Posts tagged "Chaletwo"

There are 80 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1784
Mark: …um, that sounds like it would be kind of bizarre. I guess I'd, uh, try to get out of it or something? I think I saw a movie like that sometime.

Letal: I want to do it.

Chaletwo: When bored? Uh, not much. Immortality kind of makes you get used to having nothing to do.



  • Posts: 1784
Chaletwo: Well, obviously I'd have revived him. Presumably we'd have done something to his memory. Not that we wouldn't first try every possible method to persuade him to help and convince him of the importance of the mission.

Flora: Well, what do you expect me to have been doing? Running the Gym is my job, so that's what I do. Also preparations for the upcoming high season of newbies.

Christopher: The Gym is very busy these days, and naturally most of them end up getting their badges, if not on their first try, then during a rematch. So yes, badges are being given out by the sackful.



  • Posts: 1784
Chaletwo: Well, at the time it seemed… more interesting. Giving them a purpose that they could rise to when they awoke, instead of having them just be there. And it would gather the other legendaries' attention. After all, I was doing it all to prove what I could do because I was young and stupid. Stop trying to make sense of me when I was young and stupid. <_<

Thunderyu: Kill them, kill them both. @-@

Yeah, I don't think they ever thought that far. :P

Scyther: I don't know. I hope we'll return there eventually, but I could never stay. As for females, I think I'm done with them.



  • Posts: 1784
Alan: Well, it just seems like the right thing to do. They deserve to have their own names to set them apart from other members of their species. It wouldn't sit right with me to call them the same thing I would call any other Pokémon.

Chaletwo: I'm nearing a thousand years old now, since Mew created me just after the last War of the Legends. When I was young and stupid I was a couple of years old at most.

Suicune and Polaryu are unavailable for answer; check the rules again. You can only ask characters who have physically appeared in the story (Polaryu hasn't) and are currently alive (Suicune isn't).



  • Posts: 1784
Polaryu: Where are they? Where did they go? Why can I not feel them? What kind of trick is this?

Chaletwo: What? That's not even possible. Polaryu doesn't even know what the hell a trainer is. And he doesn't understand human, or any language for that matter. A command to use an attack wouldn't mean anything to him. And that's aside from the fact that he wouldn't have any motive to obey even if he had any idea what was going on.



  • Posts: 1784
Chaletwo: Uh, I… suppose at full power I might be able to remove that element from them, with Mew's guidance. Yes, I guess I'll try that.



  • Posts: 1784
(Skipping Thunderyu, Volcaryu and Polaryu since you already know that they won't say anything new and that's not a question anyway.)

Chaletwo: …damn it.

…Wait, that was just some silly kid from the animal world. Never mind.

Mew: …No, I do not.

Sparky: Seven. :3



  • Posts: 1784
Mark: Huh? I… don't think that would work.

Chaletwo: Well, you can't recreate the soul. He could've made something that looked like Chalenor, but not actually him. He used Mewtwo's body to make me because he wanted to do it quickly, so he could transfer something of the original Chalenor from the eye.

Mew: That would rest on whether or not he formally released me. I do not know if he did.

You cannot ask Raikou questions, because Raikou has never appeared in this fic (though as a matter of fact, Raikou has been caught this whole time and had no opportunity to make a Chosen for himself).



  • Posts: 1784
Scyther: Didn't I tell it to Mark myself?

Chaletwo: In the void between chapters. It's a boring place.



  • Posts: 1784
About the 'Ask The Characters': Didn't you say they didn't know they were in a fic?
The other ones don't. Chaletwo is just my designated character capable of breaking the fourth wall in Ask the Characters when needed. :P

I feel like I should mention that it was essentially Butterfree who inspired me to start writing my fic; however, it was mostly her unfinished, illogically-ordered, apparently-crappy writing guide that did this, rather than TQftL.



  • Posts: 1784
Chaletwo: I really don't know. It hasn't been going too badly for Mark so far, but that's because we knew the locations of all these four beforehand, and I wouldn't know how the others are doing. There aren't many left, but there could be reason they've eluded us so far.

May: Other than what? I mean, not since Torchic. I don't think I need any more.

Alan: We've picked up his trail. Been asking some wild Pokémon if they've seen him, and we think we're on the right track, at least.



  • Posts: 1784
So what exacley ran through the dragon's minds when evreyone attacked them. Surely they couldn't be thinking the whole time MUST KILL THEM!

Just a random burst of curosity.
They don't really think. You're thinking of them as fully sapient, but they really aren't. There are creatures attacking them; they perceive the creatures as a threat and attack back, while still only looking forward to their chance to seek out the others and kill them. They don't really have the mental capacity to think about what's going on, wonder why they're being attacked or what the Pokémon are.

Think of them as… bees or something. Their sole purpose is to kill one another, just like the sole purpose of worker bees is to gather honey; it's just what they do. If they perceive something as attacking them, however, they will fight it, because being attacked and incapacitated gets in the way of further honey-gathering. Except the dragons don't kill themselves when they fight back.

Speaking of the dragons, why exactly did Polaryu escape early? I just don't understand it.
Chaletwo is always getting weaker, since the Destroyer keeps draining his power away. Eventually, the power keeping Polaryu asleep became so weak that he simply woke up. Chaletwo didn't feel it happening because Polaryu had stopped feeling the existence of the others through his sleep and thus wasn't actively struggling against the power that kept him asleep anymore.



  • Posts: 1784
Chaletwo to elyvorg: Well, how else do you think you could see it all written down?

May: …What the hell? No.

Chaletwo to dogsgofetch: My eyes can see through the fourth wall. I know all about this "fic" you've been reading.

Mew: In a book? I cannot say I pay attention to books. They are a human invention.

Letaligon: That is how evolution works. It's about the hormones released when you fight. That is how it works. And he would never let the rest of the herd assist him. He has too much pride for that.



  • Posts: 1784
Lapras: Better. I'm glad to be free.

Floatzel: Battles, battles and more battles! Battles are fun, yes?

Mark: Well, I don't like it, per se… but it feels worth it because I feel like I'm helping to save something. At first I was kind of just doing what Chaletwo told me, but after Suicune, well, I realized there's a better reason to be doing it.

Chaletwo: Well, yes, and his memories erased and the event of his death erased, but I'd have done everything in my power to make him agree to it first.



  • Posts: 1784
Chaletwo: Haven't I said this many times already? For one thing, if it were made public, the legendaries would probably hear of it and know to hide, making the search that much harder. And then there is the part where all sorts of shady trainers would be only too happy to use this as an excuse to seek out and capture legendaries, knowing they've been weakened, and then try to keep them after the War is over. Or, heck, they could be on the legendaries' side, help to hide them and protect them. We have to do this with a limited number of people we can trust. And I think I've explained this before, but the reason we picked kids is that most kids are active trainers. With an adult you never know if they released all their Pokémon years ago.



  • Posts: 1784
As twiggylover pointed out, puredragon222's question was asked just a page or two ago.

Chaletwo to SilverLatios47: What do you mean? It has happened twice, although I think the time with the Manectric it was Alan who asked. That hardly sets a trend. I don't know what was up with Suicune, but the Manectric's body was just too damaged.

Resurrection is impossible more often than you'd think. Simple damage can be repaired by speeding up and helping the normal healing process along, but if you've got crushed bones or other irreversibly destroyed tissues, you can't repair it just like that, and recombining the soul with the body in that state would only lead to it dying painfully again.

Mark to hellfirehoundoom: Um, well, I'd still like a Vulpix. Do the Pokémon I actually have count? If so, I always wanted a Charizard as a kid. Growlithe too, really - I like a lot of Fire-types. Pidgeot too - I think they're beautiful and I like birds. And Taillow.

May to hellfirehoundoom: Well. I've got Skarmory and Tyranitar; that's two I really like. Flygon too, and Mutark though now that I've actually used her I'm a little disappointed. Outside of that, there's Garchomp, Salamence, Weavile, maybe Absol.

Ash to hellfirehoundoom: He's great. Been sort of bored since I stopped serious training, though; I try to take him on vacations so we can spend some time traveling together like the old days and fight a few battles.

Dragonite to hellfirehoundoom: Well, we were brought up in a sort of natural park with something of a population of Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite. There were humans always sort of watching over us and checking on us regularly. When we were old enough they started to talk to us about whether we'd like to stay there or be released, and whether we'd like to be released near a human-populated area or not.

Tyranitar to hellfirehoundoom: …

Scyther to twiggylover: Annoyed, mostly. He decided to antagonize me for no good reason and then wouldn't leave me alone.

Stormblade to twiggylover: I have a new friend in Nightmare, but she's not quite the same. I miss Razor and Shadowdart sometimes, but mostly it's different. Really, things have changed many times - first when Razor left, then when I met Pearl, then when she died, then when Shadowdart died… This is just another change.

Nightmare to twiggylover: It was horrible. I had no idea how to use the pincers. I kept trying to use them the way I would use my scythes and failing miserably.

He was attacked a while ago, yes. It was some Sneasel, apparently.



  • Posts: 1784
Sparky to InnerDemon: You know what they say. Always look on the bright side of life. ;)

Flora: I don't flame at people for absolutely no reason! For the love of God, since when was being a bit annoyed flaming?

Sparky to steele: I think you mean "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" See, if you don't get it right, it just doesn't make any sense!

Mark: Well, Dragonite is a Dragonite. You can't really argue with that. Letaligon is strong too, but because her range of moves is a lot more limited, it's easier to take her down. So, well, you saw Dragonite in that match against May. But of course the others do better in other situations, and I don't know if Dragonite would be stronger than some other Dragonite, so it's kind of hard to call him unequivocally the best. They're all great and I'm proud of them.

May: Right now I think Skarmory's pretty great. I've been kind of disappointed in Tyranitar recently, but hopefully he'll come together and be even better.

Chaletwo: You ask weird questions because to you, we're just fictional characters you can annoy with whatever inane comment you think of.



  • Posts: 1784
Razor: Sometimes. They aren't the best food around, but if the hunt isn't going too well, you'll take whatever you can get.

Carl's Charizard: *grins* It takes a while to get to know him.

Chaletwo: No. My memory starts when Mew made me, out of Chalenor's eye and Mewtwo's body. I may have a bit of Chalenor's personality, or at least that's what Mew hoped, but no memories from either of them.



  • Posts: 1784
Chaletwo: Pokémon aren't very creative creatures. We build up strength; we fight, we love, we socialize, we interact in all kinds of ways and observe the world around us, but we don't create. Creativity is a human thing.



  • Posts: 1784
Chaletwo: Creating creatures to restore the world is… different. It's not about the creating; it's about the end result. I wanted to make something that could show Mew I could do things on my own, but the act of making them was just a means to an end.


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