Ask the Characters

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  • Posts: 1783
Post #801
Mark: Do you think you should catch a Grass type? All of your Pokemon except Gyarados are weak to either Rock, Water, or Ground, and a Grass type could easily cover all of that. You ncould catch a Torterra (Hint,Hint).
Mark: Well, maybe I should have tried to catch one before the League, but none of the remaining legendaries are Rock- or Ground-types and it's just Charizard and Sandslash that are weak to Water, so it doesn't really matter anymore. We're going to the Ouen Safari after the Eastern Cliffs, though, so maybe I'll catch something there.

Sparky and Mitch: Coke or Pepsi?
Guitar hero or Rock Band?
Halo or C.O.D?
Hamburgers or hot dogs?
Sparky: Are those animal world video games? I wouldn't know them, so I can't judge there. As for the food, I like both drinks, but I think I prefer hotdogs.

Mitch: I don't really like fast food, but I suppose if I were to choose it would be hamburgers and Pepsi.



  • Posts: 1
Post #802
May: What's your goal in life?

May, Sparky, Mark: What's your greatest fear?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #803
May: What's your goal in life?
May: Succeeding as a trainer and earning some money.

May, Sparky, Mark: What's your greatest fear?
May: That's a stupid question. I'm not particularly afraid of anything.

Sparky: Oh, I don't know. It's so hard to put a gauge on such things. The imagination can come up with endless terrifying fates, but people can't waste their lives fearing each and every one.

Mark: Right now, I guess that we accidentally encounter the Destroyer and get maimed?



  • Posts: 31
Post #804
Mitch: 2 + 2 equals…?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #805
Mitch: Four…?



  • Posts: 3
Post #806
Ash: If Alan is your son, who is your wife? Just asking 'cause i figured she might be from the anime


  • Posts: 3
Post #807
Charizard: have you ever thought about what your life would be like if you never decided to be a starter pokémon?


  • Posts: 3
Post #808
Charizard: have you ever thought about what your life would be like if you never decided to be a starter pokémon?


  • Posts: 25
Post #809
bumble: ash's wife is an explicit "not-going-to-answer".


  • Posts: 31
Post #810
Bumble, please just use the edit button.
Also, she's already said that Ash's wife will be revealed in the epilogue, and she's not one to spoil things. In other words, we'll know eventually, but she won't tell you now.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #811
bumble, please don't post many times in a row. Just edit your post with the link in the top right to add if you have something to add after you made the first post.

Ash is not going to answer your first question because Ash's wife is a subject of deliberate suspense. :P

Charizard: have you ever thought about what your life would be like if you never decided to be a starter pokémon?
Charizard: Sometimes. I don't really know what it would have been like, though. I guess I'd have been released, but since I was raised in captivity, I wouldn't really have known how to go about life in the wild.



  • Posts: 7
Post #812
Ash: Who is your father?
Any human that will answer: Does the Pokemon World have a name or is it just called "The Pokemon World" because the animal world is called Earth.

I am ButhelChank, hear me roar!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #813
Ash: He's, well, my father. You wouldn't know him.

The Pokémon world is called "the Pokémon world" when it needs to be differentiated from the animal world. They call their planet Earth much like we do; the early animal world settlers to the Pokémon world had no idea they'd arrived on a different planet than the Earth they used to know.


Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #814
Mark: Do you worry about your team's distinct weakness to Rock, Ground and Water? Sure, you can be ignorant to building a great, efficient team, in fact, you make a better character that way. But there is a line. It's fairly common for trainers to have a Rock Pokemon with Earthquake, which could take down most of your team efficiently, with the exception of Sandslash and Gyarados. Think about it!

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #815
Mark answered not quite this question but gave pretty much exactly the answer he would give to this one a week ago.



  • Posts: 7
Post #816
May: If you were forced at gunpoint to date either Alan or Mark, who would you chose?

Alan: Will you tell your dad that you left because May's Tyrantitar killed Taylor, or will you think up some lie to tell him about why you left?

I am ButhelChank, hear me roar!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #817
May: If you were forced at gunpoint to date either Alan or Mark, who would you chose?
May: I'd disarm the guy with the gun. These sorts of scenarios are stupid.

Alan: Will you tell your dad that you left because May's Tyrantitar killed Taylor, or will you think up some lie to tell him about why you left?
Alan: I don't know. No, I guess I'll just tell him we're going to be training separately until we can battle the next legendary.



  • Posts: 25
Post #818
May: if you were forced to solve a riddle, would you solve it outright, or nitpick at its improbabilities?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #819
May: if you were forced to solve a riddle, would you solve it outright, or nitpick at its improbabilities?
May: Well, riddles usually assume something ridiculous for the sake of a good puzzle. It's different when it's just somebody positing a stupid scenario and asking what you're going to do about it.



  • Posts: 10
Post #820
Got an account just because I think this thread is an awesome idea. Heard of threads where authors interview their characters, but not where the readers ask them questions. Kudos and Touche.

Nightmare: Without scythes, how do you hunt? Do you clobber the poor Pokemon over the head with your pincers?

Also for Nightmare, with evolution many Pokemon find that their personality develops further, sometimes changing drastically, in the case of Ash's Charmeleon, and sometimes becoming wiser and more mature, in the case of Mark's Charizard. As Scizor is not a natural evolution, was their any sort of noticeable change in your personality/way of thinking? If so, what was it?

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