Posts tagged "Ash"

There are 24 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
…what? It's set exactly 27 years after the anime, Ash being 37 (and having had Alan at 22). I've stated this multiple times. I'm not that bad at making sense, am I?



  • Posts: 1783
Racko: Hoenn is a place of awe and wonder! It has forests and fields and landscapes that Ouen simply cannot match! In Hoenn the trees grow tall and the flowers bloom in their full glory! The last time I went there, I felt my Grass attacks grow in strength from the sheer power in the air. I felt much better there.

Ash: In the last few, not really, since I more or less retired. Before that happened, though, I caught a lot. I stopped focusing on the leagues as much and started catching more Pokémon.



  • Posts: 1783
Ash to SandStormBuisle: During later journeying.

May: Uh, I caught them? I found Pikachu at the Lake of Purity, Skarmory in the cliffs near Alumine, and Caterpie over in Johto just before I left for Ouen.

Alan: Pamela was a pet originally. Charlie was my proper starter, from my dad. Mist was abandoned in that box as an Eevee. Diamond I got after my failed journey in Ouen. Racko I got when I went journeying in Hoenn, Vicky too at some point during my journey there.

Ash to darthjarjar: Maybe, if they need me and I find a good opportunity to slip out without publicity.



  • Posts: 1783
May: Not very interesting ones. She has Crunch, Slash, Night Slash, Glare and so on. Mutark's niche is to become powerful enough to beat the opponent without having the best of moves.

Ash: Oh, no.

Mark: Huh?

Scyther: …favorite color? Why have a preference about colors? They're just convenient ways to distinguish objects.



  • Posts: 1783
Ash: I don't remember him very well from when I was a kid - I was pretty small then, after all. I really looked up to him, though.

Flygon: It's nice. It's a kind of freedom you don't feel when you're a Trapinch, you know? Suddenly you can move in three dimensions instead of two. It's an entirely different way of thinking.



  • Posts: 1783
As twiggylover pointed out, puredragon222's question was asked just a page or two ago.

Chaletwo to SilverLatios47: What do you mean? It has happened twice, although I think the time with the Manectric it was Alan who asked. That hardly sets a trend. I don't know what was up with Suicune, but the Manectric's body was just too damaged.

Resurrection is impossible more often than you'd think. Simple damage can be repaired by speeding up and helping the normal healing process along, but if you've got crushed bones or other irreversibly destroyed tissues, you can't repair it just like that, and recombining the soul with the body in that state would only lead to it dying painfully again.

Mark to hellfirehoundoom: Um, well, I'd still like a Vulpix. Do the Pokémon I actually have count? If so, I always wanted a Charizard as a kid. Growlithe too, really - I like a lot of Fire-types. Pidgeot too - I think they're beautiful and I like birds. And Taillow.

May to hellfirehoundoom: Well. I've got Skarmory and Tyranitar; that's two I really like. Flygon too, and Mutark though now that I've actually used her I'm a little disappointed. Outside of that, there's Garchomp, Salamence, Weavile, maybe Absol.

Ash to hellfirehoundoom: He's great. Been sort of bored since I stopped serious training, though; I try to take him on vacations so we can spend some time traveling together like the old days and fight a few battles.

Dragonite to hellfirehoundoom: Well, we were brought up in a sort of natural park with something of a population of Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite. There were humans always sort of watching over us and checking on us regularly. When we were old enough they started to talk to us about whether we'd like to stay there or be released, and whether we'd like to be released near a human-populated area or not.

Tyranitar to hellfirehoundoom: …

Scyther to twiggylover: Annoyed, mostly. He decided to antagonize me for no good reason and then wouldn't leave me alone.

Stormblade to twiggylover: I have a new friend in Nightmare, but she's not quite the same. I miss Razor and Shadowdart sometimes, but mostly it's different. Really, things have changed many times - first when Razor left, then when I met Pearl, then when she died, then when Shadowdart died… This is just another change.

Nightmare to twiggylover: It was horrible. I had no idea how to use the pincers. I kept trying to use them the way I would use my scythes and failing miserably.

He was attacked a while ago, yes. It was some Sneasel, apparently.



  • Posts: 1783
Ash: Oh, yeah. Well, sometimes I kind of miss them - they did spice things up a little - but it got tiring.

Pikachu: I had fun blasting them off, but they were annoying. I'm glad to be rid of them.



  • Posts: 1783
Mark: I went camping with my parents once when I was little. It was awful; the rain was falling in sheets and it was freezing cold. It was even worse than that night we came to Stormy Town.

May: Probably that storm when I was out training Vibrava. It was wet, at the very least. Otherwise I'm not much of an outdoors person.

Alan: Probably when I came with Dad to Thunderclap Cave that one time. I was seriously afraid I'd be struck by lightning.

Ash: I'd say that time when the legendary birds went mad in the Orange Islands.



  • Posts: 1783
Ash: Oh, yeah, all the time. I probably got on theirs too, though, looking back.



  • Posts: 1783
Ash: I've gone back and met several of them, yeah. Most of them have been doing great.



  • Posts: 1783
Ash to Scyther: I ended up winning a few, yeah. Most memorable… probably some of those adventures with raging legendaries and whatnot. Those always stand out a bit.

Weavile117, you cannot ask Chalenor anything, as he is both dead and has not had a speaking role in the story. But Arceus has pretty much sat in his own universe without communicating, yeah, mostly asleep.

Mark: Maybe. I guess traveling is inspirational to people, and I'd like to see the legendary birds and stuff when they've been freed, but I'm not too keen on traveling, at least by foot. Maybe I'll just get a car.

As for my Pokémon, well, they'll have to choose that for themselves.

May: He's not really close to anyone. Doesn't like to be touched except by me, doesn't speak, and pretty much ignores everyone else. But he battles well and is obedient, so I'm not complaining.

Mew: The legendaries? They always exist. After the War, the Creator's first job is to recreate the legendaries so that they can guard the Pokémon of the world and maintain balance in it. That is how it is and has always been.

Entei is a separate individual from Heatran, and he resides in Johto while Heatran guards Stark Mountain in Sinnoh. Some of their powers are similar, others not.

Chalenor was… a good friend. He was kind, caring, intelligent, courageous and loyal. I wish he weren't gone.

Diamond: It's pretty fun. I like it, as long as it doesn't last too long.

Vicky: *smiles mysteriously* That's for those who battle us to find out.



  • Posts: 1783
Ash: I was twenty-two.

Mitch: …No, I would not.



  • Posts: 1783
Mrs. Grodski: I had Blastoise, Raichu, Yanmega, Rhydon, Torkoal and Victreebel as my main team, with some rotation.

Ash: I don't think that would work out very well, considering it would bring a lot of unwanted attention to the quest, so no, I'm not planning to. If it came to it, I guess I might help out, but…



  • Posts: 1783
Ash: Gary more or less succeeded his grandfather as a professor in Pallet Town. He's doing work on the Pokédex now.



  • Posts: 1783
Ash: Huh? Tracey is a guy. How could he be a girl?

Sandslash: Improvising in battle is instinctual for a Pokémon. Some come to depend on the trainer's orders over time after being caught, but we've always had our opportunities to think for ourselves with Mark, so I don't think any of us ever started to lose that.

Leah: Actually, you can't have Master Balls recharged at all. They've taken pretty extensive measures to make sure no trainer can ever have more than one Master Ball, to make sure somebody doesn't just go out and capture all of the legendary Pokémon or something. Hehe.



  • Posts: 1783
Ash: It was ugly. Pokémon battling shouldn't be that way.

Alan: May should've won. She and her Pokémon battled better the whole time. I can't say I was too surprised when Taylor pulled an ace out of his sleeve, but in my mind, it doesn't really matter who technically won the battle. May was clearly the better trainer, and I'm proud of her.



  • Posts: 1783
*ahem* *cough* *pretends it's yesterday* *channels the Spirit of Bad Fanfiction*

Oh, but of course the story is going to be long! First there's the Mark/May/Alan love triangle to explore in detail, with plenty of angst on all sides. Then, though I shouldn't be spoiling this, Taylor will start pining after May too, and that's going to take some resolution. Then, after they've successfully caught all the legendaries and held hands around the Destroyer to make it evaporate, there are a few flash-forward chapters about how their relationship develops and is taken to the next level, if you know what I mean, and don't forget the epilogue where they're married and we get to see the names of their five children (as well as flashbacks to Ash and Misty's wedding, because they're Alan's parents after all).



  • Posts: 1783



  • Posts: 1783
Oh, stop with the dragon questions and attempts to find out who Alan's mom is already. Don't waste my time making me type up the same things I've already typed up fifteen billion times or sit here coming up with excuses to not tell you about Alan's mom. It's very tiring.

Floatzel: Battling is fun. Pain itself, not.

Ash: I'm still in contact with some of them. Others I haven't met in ages - would be fun to see them again.



  • Posts: 1783
Which doesn't make any sense whatsoever, because Misty isn't even a character in TQftL and Ash had a cameo in about two chapters.


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