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Shadow Serenity

  • Posts: 17
Post #861
@Chimpchar: The main character's name is Mark, not Max. I had no idea who you were talking about until I read the question to Mew. :P

@Butterfree: Was that link supposed to go to a specific post? Because it doesn't for me.


  • Posts: 18
Post #862
Leah: what are your pokemon and their names?
Mark, may, and allan: have any of you heard of pokemorphs? and also, who in the group do you REALLy like?
also shadow, thats supposed to go in the ask the author section

Shadow Serenity

  • Posts: 17
Post #863
@Rotom4m: I figured I'd ask it here since the link in question was posted here, and since it doesn't directly relate to the story, it wouldn't really make sense to go to a separate thread and ask about a fairly insignificant link on some other thread, would it?

I'll stop spamming this thread now, though. >.<


  • Posts: 2
Post #864
May's Raichu: How did you feel about evolving during the Pokemon Festival?

Fangcat: Were you as aggressive when you were a tancat? Are tancats as wild as fangcats or are they like any normal cat pokemon?

May: How would you feel if you know that there is an anime character outside of the story that has the same name as you and also has a Torchic like yours?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #865
May's Raichu: How did you feel about evolving during the Pokemon Festival?
Raichu: I didn't mind so much. I got a lot stronger and she taught me some TMs afterwards, and I was always neutral on evolution.

Fangcat: Were you as aggressive when you were a tancat? Are tancats as wild as fangcats or are they like any normal cat pokemon?
Fangcat: *growls at you from a distance*

This is one of those questions where it sounds like you just want to know if Tancat is as aggressive, which it isn't. It's more productive to ask such questions in Ask the Author, where the answer won't be subject to the whims of the characters you're asking.


Storm Charizard

  • Posts: 2
Post #866
(To any of Mark's Pokemon who can answer): What is the inside of your Pokeball like?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #867
(To any of Mark's Pokemon who can answer): What is the inside of your Pokeball like?
Sandslash: It's not exactly like anything. Your senses mostly black out. You feel sort of floaty and vague and can make out sounds outside if you concentrate or just let your mind wander and lose your sense of time. I find it rather pleasant.



  • Posts: 15
Post #868
you skipped mine………………..
what?am i annoying you

chaletwo:am i annoying her

I read and write up to 5 fanfics at a time. So if I get confused Deal. With. It.
Which Starter Pokémon are you?
Your Result: You are…Chimchar!

Very tough, with a rebellious streak! You aren't afraid to stand up to someone. When around a group of friends you may act as the strong, silent type. You can get angry at someone someday accidently and hurt their feelings…be careful.
Result Breakdown:

Quiz Created on GoTo Quiz

I'm not naive or lazy. witty, thoughtful, yes. And I can be tempramental if you upset me…….

Butterfree has edited this signature for being way, way too big. Don't go adding all that stuff back in.


  • Posts: 2
Post #869
Mitch and Sparky: What makes rainbows?

A man walks into a resturant and sits down. A waiter approaches and says "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to recall your Snorlax" and the guy says "Thats no Snorlax, thats my wife!"


  • Posts: 31
Post #870
May's Blaziken: Could you briefly summarize your oldest / first memories, please?


  • Posts: 2
Post #871
Mark's Gyarados: How did you make/learn/get your Dragon Beam attack?


  • Posts: 16
Post #872
May's Stantler: Do you think you will miss your herd in the Safari Zone, traveling around with May to defeat legendaries? Or were you always solitary?

Mark's Sneasel: Since becoming stronger is important, do you think you will train at hours that one would think you would normally sleep?

Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #873
@Chimpchar: Woah, dude. Firstly, stop acting like a crazed fanboy trying to please the mighty one. Secondly, Shorten the sig. Kthxbye.

Stantler: What are your first impressions of the group, May in particular?

Sneasel: If you come across a pokemon obviously much smarter and stronger than you, would you still fight it?

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"

Storm Charizard

  • Posts: 2
Post #874
May's Stantler: What was life like for you in the Safari Zone?

Mark's Sneasel: Same.


  • Posts: 87
Post #875
May: Have you ever broken a bone?
Mark: Do you think that if you let a ditto transform into a person, and tried to break a bone, would you succeed?


  • Posts: 9
Post #876
I have a question to May:
Have you ever considered using some kind of strategy
Moves? EG: Skarmory can learn Stealth rock if you find the TM, Butterfree can learn Tailwind, and possibly Mutark can learn Sucker Punch.

To Mark: Ever considered reading


  • Posts: 16
Post #877
Mark, how do you think Charmander (the Charmander you trained, not Alan's) has matured on the course on your journey-interrupted-by-Chaletwo? Specifically, what are the signs of his increased maturity, if there are any?

May's Stantler: Did it make you sad seeing that your former Trainer inexplicably hung himself? (I was wondering if you mourned for a while, or was simply stunned, shocked or flabbergasted, or if you shrugged your shoulders and left with only a little regret. I am sorry if I seem callous asking this, but the minds of Pokémon may be different from that of humans'.)


  • Posts: 20
Post #878
Mark: I just realized we have the same favorite Pokemon! *High fives*

To any character: Would you rather catch a Wobbuffet or an Absol?

In memory of the poor Sealeo that my brother evolved…I'm so sorry! I never should have let him make you into an ugly Walrein!


  • Posts: 18
Post #879
mark n' may's pokemon: if you could be anywhere at this exact moment outside of your pokeballs, where would you be (note:including letalligon)


  • Posts: 9
Post #880
I asked a question in here, but it was either removed or I just missed the answer… Anyway, May: Ever thought about using strategic moves, e.g. stealth rock, spikes, etc. I'm pretty sure Skarmory can learn spikes, as well as whirlwind… What do you think?

(Oh, one more thing: Butterfree, did you watched the DP series? In other words, can I assk a question about characters from that season?)

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