Posts tagged "The best thing ever"

There are 5 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
So Chibi Pika hasn't yet responded to my plea to crosspost this here but I imagine they won't mind.

BASICALLY this makes every goddamn minute of the nine years I've spent writing this fic completely worth it. Chibi Pika is God. The end.

(Context: a silly joke in the QftL thread on Serebii about how Chaletwo is going to decide to become a pimp and stop caring about the War of the Legends. But you shouldn't care about the context, damn it.)

And, uh, chapter 58 is almost done. But who cares about the chapter when you can have pimp!Chaletwo? :D



  • Posts: 1783
Today it has been ten years since I wrote my first piece of Pokémon fanfiction. By which, of course, I mean Molzapart and Rainteicune.

Incidentally, it has also been ten years since Chibi Pika (also known as the creator of the best thing ever) started their silly often-revised still-in-progress legendary-heavy Pokémon fanfic, because clearly we are psychic twins. So clearly the essence of today is best described with this thing they drew for me that is also the best thing ever. :D

So yay.

Chapter sixty is going pretty well. I've been busy with tests, but since today was also the day of my last test, I'm going to be able to get going with that again now. Whoo.



  • Posts: 1783
Because they made this.

I want to flail and put it everywhere, but I'll settle for putting it here (and also in the fic art section when the internet cooperates).



  • Posts: 1783
If you read Morphic, you'll be delighted to hear the ever-amazing Negrek has written "Dave and Mia Discuss The Quest for the Legends" in celebration of my QftL half-life day (I'm calling it that now, okay). It is the best thing ever (not to be confused with this or this). :D

(If you don't read Morphic, be advised that it contains stronger language than TQftL usually does, and Negrek has faithfully reproduced that aspect.)



  • Posts: 1783
So for my birthday, Negrek wrote this magnificent one-shot about whether or not Chaletwo could totally kick Molzapart's ass. I hereby declare it required reading.

Chapter 65 is still dragging on; I've just been having a hard time getting myself to finish off the edits I need to make because they're annoying edits (modifying an entire legendary battle in accordance with a major change made near the beginning of it). I promise to continue to do my very best to poke myself into doing it.


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