Posts tagged "Sparky"

There are 40 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
(Skipping Thunderyu, Volcaryu and Polaryu since you already know that they won't say anything new and that's not a question anyway.)

Chaletwo: …damn it.

…Wait, that was just some silly kid from the animal world. Never mind.

Mew: …No, I do not.

Sparky: Seven. :3



  • Posts: 1783
You were not supposed to know. I just worded it as if it were obvious because it seemed more fun. :P



  • Posts: 1783
Sparky: Faster, more efficient metabolism and general body functions. It's the same reason as why they heal so easily.



  • Posts: 1783
Raichu: Well, it was unexpected, but not too bad. I was always pretty neutral on evolution anyway, but it was a pretty scary experience to be there all of a sudden. First I thought she'd changed her mind without telling me.

Sparky: Oh, it's been wonderful. Old former inhabitants are already returning to town, and a lot of clean-up work is getting done. I think the town will be back to its former self in no time. :)



  • Posts: 1783
Sparky: Because a sheep. ;)

Mitch: *raises eyebrow*

Gyarados: I don't care.

Spirit: It is a disappointment to be barred from participation, but I cannot say it surprises me. I will live with it.



  • Posts: 1783
Sparky: Is that a string concatenation or a numerical addition?

Mitch: Two…? o.O



  • Posts: 1783
Mark: *blank look*

May: What did you put in those exactly?

Alan: Um, thanks?

Sparky: Otherwise all those Swablu would really stick out. ;)

Mitch: Because of the properties of electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths.



  • Posts: 1783
Sparky: I enjoy surfing the Internet, watching sci-fi, reading webcomics and playing video games, though the last one is most fun with Nurse Joy.

Mitch to blazheirio889: I like to read, largely nonfiction but also fiction of various flavors. I'm interested in biology, so a lot of my books are on that. And, of course, in my professional interests, a lot about poisons, venom and antidotes.

Mitch to InnerDemon: Once I was asked to help identify a venom. The victim's skin had begun to melt before we could figure it out; I was very shaken by it. Sadly, by that point it was too late.



  • Posts: 1783
Sparky to InnerDemon: You know what they say. Always look on the bright side of life. ;)

Flora: I don't flame at people for absolutely no reason! For the love of God, since when was being a bit annoyed flaming?

Sparky to steele: I think you mean "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" See, if you don't get it right, it just doesn't make any sense!

Mark: Well, Dragonite is a Dragonite. You can't really argue with that. Letaligon is strong too, but because her range of moves is a lot more limited, it's easier to take her down. So, well, you saw Dragonite in that match against May. But of course the others do better in other situations, and I don't know if Dragonite would be stronger than some other Dragonite, so it's kind of hard to call him unequivocally the best. They're all great and I'm proud of them.

May: Right now I think Skarmory's pretty great. I've been kind of disappointed in Tyranitar recently, but hopefully he'll come together and be even better.

Chaletwo: You ask weird questions because to you, we're just fictional characters you can annoy with whatever inane comment you think of.



  • Posts: 1783
Sparky: I've always thought what a person finds hot is their own business. :3

Mitch: *stares at Sparky with a disturbed expression and forgets to answer for himself*



  • Posts: 1783
Sparky to Emerald Espeon: I like to think it can chuck however much wood it likes. You can't just lump all woodchucks together as if they don't have individual tastes and preferences. ;3

Mitch to blazheirio888: That venom was from a rare Ouen-native Pokémon named Spinnomer. It's a sort of spider - very rare, but powerful. Normally the venom doesn't do that, but that man had been bitten several times by a high-level one.

Sparky to blazheirio888: That would be quite… electrifying. :D

I don't mind the random questions. The attention is rather flattering and fun. :3

Mitch to blazheirio888 (again): I imagine it would be quite painful if you're a human. A Pokémon, of course, would think little of it - it's not much more powerful than a good Thunder attack.

I don't quite see why you keep asking these questions, and I'm a busy man, but when they're questions, they aren't too bad.

steele, those aren't questions. Please don't just make random statements for the sake of having the characters react to them. Either ask questions or make statements that sensibly prompt an answer. Those warrant a raised eyebrow at most. :/

Michael: I think they were pretty disappointed and confused… in a way I wish I'd told them what was wrong, but then they'd start worrying about me and I don't want that. I tried to continue training, really, but after a while I just couldn't. I just hope they're happy in the wild.

Aaron: Well, yeah; she beat me, after all. I still thought I might win all the way up until the end when she pulled out her Tyranitar. I can't take on Pokémon like that with only one and a half Pokémon left. They still put up a good fight, though.



  • Posts: 1783
May: I'd get it back. Didn't Quilava teach you anything?

Sparky: It was okay. My mother died of cancer when I was seven, and that kind of brought it down.

Mitch: My life was pretty normal when I was a kid. I had a good family and friends. Then I went out on that Pokémon journey of mine, and, well…

Butterfree: I've been fine. I haven't gotten into a lot of League battles, but I understand that.



  • Posts: 1783
Ouch, I've been neglecting this thread lately.

Razor to InnerDemon: Challenging Nightmare to that duel. It's what started the entire ordeal.

Nurse Joy to InnerDemon: *smiles* I had a Treecko as my starter, a Wingull, a Teddiursa, a Geodude, a Leta and a Numel as my main team - as time went by, they eventually evolved, of course. And battling first while he watched, yes, he would do that. Always under the pretense of being a gentleman, of course. The sneaky bastard.

Sparky to yllfll: She had ovarian cancer.

Sparky to elyvorg: Oh, I haven't given it much thought why I am the way I am. I do like your theory. 83

Alan to steele: Er, well, she's… twelve. o_O It would be weird.

Mark to steele: *freaked-out expression*

May to steele: Oh, sod off with the romance questions. I have better things to do than think about boys in the middle of the League. Besides, Mark is a wimpy plush toy and Alan is a preachy goody-two-shoes.

Raitwo to SandStormBuisle: He's Master.

Mewtwo^2 to SandStormBuisle: …

Funny things, those Clone Balls.



  • Posts: 1783
Alan: I'm not angsty! I just don't like it when people expect me to be a duplicate of Dad, that's all.

Mitch: It was odd, but not so much more odd than everything else that had also happened to me, so I didn't think that much of it.

Sparky: But it's an electric blue!



  • Posts: 1783
Sparky: Well, the kids told me it was some sort of a dragon, and there is a previously unknown cavern that's opened up and is all clawed out on the inside, so as far as I can tell it all adds up.

Carl: Crater Town is still gone. I keep in touch with most of the inhabitants where they are now, and we are hoping to establish a community somewhere else, but for now we're all only staying with friends and relatives.

In the meantime, I've set up a temporary Gym and have had a few battles in it so far.

Mitch: I suppose the most memorable one was the first clear one I had, at the hospital after I returned to Scorpio City. I looked at an old man in a bed as it was being rolled down the hall, and suddenly I was certain that he was dying. I saw his name in the obituaries a few days later. I tried to tell myself I'd just seen he was pale and sickly or something like that, but deep down I knew that wasn't it.

Mark: It's… *looks* 0439522166.



  • Posts: 1783
Mrs. Grodski: Hrm, probably Garchomp.

Mitch: Scorplack.

Sparky: Oh, I love them all. I couldn't possibly choose just one or a few.



  • Posts: 1783
Scyther: Sparky's bio has a picture now, something elyvorg drew for my birthday, if you want a reference.

I'm… not sure whether to be flattered or disturbed. x3



  • Posts: 1783
What do you prefer to drink on a regular day?
Water, unless there happen to be soft drinks available.

Ehh, the goatee mustache thing'll be a problem. Any (serious) suggestions? I suppose I could just cut some hair of and glue it, but that'd be weird.
It's not like you'd ever look exactly like him anyway; just ignore it.



  • Posts: 1783
Sparky: Oh, all kinds. My favorites tend towards adventure games and she's a more RPG and strategy-ish type, but we'll play pretty much anything that looks entertaining. And when we're together, it likes to end up being silly fighting games.



  • Posts: 1783
Sparky: I've been following it with Joy. It would have been nice to see May win, but I can't say it surprised me. I battled Taylor myself, after all, and though the League seems to have ignored my call about him, it was obvious his Pokémon had power that just couldn't be matched fair and square.


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