Posts tagged "World"

There are 62 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
I just thought of something… What were the Ouen Route numbers in the original? Was the change the the 300's the first numbering change?
I didn't actually make an Ouen map or start mentioning route numbers until after R/S were out, so I first started it with the 200s. I wouldn't have mentioned them at all if Hoenn hadn't given a very convenient reason to believe that we knew how region routes would be numbered in the future, unlike what happened when G/S/C were out.

Do you participate in online text-based RPGs?
No. I never really got into it.

Do you, personally, play ROMs on emulators? What about ROM hacks?
Occasionally, when it's a game I can't seem to get my hands on otherwise or if I need to get screenshots. Hacks, never actually played one although I wouldn't have anything against it if there were one that I was very interested in.

Are you a huge fan of other fics? Any in particular you'd want to list?
I don't read a lot of fics, but some of my very favorites are:

- The Ties that Bind by Saffire Persian, a really sad one-shot that manages to make me cry every time I read it.
- Me and My Flame, a 53-chapter completed epic about wild Charizard, a snarky Vulpix/Ninetales and oh-so-much more.
- Tangled Web, an eight-chapter beginning of a trainer fic that in this space managed to be made of pure, unadulterated awesome thanks to the author's BEST WRITING STYLE EVER and the original plot. Can only be found on TPM now.
- The Last of Its Kind, a horror one-shot by the same author.

I am also currently following elyvorg's fic, Lost Evolution, which is pretty awesome as well.



  • Posts: 1783
…what? It's set exactly 27 years after the anime, Ash being 37 (and having had Alan at 22). I've stated this multiple times. I'm not that bad at making sense, am I?



  • Posts: 1783
I reckon that by some kind of freakish luck Mark will defeat the Elite Four…
…you do know there is no Elite Four in this fic, right? @_@ Or rather, there is an Elite Four, but those are just the previous four champions of the old-timers' league who are mostly involved with the organization and quite literally can't participate. There is no way to get the game-style league to make sense in a fanfic. It's just an anime-style knockout tournament for trainers who have had a license for less than a year.



  • Posts: 1783
What I mean by "27 years after the anime" is that the start of the fic is twenty-seven years after the start of the anime, when Ash was ten.



  • Posts: 1783
No. People can just have strangely colored and physically impossible hair in the world in general. It's not the most common hair color, but if you remember, Marge for example had blue hair too.



  • Posts: 1783
Do you feel magical now that your all graduated and such? Or do you feel like it's just like summer?
More or less like it's just summer. At least "magical" is not the word to describe it. It's funny to think about the fact I'm never going back to my old school as a student, but I'm not all "I have graduated so now I am Superman!" or something.

So, any thoughts on colloges? Then again, you don't need much more knowladge if your a web designer. (Or a writer. Or some person who makes really good rants. Or a plot developer for GameFreak…)
Technically the school I just graduated from is more of a college than a high school, but our school system is too different from yours.

I'm going to the university of Iceland to study computer science next fall.

Also, according to your LiveJournal, your pretty good at remebering dreams. Ever consider Lucid dreaming?
I've had a lucid dream once. It was pretty awesome, but rather short.

I've read all that "How to induce lucid dreaming!" stuff, but my dreams are generally just about completely unrelated to what I was doing or thinking about before I went to sleep, so I really don't think it would work very well. And I never dream about places with light switches in them, so how am I supposed to check if they work?

How much attention do you pay to the anime? I've never really given much credence to it, preferring how the games view things (eg Pokemon making sounds instead of saying their names), but recently I've been watching the first series online, and it's really good. Overall, it looks like TQftL is very similar to the anime, but I'm wondering how much is just your common sense and how much is actually drawn from the anime.
I only ever saw the first 52 episodes, since that's all that was broadcast here, plus all the movies except 6 and 7. Generally I regard the fic as being set in the anime's world (what with Ash being there and all), so I try to be mostly consistent with it (the exception is that the fic mythology needs all legendaries to be one-of-a-kind and immortal, so whatever involves multiple legendaries of the same type is disregarded). Otherwise it's just, well, whatever I think of. Were you wondering about something specific?

Question 1: if satoshi tajiri offered you $500,000 (or whatever that equals to in icelandic money if there is a special currency for you) to turn your story into an anime/manga, would you accept it?
…who in the world wouldn't? I'd get rich and get more publicity plus illustration for my fic. Of course I would. And if I didn't like the outcome, I'd just declare it noncanon and continue writing. :P

…unless you meant I'd have to pay him $500,000, in which case there's not a chance in hell. I love my monies too much. Plus I don't actually have that kind of money anyway.

Question 2: if he asked you if he could use your fake pokemon in his games, would you let him?
Depends. If I got credit for it and they didn't bastardize them, sure.



  • Posts: 1783
Sparky: Faster, more efficient metabolism and general body functions. It's the same reason as why they heal so easily.



  • Posts: 1783
I just love the actual note - the mechanical wording, the capitalization of the "variables", the general idea of implicitly accusing Mark of feeding his Pokémon steroids, and just the logic of it, really - of course the League will assume something suspicious when somebody enters with an überpowerful Pokémon like that Gyarados. Let's just say it's the sort of random thing I would find completely awesome if it were in somebody else's fic because I'm weird like that. I'm not expecting you to find it particularly remarkable or anything, but I was incredibly giddy over finally getting to write it.



  • Posts: 1783
They'd have been allowed, but the moment that Pokémon had switched out, it would be considered fainted and he would not be able to send it out again.



  • Posts: 1783
It's years after the opening of the original portal between the Pokémon world and the animal world.



  • Posts: 1783
What do you mean, putting that in the story? The point I was trying to make through their answers was that the Pokémon world in the Quest for the Legends universe has absolutely no organized religion in the sense in which we understand it and just a bit of general legendary mythology; that's hardly something that can be "put in" the story. :/ The little potential there is for doing anything with it is already in there, namely Mark's loss of "faith" in the legendaries after getting involved in Chaletwo's plan and realizing they seem to be really just flawed individuals serving their own agendas.



  • Posts: 1783
Razor: *blank look*

Charizard: …no?

(In the world of The Quest for the Legends, Pokémon are not slaughtered for food, as a matter of humane principle. They hunt each other in the wild, but good luck finding actual Pokémon meat being sold outside of the black market.)



  • Posts: 1783
No Pokémon meat whatsoever. Lame puns on real-world corporations are not excluded.



  • Posts: 1783
Victor: Well, you don't get to be an official Gym leader unless you have a theme. It's just League regulations. Rick got away with a non-type-based one, but you know he gets away with… a lot of things.

Leah: Well, we'd've hightailed it out of there. Felix can Teleport, so that wouldn't have been a problem once it was hopeless.

May: *snort* Does your world even have Pokémon? Don't get cocky about something you've never tried in real life.

But yeah, eight legendaries at once is going to be a problem. And Earthquake isn't going to cut it either, since I believe they can fly. It'll take some planning, at least. Hope we don't find them too soon.



  • Posts: 1783
…what are you talking about? No, it can't learn Fly. o_O And Pokédex entries say the darndest things. Garchomp could maybe achieve a short glide, but certainly not powered flight, at least not in this fic's universe.



  • Posts: 1783
Ouen mainly has Ash's starter Pokémon giveaways, which have a pretty wide range of starters as you've seen.

Technically the original Ouen starters were the terrible ones I created sometime in 2002/3, of which Monarking was actually the final form Water starter, but as those were terrible they're now uncanonical and instead I might finish creating a new set, but I doubt I'd ever have them appear in the ILCOE.



  • Posts: 1783
So, what happens if a Pokémon (except Sciztwo) uses more then four Moves in an official Battle?
Depends on the seriousness of the battle, what the move was and whether your Pokémon actually executes the move; in the league it's generally grounds for disqualification or at least one of your Pokémon being struck out (well, it's more like a hefty penalty in the preliminaries, but after that you're expected to have hammered the rule pretty rigorously into your head).



  • Posts: 1783
Most other sports aren't as big in the Pokémon world, pretty much just drawing in niche audiences.



  • Posts: 1783
Robert Witham: It's a disgrace. That's all I can say. I'm done working for the League.

Chaletwo: The others need to eat, yes, but not Mew and I.



  • Posts: 1783
In the fic the PC doesn't automatically heal Pokémon, no. That's just a convenience put in the games so you won't always be taking out the Pokémon you just caught from the computer and then walking out into a battle only to realize it's still asleep with 1 HP.


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