Posts tagged "Rainteicune"

There are 9 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1784
Chaletwo: I really don't know. It hasn't been going too badly for Mark so far, but that's because we knew the locations of all these four beforehand, and I wouldn't know how the others are doing. There aren't many left, but there could be reason they've eluded us so far.

May: Other than what? I mean, not since Torchic. I don't think I need any more.

Alan: We've picked up his trail. Been asking some wild Pokémon if they've seen him, and we think we're on the right track, at least.



  • Posts: 1784
I'm actually kind of planning on reconsidering the legendary roster already in the IALCOTN. Molzapart will probably be replaced with a fourth counterpart to Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf, Mementity, which would basically serve the same purpose in the plot. Rainteicune will be taken out altogether. Odds are I'll at least cut down the numbers of the color dragons and the unicorns, leaving perhaps three or four color dragons and one unicorn with some sort of a special ability that lets it change types at will or something like that.



  • Posts: 1784
All the cringeworthy plot aspects that don't make sense. Molzapart, Rainteicune, Alan finding Rainteicune, May's finding of Spirit and her subsequent kidnapping by the unnamed rich kid. And the poor writing in the first half of the ILCOE.



  • Posts: 1784
What gave you the idea of combining Pokemon's names to create a whole new Pokemon? :0
Uhh, Pokémon itself? All Pokémon names are portmanteaus of relevant words, and then we have "Venustoise" in the anime. It's kind of obvious.

The inspiration to combine Pokémon in the first place was Mew's Hangout's tutorial on mixing Pokémon together (not with sprites, mind you, but official art). The example was a "Chandrill", too, so even if I wouldn't have thought of "Hey, let's give them spliced names too!", it would have come from there. So then I went and made a whole bunch of images in Paint of Pokémon like "Beekachabra" and "Ponydude" and "Squirtulbamander" and "Molzapart" and "Rainteicune". Yeah.



  • Posts: 1784
If you had to kill off Alan, how would he die?
Probably sacrificing himself to save everybody else. He's all heroic like that. Either that or I'd make it as crushingly pointless and futile as possible.

Also, can you write a few extras on Alan's adventure with the whole finding Rainteicune thing?
Preferably not. I'm trying hard enough to forget I ever wrote it in in the first place already.



  • Posts: 1784
Alan: Molzapart did most of the work, really. He was pretty alarmed, but he understood how important it was and trusted me, so it wasn't a problem.



  • Posts: 1784
This is very out of the blue, but I was listening to some dramatic readings on YouTube and something possessed me to create this.

Dramatic reading of the Molzapart portion of "Molzapart and Rainteicune" by the author

I should warn you that I have the most horrible-sounding voice in the world, the worst accent ever, and really should have done more in the way of the 'dramatic' part. And I tripped up a couple of times, and I sometimes misread a little, and a couple of times I'm starting to burst out laughing and you can really hear it.

It might be good to have the text in front of you if you're going to listen to it, so for reference, you can find that in all its awful glory here.

I also recorded myself doing the first couple of paragraphs of the Rainteicune portion in two different attempts at funny voices and once the Alan detour in a normal voice, but unless you really want to hear that I will hide that away forever.

Chapter 54 is… not really coming along, I'm afraid. But uh, I'll try to poke myself to continue with it. Right now I'm in the process of going through some affiliation requests and the like, so. When I'm not taking lengthy breaks to record dramatic readings of my ridiculous fanfiction, that is.



  • Posts: 1784
…and here we go. Rainteicune, part one.

I actually tried my hand at editing here; there's one sentence I rerecorded and I cut out some fumbling in another spot. I don't know how audible it is if you don't know it's there.

EDIT: Okay, the rerecorded sentence is really, really audible thanks to the sudden lack of background hum (no idea how that happened). The cutting seems to have come out nicely, though.



  • Posts: 1784
Would you consider making a spin-off about Alan's journey to catch Rainteicune?
I actually answered almost that exact question a while ago.


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