Ask the Characters

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  • Posts: 1783
Post #1
Yeah, it's back.

How It Works

You post a question for a character in The Quest for the Legends or its spin-offs. I reply to the thread and answer the question in-character.

The Rules

- Everything here is based around the ILCOE. When "the fic" is referenced, it refers strictly to that version.
- You can ask any character who has physically appeared in the fic at some point and is currently alive.
- It does not technically have to be a question, per se, but at least make it something that the character can sensibly answer (in-character).
- Nonetheless, don't just say or "do" something utterly random to make the characters react to it, or at least only very sparingly when you have something that seems like it would be particularly amusing.
- No giving the characters important information they don't actually know in the story. Stick to questions they can personally answer, not "Hey, this happened while you weren't there! What do you think about it?" These questions are really awkward to answer; the character would start thinking, acting, and generally deviating from their in-story selves the moment you give them the information, and then they generally have better things to do than trying to explain their thoughts on the matter to a vaguely defined transient entity harassing them in the void between chapters. This still applies even if you phrase the question as a hypothetical ("What would you do if you found out that this had happened?") unless you have a very good reason to believe you know the character has already considered the possibility of that happening in the story (as otherwise, if not precisely giving them information, you are giving them ideas they should not have had).
- Do not ask too many characters at the same time; restrict yourself to one character per question or asking only one or two questions to a maximum of three or four characters. Also don't ask just for the sake of asking; this takes up a lot of my time and I have better things to do than spend hours every day making the characters reply to something completely meaningless.
- Keep in mind that the characters know what they know in the story and are ready to reveal what they are ready to reveal in the story. They don't know what will happen in the future, and if they refuse to express themselves on some matter in the story they will probably refuse to do so here too. They could also be unreliable narrators or simply mistaken about whatever you ask them; there is no guarantee that because you ask a character about something, their answer is canon.
- Because of this, if you just want to know the answer to some simple factual question vaguely related to a character, you're probably better off asking me in the Ask the Author thread than trying to drag it out of the character's own mouth. Some characters can be quite uncooperative in here.

Ask away.



  • Posts: 25
Post #2
Mitch: What is the meaning of life?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #3
Mitch: I suppose we all have to find a meaning in it for ourselves.



  • Posts: 25
Post #4
The first character who feels like answering: What happens to you when the author stops writing?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #5
Mark: …what author? Writing? What?



  • Posts: 6
Post #6
To Mark: What would you do if you realised that you were part of a fanfic made for other's amusement? *mauled by Butterfree*


  • Posts: 1
Post #7
To Letal:
Is this desire to kill your father and cause chaos amongst your shiny relatives out of revenge, or because you want to?

To Chaletwo:
Before the War of the Legends, what was your favorite thing to do when you were bored?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #8
Mark: …um, that sounds like it would be kind of bizarre. I guess I'd, uh, try to get out of it or something? I think I saw a movie like that sometime.

Letal: I want to do it.

Chaletwo: When bored? Uh, not much. Immortality kind of makes you get used to having nothing to do.



  • Posts: 19
Post #9
Chaletwo: What would you have done if Mark refused to go and captrue legendaries? Would you have brought him back anyway, or just let him stay dead? If so, wouldn't that mean you would have killed him, for good, for no reason?

Flora: What have you been doing since giving Mark his badge, and I don't mean 'running the gym'?

Christopher: Have you given out any badges since Mark?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #10
Chaletwo: Well, obviously I'd have revived him. Presumably we'd have done something to his memory. Not that we wouldn't first try every possible method to persuade him to help and convince him of the importance of the mission.

Flora: Well, what do you expect me to have been doing? Running the Gym is my job, so that's what I do. Also preparations for the upcoming high season of newbies.

Christopher: The Gym is very busy these days, and naturally most of them end up getting their badges, if not on their first try, then during a rematch. So yes, badges are being given out by the sackful.



  • Posts: 26
Post #11
Thunderyu- How do you feel about being captured?

Fireyu- What do you think of your new trainer?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #12
Thunderyu: What is this? Let me out to kill them. I must kill them. Where are they? Why can't I feel them? I must find them and tear them apart, yes. Why did I not reach the fiery one? The fiery one must die. I must kill him, kill him, with lightning and air and cold flames and then the icy one as well…


…they have one-track minds, those dragons, don't they? (And Volcaryu has no idea Carl caught him and even less of an idea what a trainer is; he's never been let out of his ball, so he couldn't have given much of an answer to that question either.)



  • Posts: 120
Post #13
xDDD Oh, I suddenly love those dragons' personalities.

Chaletwo, what on earth drove you to create legendaries with the sole intent of ripping each other to shreds if they were ever woken up? Surely that's a bit… counter-productive?

To any of the dragons: Once you've killed the other two, what will you do then?

(This is if any of them can control themselves long enough to give a coherent answer. D: )

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 26
Post #14
Scyther- Will you ever visit your old home again? And do you think you might meet a female scyther you like, but this time not let her get mutilated?


  • Posts: 26
Post #15
btw, the Scyther I'm asking is Razor… xD


  • Posts: 1783
Post #16
Chaletwo: Well, at the time it seemed… more interesting. Giving them a purpose that they could rise to when they awoke, instead of having them just be there. And it would gather the other legendaries' attention. After all, I was doing it all to prove what I could do because I was young and stupid. Stop trying to make sense of me when I was young and stupid. <_<

Thunderyu: Kill them, kill them both. @-@

Yeah, I don't think they ever thought that far. :P

Scyther: I don't know. I hope we'll return there eventually, but I could never stay. As for females, I think I'm done with them.



  • Posts: 24
Post #17
Alan: Why do you nickname all of your Pokemon?
Suicune: How is being dead working for you?
Chaletwo: How old are you, exactly, and how old were you when you were young and stupid?
Polaryu: Now that you can't feel your rivals anymore, do you assume that they're dead? Are you finally satisfied?



  • Posts: 1783
Post #18
Alan: Well, it just seems like the right thing to do. They deserve to have their own names to set them apart from other members of their species. It wouldn't sit right with me to call them the same thing I would call any other Pokémon.

Chaletwo: I'm nearing a thousand years old now, since Mew created me just after the last War of the Legends. When I was young and stupid I was a couple of years old at most.

Suicune and Polaryu are unavailable for answer; check the rules again. You can only ask characters who have physically appeared in the story (Polaryu hasn't) and are currently alive (Suicune isn't).



  • Posts: 25
Post #19
Suicune the day before it gets killed: What would you do if I told you you would die tomorrow?
Volcaryu: If I said 'cheese,' what would you be thinking?


  • Posts: 26
Post #20
Gyarados: Will you stay with your trainer, or will you want to go free eventually?

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