The Quest for the Legends Forum

A tiny little forum about the fanfic.

Don't spam, don't flame, don't be disrespectful towards anyone. If you're looking for a more general discussion forum, you should probably head to the Cave of Dragonflies Forums instead.

Forum Threads Last Post
Unread The Quest for the Legends
Discuss The Quest for the Legends, its spinoffs and the minipage here.
17 Ask the Characters Go to post
By ShadowKaiserin on 04/29/2020 00:26:10
Unread Your Own Fanfiction
Writing a Pokémon fanfic of your own? Post it here to have it read, reviewed and critiqued by the community.
59 Need Pokémon logic quiz questions! Go to post
By Butterfree on 07/20/2024 14:02:59
Unread The Quest Blog
Read and comment on blog posts concerning The Quest for the Legends and the minipage here.
365 Chapter 77 illustration + 20th anniversary Go to post
By CuriousJolteon on 06/21/2024 12:41:15