she will. We've been training a lot, but she hasn't come anywhere closer to evolving.

May: I'll probably replace some of my team, but leaving them all behind after the work you've spent training them is stupid.



  • Posts: 1783
Mark: They'll do what they want, I guess. I mean, I can't decide for them what they want to do with the rest of their lives.

Jolteon: I've been trying to help her cope since she was caught, but recently she's been kind of distant. I suppose we never got that close, since she's never talked much, but I still kind of miss it.

Mew: We shall see where I find myself during the League.

Rattata: Which Charmander? A lot of them come through, a lot of them fight me, all of them the same.



  • Posts: 1783
…no, not really. o_O



  • Posts: 1783
Letal: …I'm leaving. What point would there be in staying if nothing will come of it?



  • Posts: 1783
Letaligon: Why would I be nervous? I feel great. Finally I can leave and complete what I started.



  • Posts: 1783
Letaligon: It's stronger but also heavier. I'll be quicker. I can take him down.



  • Posts: 1783
Letaligon: My father can't do anything any ordinary wild Letaligon can't. That is why I went with Mark; to become more than he will ever be.



  • Posts: 1783
Letalgion: If you found out your father (and the rest of your shiny family) were dead, what would you do?
Letaligon: Why would they be dead?

In chapter 37, you charizard seems to fall in love. Does this (state) keep on, or does it stay only until chapter 38 when they leave carl and his pokemon?
Charizard: I don't know what 'chapter' stuff you're talking about, but, um, well, she is pretty… but it would be kind of hard to pursue anything serious with a Gym leader's Pokémon, wouldn't it?



  • Posts: 1783
Chaletwo to elyvorg: Well, how else do you think you could see it all written down?

May: …What the hell? No.

Chaletwo to dogsgofetch: My eyes can see through the fourth wall. I know all about this "fic" you've been reading.

Mew: In a book? I cannot say I pay attention to books. They are a human invention.

Letaligon: That is how evolution works. It's about the hormones released when you fight. That is how it works. And he would never let the rest of the herd assist him. He has too much pride for that.



  • Posts: 1783
Scyther, of course - he's infamously my favorite character in the fic, hence being given several spotlight chapters and spin-off fics. Although I love them all in their own ways, really - particularly Letaligon at the moment since I like her character arc, but I also like Charizard a lot.



  • Posts: 1783
Alan: Huh? No, I'd have taken her siblings in too if they'd still been there, but they'd all wandered off by then and we couldn't find then.

Charizard: Well, I talk a lot to Dragonite, so I suppose it would be him.

Gyarados: Terrible, but I was hungry.

Letaligon: I do not know why I am different from all the others. I should have been shiny but wasn't.

After my father is dead, I will go off on my own and find a different herd to join.

Mark: Huh? Games? I mean, there are some virtual Pokémon battle simulators, but nothing more than that.



  • Posts: 1783
Scyther: Well, Leta are very good. So are some of the bigger birds.

Letaligon: We are omnivores. We eat both plants and meat, and the meat is our primary source of iron.



  • Posts: 1783
Razor: Sort of bitter. It's not that good the first time. You need to acquire a taste for it.

Letaligon: He will not beat me.

Stormblade: I would choose Pearl over anyone.

Tyranitar: *eyes from a distance*

May: Well, they're Dark-types. Psychic powers don't affect them, period.

Mark: Well, as I told my Pokémon, I'd like to just go home, finish school, maybe go to art school and become an illustrator or something.

(Since the Effect is not technically in the ILCOE, Mark can't really answer in this thread, but in the IALCOTN, it is inside the city, though the borders are rather vague and it's hard to pinpoint the center exactly.)



  • Posts: 1783
May to ivymeleon: Just the usual, flinching away a bit. Seriously, though, leave him alone. Hasn't he made it clear he doesn't want you touching him or hugging him or crawling all over him or whatever the hell you're doing?

Letaligon to ivymeleon: He thought I was worthless because I wasn't shiny. I will show him I'm better than him.

Mark to ivymeleon: Huh? I mean, she's beaten me before, and I'm not exactly a sore loser or anything. o_O

Razor to steele: The Scyther swarm doesn't have punishment. If you disgrace yourself, it's you who has to repent for it with suicide of guilt.

Mark to steele: Um, do you actually know any Pokémon-world bands? o_o



  • Posts: 1783
It's a bit rash to call it 'the' scene, don't you think?



  • Posts: 1783
Dragonite to steele: I enjoy being with Mark. I like getting to see new places and fight new opponents.

Letaligon to steele: I'd make him.

Mitch to steele: Hm?

May to Scyther: Well, it makes no difference to me whether he's just a thieving little git or an ignorant thieving little git. Come to think of it, of course he's ignorant, what with having a brain the size of a pea and needing super-clones to win a Pokémon battle. No surprise there.



  • Posts: 1783
Letaligon: I have no interest in killing all the shiny Letaligon. I will kill my father, and I will watch my siblings kill one another. And then I will go and find another herd to live with.

Edit: I just read Alan's pokemon bios, and I must, say congratulations! You made three completly different backstorys for Mist in the ILCOE!
Three? What are you talking about? This one is the original one. I got confused at one point here in Ask the Characters and made up some deal with an adoption center, but that has already been made uncanonical, and the only other one has been exactly this one as far as I can tell. Even then, the only difference is in what happened to Mist's siblings, which technically does not change her backstory at all; she has consistently been found in a cardboard box in Itsruban, always having wanted to evolve into a Vaporeon.



  • Posts: 1783
Letaligon: You humans with your fancy ideas of "murder" and "justice". You are not me. You have no right to condemn me. There is nothing ignoble about a fair fight.



  • Posts: 1783
Absol slightly inspired Letaligon's feet, and the shiny Letaligon's colors are similar to Absol's. Other than that, though, I really don't think they look anything alike. Some bizarre RPG that stole them actually made Letaligon an evolution of Absol, and I just don't get it.

I don't particularly like Dragon or Bug-types; you'll notice whenever I talk about my liking for bugs and dragons, they're noncapitalized. My favorite Pokémon types are Electric, Ice and Dark.


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