Posts tagged "Molzapart"

There are 19 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
How are you going to make Charlie be able to re/de-evolve without Raintecune and Molzapart?
(If you still plan on taking them out of the story,that is.)
Molzapart's powers would be transferred onto Mementity, but even so I don't actually need Charlie to have that ability in the first place, so that's being ditched.



  • Posts: 1783
Chalenor is very significant to the story and will be very important near the end, yes, or I wouldn't have him on the advertising banner for the fic and the star of one of the styles here. But I can hardly go around telling you what kind of significance this will be exactly, can I?

Are there any characters in the story that you actually dislike, be it a personal distaste for their character or just not liking having to write for them?
No. I love all my characters. There are some I don't find particularly interesting to write, but I don't dislike them. Molzapart would count except that what I dislike is what he is rather than anything about him as a character.



  • Posts: 1783
I'm actually kind of planning on reconsidering the legendary roster already in the IALCOTN. Molzapart will probably be replaced with a fourth counterpart to Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf, Mementity, which would basically serve the same purpose in the plot. Rainteicune will be taken out altogether. Odds are I'll at least cut down the numbers of the color dragons and the unicorns, leaving perhaps three or four color dragons and one unicorn with some sort of a special ability that lets it change types at will or something like that.



  • Posts: 1783
Yes, I would still call it Waraider.

I don't even remember anymore how Molzapart was created in the ILCOE. Bleh. At least I'd made it somewhat more sensible.



  • Posts: 1783
All the cringeworthy plot aspects that don't make sense. Molzapart, Rainteicune, Alan finding Rainteicune, May's finding of Spirit and her subsequent kidnapping by the unnamed rich kid. And the poor writing in the first half of the ILCOE.



  • Posts: 1783
What gave you the idea of combining Pokemon's names to create a whole new Pokemon? :0
Uhh, Pokémon itself? All Pokémon names are portmanteaus of relevant words, and then we have "Venustoise" in the anime. It's kind of obvious.

The inspiration to combine Pokémon in the first place was Mew's Hangout's tutorial on mixing Pokémon together (not with sprites, mind you, but official art). The example was a "Chandrill", too, so even if I wouldn't have thought of "Hey, let's give them spliced names too!", it would have come from there. So then I went and made a whole bunch of images in Paint of Pokémon like "Beekachabra" and "Ponydude" and "Squirtulbamander" and "Molzapart" and "Rainteicune". Yeah.



  • Posts: 1783
So, um, just reading through the Bios, and I'm wondering if I'm having an accurate view of your line of thought here:

"Oh, Molzapart really sucks. It's a childish creation with basis in shameful ideas of Pokémon hybrids and legendary-Pokémon-of-slightly-more-oomph. I guess I should get rid of him. …And replace him with this uncalled for bastard lovechild of Azelf and a Luxray! I'm so smart!"

…otherwise, I do love that fic you're running.
You seem to be implying that Mementity is not an improvement over Molzapart, which is simply false. Molzapart is bad because he is silly and out of nowhere, his existence does not make any sense, and he has powers there is absolutely no remotely logical reason he ought to have. Mementity, on the other hand, fits in with the other legendary Pokémon, has a natural reason to have memory modification abilities, and integrates sensibly into the general backstory of the fic.

As for being a bastard lovechild of Azelf and a Luxray, she simply looks how a fourth member of the lake trio might sensibly look. Of course she looks like Azelf; they all look like Azelf. Luxray does not come into it anywhere and merely happens to have a similar color scheme and a spiky head that looks vaguely similar from this perspective.



  • Posts: 1783
Molzapart: Memory modification takes effort; it can't be thrown around casually.



  • Posts: 1783
Seriously, stop it with the attempts to hug Tyranitar or whatever. He's not there. He doesn't speak to or desire company from anyone but May. He doesn't give a damn about you, or about hugs, or about his sexiness.

Also stop trying to provoke May, because she is not listening to you.

Rick: …

Molzapart: No. Why would I need one?



  • Posts: 1783
Chaletwo: You sound like Mew. I'm not resigning myself to it just because it might be fate or the will of nature or whatever. We can still fight it, and even if it's impossible to prevent it, we're no worse off having tried.

Molzapart: Well, yes. That's just a theory. It might also be possible to stop it, and so we try. Why shouldn't we?

Mew: Why do you ask me? I am not trying to stop it.



  • Posts: 1783
Mark to ivymeleon: Umm, same as everyone's, I guess? o_O

May to ivymeleon: …That's a dumb question.

Sparky to Steele: Maybe electrical engineering. Electronics are fun to mess with. :3

Mitch to Steele: I'd stick with my antidote research, I suppose.

Sparky to elyvorg: Oh, I don't like to take sides. Why pick one over the other when you can have both? :o

Chaletwo to Joseph: It would hurt like hell but not do any lasting damage.

Chaletwo to Blue Shine: Molzapart can probably still do small-scale memory modification. I could do some mental prodding in other directions. We have plenty of options.

May to Blue Shine: …He was an idiot.

Dragonite to Blue Shine: It feels strange, but the instinct is there, you know? You have a feeling for what you're supposed to do, but it still takes a while to get used to your body all over again.



  • Posts: 1783
This is very out of the blue, but I was listening to some dramatic readings on YouTube and something possessed me to create this.

Dramatic reading of the Molzapart portion of "Molzapart and Rainteicune" by the author

I should warn you that I have the most horrible-sounding voice in the world, the worst accent ever, and really should have done more in the way of the 'dramatic' part. And I tripped up a couple of times, and I sometimes misread a little, and a couple of times I'm starting to burst out laughing and you can really hear it.

It might be good to have the text in front of you if you're going to listen to it, so for reference, you can find that in all its awful glory here.

I also recorded myself doing the first couple of paragraphs of the Rainteicune portion in two different attempts at funny voices and once the Alan detour in a normal voice, but unless you really want to hear that I will hide that away forever.

Chapter 54 is… not really coming along, I'm afraid. But uh, I'll try to poke myself to continue with it. Right now I'm in the process of going through some affiliation requests and the like, so. When I'm not taking lengthy breaks to record dramatic readings of my ridiculous fanfiction, that is.



  • Posts: 1783
…and here we go. Rainteicune, part one.

I actually tried my hand at editing here; there's one sentence I rerecorded and I cut out some fumbling in another spot. I don't know how audible it is if you don't know it's there.

EDIT: Okay, the rerecorded sentence is really, really audible thanks to the sudden lack of background hum (no idea how that happened). The cutting seems to have come out nicely, though.



  • Posts: 1783
Guess what! Chapter 54 isn't on page one anymore!

So yeah, the beginning was annoying to do, but now I'm past that and I'm on a roll. It's not going to be a very long chapter, so I've set myself a deadline of sorts - I'm going to try to get this chapter up on the fic's eighth birthday, the nineteenth (next Saturday). No guarantees here, but hey, I'm going to try.

On another note, I just ran into a… most interesting problem.

You see, I'm starting to kind of like Molzapart.

The idea of cutting Molzapart out of the fic has always been kind of sentimentally hard, what with nostalgia and everything, but hey, I'd steeled myself up into deciding I'm going to cut him out in the IALCOTN despite that. Fair enough. I mean, Molzapart was never that much of a character anyway, so who cares about cutting him out, right?

However, now I was writing this scene in chapter 54, and I realized Molzapart was going to participate in it, and now he's all there raging at Chaletwo and I think I'm starting to love him a little bit as a character. D: I mean, I was planning to have lots of fun with Mementity, but she wouldn't chew Chaletwo out like this and now I'm having this awful, "Aww, but it won't be the saaaame" feeling. Because Mementity is already defined as a character in my head and she's different and I can't just make her like Molzapart suddenly and argh.

Now I'm really hoping the fifth generation introduces a memory-based legendary that I could feel right about transferring Molzapart's personality onto. Because now he's actually getting scenes and being a character and I have the feeling by the time I'm done with the ILCOE I'm going to love him way too much to just erase him from existence. D:

Yeah. That was me rambling about my silly sentimental foolishness. Ignore me.



  • Posts: 1783
Oh, I'm not keeping Molzapart. As a concept, he's just too damn stupid for that. But I'm starting to really want to keep his character intact, not because he's particularly interesting or anything but just because I'm being a sentimental sap about it. Hence the "ignore me" bit.



  • Posts: 1783
Floatzel: I know how to be myself. If I were another Pokémon, I would have to learn to be them, but then that would be myself. It doesn't matter which one it is, hm?

Chaletwo: Not the same way as if it were happening to myself, but I'm aware of it.

Molzapart: Well, I am, give or take Chaletwo. There's no reason that shouldn't be recognized.

Old lady: What? You'll have to speak up, dear. My hearing isn't what it used to be.



  • Posts: 1783
He mentioned in the fic a while ago (and on the forums) that he is the strongest legendary out there.
Molzapart and Chaletwo are on roughly equal footing overall, power-wise; in fact, Chaletwo has the advantage because he's a true immortal and Molzapart isn't.



  • Posts: 1783
May's Dad: How did your Meganium die?
May's dad: It… it was an accident. We were in a battle against this Typhlosion, and we were desperate to win, and… it's painful to remember.

Mark: What sparked your interest for legendary Pokémon? Also, how have your opinions on legendaries changed during your journey?
Mark: I dunno. I've just always found them pretty fascinating.

Sandslash: Have you ever had interest in taking part in a Pokéathlon or any other kind of event?
Sandslash: Maybe. I've never tried it before.

Gyarados: Do you prefer to be in your Pokéball or out of it, in the water.
Gyarados: I'd rather be out of it, but being in the ball isn't bad. It's just… stasis, where you feel fine but you can't do anything.

Gyarados (Again): Why did you eat those kids? They could have saved you!
Mew: Who was the last Destroyer?
Gyarados: I ate them because I was hungry and they were too temptingly close.

Mew: Who was the last Destroyer?
Mew: …I do not know. The Destroyer has always been a mystery.

May: Do you, in any way, blame yourself for Taylor's… (Passing? Moving on? Trip to Kindly Old Man Simmons's Farm? Sentence to the Great Metaphorical Illegal Cloning Facility in the sky?)death?
May: …

Alan: Do you, in any way, blame May for Taylor's Untimely passing to Kindly Old Man Simmons's Great Metaphorical Illegal Cloning Facility in the Sky?
Alan: Well, right now I don't even really know what happened.

Chaletwo: What was the Dragon who survived supposed to do then?
Chaletwo: I didn't think it that far at the time. As I keep saying, young and stupid.

Mitch and Sparky:Have you ever had the misfortune of a HUMAN dying in front of you and you couldn't do a thing about it?
Mitch: All too often. Poisons claim many lives even after the victims are taken to me.

Sparky: I was there when my mother died. It always sits with you; it's a very surreal experience.

Mitch and Sparky (again): If you were told that your town would be starved by earthquakes and pestilence assuming you don't give up your Gym and Pokémon to some random ten year old who was completely unqualified for the job, would you do it?
Mitch: Depends on who was telling me that and why.

Sparky: I think I'd assume they were playing a practical joke until proven otherwise.

Ms. Grodski: Were you glad when Mark left on his Pokémon Journey?
Mrs. Grodski: I'm glad to be rid of him, but I can't say I'm glad his parents let him on the journey. When will he learn if they just give in to him?

Molzapart: What evidence do you have to prove that you're not the Destroyer, hmm?
Molzapart: Evidence? Why would I be trying to stop the War if I were the Destroyer? That theory is nonsense from the ground up.

Chaletwo: Same as above.
Chaletwo: What? That's ridiculous. I'm trying to stop the War. I'm not the one that needs to present evidence here. When you produce baseless conjecture like that, the burden of proof is on you.

Mew: Same as above.
Mew. …I suppose there is no such evidence. But I am not the Destroyer.

Nurse Joy: When you see an injured / dead Pokemon, does it make you feel worse than seeing an injured / dead human?
Nurse Joy of Stormy Town: Well, I suppose there is a sense of responsibility when there's a Pokémon, since keeping them healthy is my job, but injured or dead humans are no laughing matter either.

Sparky: What's the weirdest thing anyone's ever ordered at your restaurant. Besides, of course, a Scyther ordering a bowl of beer.
Sparky: Usually people just order things off the menu, so I can't say there has been anything particularly weird, can I?


The Talking Cheese, for future reference, yes, that was way too many questions, but I answered them anyway because I felt like it. Please don't ask so many questions again, and don't just ask a boatload of questions because you're bored; I have better things to do with my time than sitting here answering questions if you don't actually care about the answer.



  • Posts: 1783
Today it has been ten years since I wrote my first piece of Pokémon fanfiction. By which, of course, I mean Molzapart and Rainteicune.

Incidentally, it has also been ten years since Chibi Pika (also known as the creator of the best thing ever) started their silly often-revised still-in-progress legendary-heavy Pokémon fanfic, because clearly we are psychic twins. So clearly the essence of today is best described with this thing they drew for me that is also the best thing ever. :D

So yay.

Chapter sixty is going pretty well. I've been busy with tests, but since today was also the day of my last test, I'm going to be able to get going with that again now. Whoo.


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