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  • Posts: 11
Post #781
I bet the Old Lady is going to say something like "What? You'll have to speak a little louder…"
Anyway, my question:
May: What has changed the most about you since you learned about the war of the legends?

So, yeah.

Doctor Horrible Count: 30 viewings


  • Posts: 1783
Post #782
Old lady: What did you say?

May isn't in the mood to answer that question right now.


Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #783
Sparky: How do you feel, as an electric pokemon trainer, about Mark having one of the most powerful electric pokemon, which was well within your grasp for a little while?

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #784
Sparky: Which Pokémon would that be? The dragon that was causing the thunderstorms? I don't know much about that, but I think having something superpowerful would only make battles less fun.



  • Posts: 87
Post #785
Mitch & Sparky- Have you ever had the misfortune of a Pokémon dying in front of you and you couldn't do a thing about it?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #786
Mitch: A Pokémon, no. They are awfully tough compared to us humans.

Sparky: Oh, no. I hope I never will.



  • Posts: 70
Post #787
May's Dad: How did your Meganium die?

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!


  • Posts: 3
Post #788
Mark: What sparked your interest for legendary Pokémon? Also, how have your opinions on legendaries changed during your journey?

Sandslash: Have you ever had interest in taking part in a Pokéathlon or any other kind of event?
Post #789
Gyarados: Do you prefer to be in your Pokéball or out of it, in the water.
Gyarados (Again): Why did you eat those kids? They could have saved you!
Mew: Who was the last Destroyer?
May: Do you, in any way, blame yourself for Taylor's… (Passing? Moving on? Trip to Kindly Old Man Simmons's Farm? Sentence to the Great Metaphorical Illegal Cloning Facility in the sky?)death?
Alan: Do you, in any way, blame May for Taylor's Untimely passing to Kindly Old Man Simmons's Great Metaphorical Illegal Cloning Facility in the Sky?
Chaletwo: What was the Dragon who survived supposed to do then?
Mitch and Sparky:Have you ever had the misfortune of a HUMAN dying in front of you and you couldn't do a thing about it?
Mitch and Sparky (again): If you were told that your town would be starved by earthquakes and pestilence assuming you don't give up your Gym and Pokémon to some random ten year old who was completely unqualified for the job, would you do it?
Ms. Grodski: Were you glad when Mark left on his Pokémon Journey?
Molzapart: What evidence do you have to prove that you're not the Destroyer, hmm?
Chaletwo: Same as above.
Mew: Same as above.

Wow, that's a lot of questions… Sorry If I asked too many.


  • Posts: 31
Post #790
Gyarados (Again): Why did you eat those kids? They could have saved you!
I believe it is mentioned that he couldn't help himself…

Mew: Who was the last Destroyer?
For all Mew knows, it is always the same Destroyer. So, the "last" Destroyer is meaningless and Mew wouldn't know anyway.

May: Do you, in any way, blame yourself for Taylor's… (Passing? Moving on? Trip to Kindly Old Man Simmons's Farm? Sentence to the Great Metaphorical Illegal Cloning Facility in the sky?)death?
Really? Is it not obvious from her reaction?

Alan: Do you, in any way, blame May for Taylor's Untimely passing to Kindly Old Man Simmons's Great Metaphorical Illegal Cloning Facility in the Sky?
See above, only with "his", instead of "her".

Nurse Joy: When you see an injured / dead Pokemon, does it make you feel worse than seeing an injured / dead human?
Post #791
*virtually kicks Kevin… IN THE FACE!*
Jk, my parole officer said that would be considered 'cruel and inhumane' and a violation of my parole.
And it matters who the last Destroyer was! We could see if there is some kind of pattern! Everything else, well, I was kinda bored, ok?
Back on topic:
Sparky: What's the weirdest thing anyone's ever ordered at your restaurant. Besides, of course, a Scyther ordering a bowl of beer.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #792
May's Dad: How did your Meganium die?
May's dad: It… it was an accident. We were in a battle against this Typhlosion, and we were desperate to win, and… it's painful to remember.

Mark: What sparked your interest for legendary Pokémon? Also, how have your opinions on legendaries changed during your journey?
Mark: I dunno. I've just always found them pretty fascinating.

Sandslash: Have you ever had interest in taking part in a Pokéathlon or any other kind of event?
Sandslash: Maybe. I've never tried it before.

Gyarados: Do you prefer to be in your Pokéball or out of it, in the water.
Gyarados: I'd rather be out of it, but being in the ball isn't bad. It's just… stasis, where you feel fine but you can't do anything.

Gyarados (Again): Why did you eat those kids? They could have saved you!
Mew: Who was the last Destroyer?
Gyarados: I ate them because I was hungry and they were too temptingly close.

Mew: Who was the last Destroyer?
Mew: …I do not know. The Destroyer has always been a mystery.

May: Do you, in any way, blame yourself for Taylor's… (Passing? Moving on? Trip to Kindly Old Man Simmons's Farm? Sentence to the Great Metaphorical Illegal Cloning Facility in the sky?)death?
May: …

Alan: Do you, in any way, blame May for Taylor's Untimely passing to Kindly Old Man Simmons's Great Metaphorical Illegal Cloning Facility in the Sky?
Alan: Well, right now I don't even really know what happened.

Chaletwo: What was the Dragon who survived supposed to do then?
Chaletwo: I didn't think it that far at the time. As I keep saying, young and stupid.

Mitch and Sparky:Have you ever had the misfortune of a HUMAN dying in front of you and you couldn't do a thing about it?
Mitch: All too often. Poisons claim many lives even after the victims are taken to me.

Sparky: I was there when my mother died. It always sits with you; it's a very surreal experience.

Mitch and Sparky (again): If you were told that your town would be starved by earthquakes and pestilence assuming you don't give up your Gym and Pokémon to some random ten year old who was completely unqualified for the job, would you do it?
Mitch: Depends on who was telling me that and why.

Sparky: I think I'd assume they were playing a practical joke until proven otherwise.

Ms. Grodski: Were you glad when Mark left on his Pokémon Journey?
Mrs. Grodski: I'm glad to be rid of him, but I can't say I'm glad his parents let him on the journey. When will he learn if they just give in to him?

Molzapart: What evidence do you have to prove that you're not the Destroyer, hmm?
Molzapart: Evidence? Why would I be trying to stop the War if I were the Destroyer? That theory is nonsense from the ground up.

Chaletwo: Same as above.
Chaletwo: What? That's ridiculous. I'm trying to stop the War. I'm not the one that needs to present evidence here. When you produce baseless conjecture like that, the burden of proof is on you.

Mew: Same as above.
Mew. …I suppose there is no such evidence. But I am not the Destroyer.

Nurse Joy: When you see an injured / dead Pokemon, does it make you feel worse than seeing an injured / dead human?
Nurse Joy of Stormy Town: Well, I suppose there is a sense of responsibility when there's a Pokémon, since keeping them healthy is my job, but injured or dead humans are no laughing matter either.

Sparky: What's the weirdest thing anyone's ever ordered at your restaurant. Besides, of course, a Scyther ordering a bowl of beer.
Sparky: Usually people just order things off the menu, so I can't say there has been anything particularly weird, can I?


The Talking Cheese, for future reference, yes, that was way too many questions, but I answered them anyway because I felt like it. Please don't ask so many questions again, and don't just ask a boatload of questions because you're bored; I have better things to do with my time than sitting here answering questions if you don't actually care about the answer.


Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #793
Mew: is it possible that you won the War because the Destroyer simply paid less attention to you because you were the weakest legedary, and drained less power from you?

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #794
Mew: The Destroyer drains all of the power of all the legendaries before the War begins. The power they have to fight with is distributed evenly between them.


Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #795
Mew: Then how could you have possibly won? Wouldn't the legendaries with higher defense and attack stats have the upper hand?

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #796
Mew: Then how could you have possibly won? Wouldn't the legendaries with higher defense and attack stats have the upper hand?
What part of "evenly distributed" is not getting through? o_O In game terms, every legendary during the War would have double the average of all of the legendaries' Attack, double the average of all the legendaries' Defense, and so on. If anything, Mew has an inherent advantage, because Mew can learn an unusually great number of moves, and those are not affected by the redistribution of the power.


Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #797
Oh, I thought it just drained away things like sp attack and sp defense.

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 11
Post #798
Chaletwo: Do you have a way to read animal world books where we are? If so, I have some books to recommend! :3

So, yeah.

Doctor Horrible Count: 30 viewings


  • Posts: 1783
Post #799
Chaletwo: No. Well, we know of some old classics from over there, but they aren't very widely read.



  • Posts: 7
Post #800
Mark: Do you think you should catch a Grass type? All of your Pokemon except Gyarados are weak to either Rock, Water, or Ground, and a Grass type could easily cover all of that. You ncould catch a Torterra (Hint,Hint).

Sparky and Mitch: Coke or Pepsi?
Guitar hero or Rock Band?
Halo or C.O.D?
Hamburgers or hot dogs?

I am ButhelChank, hear me roar!

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