Posts tagged "Leah Donaldson"

There are 16 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
Leah: I used to live in Kanto before I became a trainer, but I've been traveling around both Ouen and Johto longer than I spent in Kanto as a trainer. My starter was a Bulbasaur. And I just evolved Felix with an inter-Pokéball transfer, since that was after I 'died' and it was simpler than doing an official trade that would draw attention to the fact I was still around and whatnot. I don't mind the questions, so ask away!



  • Posts: 1783
Leah: I already had an Ariados. Webster's been a trusty member of the team since soon after the beginning of my journey; I caught him in Viridian Forest. Wouldn't leave him behind if I were paid for it!

Battling the legendaries is a really nice challenge. I've always been kind of fascinated by them and wished I could capture one, so really, it was like a dream come true, in a way. I try not to think about the saving the world aspect of it too much, generally. It's a lot of pressure that I'd rather be without.



  • Posts: 1783
Scyther to Kitsune: I can't really hug anyone, sorry.

May to Kitsune: *rolls eyes*

May to Eloi: That's stupid. You can't just group people into predefined personality types like that. I'm me, not some "trope".

Mark to Eloi: Um, I guess she can be kind of like a Tsundere without the "dere" part? Sometimes she's a Jerkass, but other times she's all right, depending on her general mood at the moment. She's been getting better that way recently, too.

Leah to steele: Right now, my team consists of Tiberius the Venusaur, Webster the Ariados, Felix the Alakazam, Willow the Arcanine, Manos the Tentacruel and Sheena the Weavile.

Mutark: *sniffs suspiciously*



  • Posts: 1783
Leah: Nah, not really any one in particular.

Razor: We do not sheathe scythes.



  • Posts: 1783
Victor: Well, you don't get to be an official Gym leader unless you have a theme. It's just League regulations. Rick got away with a non-type-based one, but you know he gets away with… a lot of things.

Leah: Well, we'd've hightailed it out of there. Felix can Teleport, so that wouldn't have been a problem once it was hopeless.

May: *snort* Does your world even have Pokémon? Don't get cocky about something you've never tried in real life.

But yeah, eight legendaries at once is going to be a problem. And Earthquake isn't going to cut it either, since I believe they can fly. It'll take some planning, at least. Hope we don't find them too soon.



  • Posts: 1783
May: Fat chance. Somebody pop your overinflated ego with a needle.

Leah: Oh, I've caught Latias already. The only ones left now are Mew, the Waraider herd and the Color Dragons.

Used my Master Ball already too, actually. Mark probably needs his.



  • Posts: 1783
Leah: That was Lugia. He was one of my first ones and he basically destroyed my team, so…

Alan: She- *abducted by author*



  • Posts: 1783
Just give it up. You're not going to get her name. (And you couldn't ask her anyway, since she's not a speaking character in the fic.)

Charlie: Um… I prefer being a Charmander, yeah, but I don't mind being a Charizard for things like big battles. And I don't like looking tiny next to my little brother.

Leah: Well, Chaletwo was all, 'oh, no, we can't tell them about it, because there would be chaos if they knew, etc.' Personally I don't see why they can't just communicate like intelligent beings and figure it out, but you know how those legendaries are.



  • Posts: 1783
Ash: Huh? Tracey is a guy. How could he be a girl?

Sandslash: Improvising in battle is instinctual for a Pokémon. Some come to depend on the trainer's orders over time after being caught, but we've always had our opportunities to think for ourselves with Mark, so I don't think any of us ever started to lose that.

Leah: Actually, you can't have Master Balls recharged at all. They've taken pretty extensive measures to make sure no trainer can ever have more than one Master Ball, to make sure somebody doesn't just go out and capture all of the legendary Pokémon or something. Hehe.



  • Posts: 1783
Well, they're not exactly main characters - seeing as right now Leah has appeared in one chapter and the others haven't appeared at all, it would be a bit odd to make bios for them, wouldn't it? But perhaps they'll play a bio-warranting role later on, hmm? :P

Will suicune and enteis ressurection be put in the fic.
Always with those questions making unwarranted assumptions! Who says Suicune and Entei ever get resurrected in the first place? Who says it will happen before the end of the fic? You can't assume like that and I can't answer it without thus spoiling those details.



  • Posts: 1783
Letaligon (Legaltailion? What? o_O): I will watch my shiny siblings slaughter one another and then find myself another herd to live with.

Scyther: I don't know. I doubt any swarm would accept me, and I suppose maybe I'm too used to being around humans by now.

Chaletwo: All of them. I haven't exactly been in steady contact with them, but apparently Mary is looking for the Waraider herd in Ouen and Leah is searching for Mew in Johto, while I don't know about the boys. I hope they're in Ouen, at least.

Charizard: No. I think I'm much better off with Mark, in hindsight.




  • Posts: 1783
Mitch: The grass uses chlorophyll for photosynthesis, which is green.

Sparky: Why not?

Leah: Well, I've always thought it just feels more personal when they have their own names. As for picking them, I just choose something that sounds good to me and seems to fit them. Sometimes I feel like bad puns like Webster and other times it's just out of the blue.



  • Posts: 1783
Sandslash: Were you surprised that Chaletwo recruited other people in his plan to stop the war of the legends, like Leah?
Sandslash: Surprised? We knew that from the beginning. I don't understand what you're asking.

Leah: How do you feel about May and Mark apparently being more successful at capturing legends than you are?
Leah: Meh, it doesn't really count. Judging from what they said, they already knew where those legendaries were, which removes most of the challenge. If they continued at it for as long as I've been doing it, I'd bet they wouldn't end up with any more legendaries than I have.



  • Posts: 1783
Boy, I really need to catch up with these questions.

Mark: What Pokemon do you plan on catching once you arrive at the Ouen Safari?

May: Same.
Mark: I don't really know. Something good against the remaining legendaries, I suppose.

May: I… don't know.

Mark: If you could be any Pokemon, what Pokemon would you be?

May: Same.

Alan: Same.
Mark: If I had to choose? Uh, I don't know. I think I like being human. Maybe a bird Pokémon. I like them.

May: …a Psychic-type, I guess. Telepathy and teleportation would be useful.

Alan: Some Flying-type. I'd love to be able to fly on my own wings.

Mewtwo(squared): So, what's been going on with you since Taylor died? Has Rick taken you back? Does he use you? Were you released, instead? Also, similarly, how do you feel about Taylor's death?
Mewtwo^2: …

(If you just want to know, Rick has taken him back and he was not released, but he is not being used either because by now he's way too high-leveled for a first Gym of the region. And Mewtwo^2 is a bit too mind-controlled to have much in the way of opinions on Taylor's death.)

Charlie: How do you feel about the evolution/devolution?

Alan: How do you feel about Charlie's evolution/devolution?
Charlie: I'm pretty neutral about it. It can be convenient, but I don't really like to flaunt it.

Alan: It doesn't really matter to me what his physical form is, so long as he is himself.

chaletwo: how do you exactly know that you're in a fan-fic and if you know, how come mew doesn't?
Because his eyes see through the fourth wall. Look, these sorts of questions are just annoying. He nominally knows he's in a fic for convenience so that some character will be able to make fourth-wall-breaking comments in this thread. That does not mean it's some interesting canonical property of his you ought to be scrutinizing.

Mark: what would you have preffered eevee to evolve into if he didnt evolve into jolteon?
Mark: I don't know. Whatever he wanted, really.

mew: if you used future sight to see what would happen when the war would start, what do you see?
This question is nonsensical; Future Sight does not work that way.

mewtark: ~ gives bowl of milk and bowl of blood ~ what do you prefer?
Mutark: *sniffs at the milk, then eagerly goes for the blood*

may: what do you hope to replace tyranitar with?
May: I don't know, okay? Stop asking me that.

Tyranitar: ~Gives may doll~ how do you feel? ~gets female tyranitar and uses attract~ hmm?
Tyranitar: *growls suspiciously*

mark (again): do you plan on visiting the other regions just as a travvaler?
Mark: Sure, sometime when this is all over.

Rob: Have you found a pokemon to replace Scyther?
Rob: That's none of your business.

Leah: I know a guy you can call for help with Mew.
Leah: Really, who?

(No, you can't actually tell her. See the rule in the first post of the thread about not giving the characters important information they don't know in-story.)

Mark: Just a thought, but if you never formally released Mew, won't that make it impossible for anyone else to capture it? Since it's already 'marked' by a Pokéball.
Again, no giving characters important information they don't actually know in the story (or, in this case, make them think about information they haven't actually thought about). This is intentional.

Ignore the nature bit in chapter five. It makes no sense and is just another one of those goofs.

@the ditto(the one Mark battled)
how does transforming work and did it hurt as much as it would for the "real" thing when you were charizard and your tail flame got wet? oh and if you transformed into eevee would another eevees attract "make" you "love" it?
Aaron's Ditto: You just… transform. It's easy. The body transforms completely, so what's painful to them will be equally painful to me while transformed. It doesn't affect the mind, though.

@chaletwo then…how does it feel to know your not real?lol(well hey he SAID it himself;he knows)
See this answer.



  • Posts: 1783
Do all wild Pokémon have a naming system like the Scyther one?
Pokémon in general all use the same basic naming system in this fic's universe, yes. The concept was created to address the otherwise odd fact that Pokémon are fine with being referred to by the name of their species and having their trainer make up a name for them.

Also how you pronounce Leah?



  • Posts: 1783
Oh, man, I love your comments. I would totally like to write more Leah at some point, particularly Leah with Chaletwo in her head. Chaletwo's kind of resigned to needing to keep the peace with his legendary hunters by the time he gets to Mark, but I suspect Leah's how he learned that.


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