Posts tagged "Chaletwo"

There are 80 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
Chaletwo: What? Uh, as long as they aren't threatening, I'd let them, I suppose. Why?



  • Posts: 1783
Letaligon (Legaltailion? What? o_O): I will watch my shiny siblings slaughter one another and then find myself another herd to live with.

Scyther: I don't know. I doubt any swarm would accept me, and I suppose maybe I'm too used to being around humans by now.

Chaletwo: All of them. I haven't exactly been in steady contact with them, but apparently Mary is looking for the Waraider herd in Ouen and Leah is searching for Mew in Johto, while I don't know about the boys. I hope they're in Ouen, at least.

Charizard: No. I think I'm much better off with Mark, in hindsight.




  • Posts: 1783
Chaletwo: None of mine have refused. They were chosen to be the sorts of people who'd be up for it, after all. And I'm always sure to go and copy the body before any burial or cremation happens.

Sparky: What with the different worlds and different times and all, I doubt you'd know any of the ones I read. Though I'd love to share them if I could.

Stormblade: There are around twenty to forty individuals, generally.



  • Posts: 1783
Marge: I journeyed in Hoenn. People are well familiar with double battling outside of it, of course, but it's not as popular here. I don't see why.

Chaletwo: I don't know. It's probably nobody we know - the Waraider herd and the Color Dragons would have a major power imbalance if one of them were the Destroyer and that should have consequences we haven't seen. My bet is it's some unknown legendary sealed away somewhere or something of the like.

Mew: You wouldn't know her. Her name was Iriesce. She died in the last War and wasn't recreated.

Pikachu: Nah. It was a collaborative decision. We both felt kind of spent after all those years of traveling.

Tyranitar: …



  • Posts: 1783
Chaletwo: They've been captured.



  • Posts: 1783
Carl: I have set up a temporary Gym near the volcano where I battle them outside. Puzzles and junior trainers are for Gym leaders who don't trust themselves to take on whoever comes in.

Chaletwo: Well, he was an asset, but May is right in that keeping him around could cause even more trouble. At least the legendaries are getting weaker.



  • Posts: 1783
Chaletwo: You sound like Mew. I'm not resigning myself to it just because it might be fate or the will of nature or whatever. We can still fight it, and even if it's impossible to prevent it, we're no worse off having tried.

Molzapart: Well, yes. That's just a theory. It might also be possible to stop it, and so we try. Why shouldn't we?

Mew: Why do you ask me? I am not trying to stop it.



  • Posts: 1783
Chaletwo to zeKieranator: No way. Mew is the Creator, and if he were the Destroyer he'd hardly have told us the War was starting again, much less the Beasts, would he?

Chaletwo to Ramenlord: Deoxys is affected. We don't know why. There could theoretically be more legendaries existing without our knowledge whether they're affected by the Destroyer or not, but we have to hope that someone would have noticed them by now.



  • Posts: 1783
Chaletwo: Well, it's kind of irritating, but anything that could help us get to the bottom of this is a good thing, I suppose.

Sparky: They're pretty awesome, yeah. 83

Mitch: I always had a soft spot for ninjas.



  • Posts: 1783
Mark to ivymeleon: Umm, same as everyone's, I guess? o_O

May to ivymeleon: …That's a dumb question.

Sparky to Steele: Maybe electrical engineering. Electronics are fun to mess with. :3

Mitch to Steele: I'd stick with my antidote research, I suppose.

Sparky to elyvorg: Oh, I don't like to take sides. Why pick one over the other when you can have both? :o

Chaletwo to Joseph: It would hurt like hell but not do any lasting damage.

Chaletwo to Blue Shine: Molzapart can probably still do small-scale memory modification. I could do some mental prodding in other directions. We have plenty of options.

May to Blue Shine: …He was an idiot.

Dragonite to Blue Shine: It feels strange, but the instinct is there, you know? You have a feeling for what you're supposed to do, but it still takes a while to get used to your body all over again.



  • Posts: 1783
Chaletwo: I've already explained this. When the last of our power is taken by the Destroyer, that includes our true immortality. During the War, we are all equal.

(This is all in chapter 39.)



  • Posts: 1783
Chaletwo: Continue to live my life without having to worry about the War.

Mark: *confused* As in pi the number?



  • Posts: 1783
No. That's a property of his eyes being the way they are; while Pokémon with a bunch of extra power can learn to manipulate that power in new ways, they can't just change the details of their organs.



  • Posts: 1783
Chapter 54: Reunion

It's the shortest chapter in a while, at only six pages, but there is stuff happening in it.

Some ramblings, because I'm in a rambly mood; not exactly spoilery:

I love Chaletwo's self-deprecatingness. To be honest I never really took special note of it before, what with my characters being written on instinct more than with any conscious awareness of their individual traits, but then today I was on the bus reading over the chapter and I suddenly realized, oh, God, Chaletwo hates himself. Well, not quite hates himself, but he's so delightfully bitter about his own mistakes and failures and uselessness and how little he knows. It's so fun being able to constantly discover new things about the characters I made up. Which sounds completely paradoxical, but yeah.

This chapter contains the strongest language in this entire fic. Scyther's Story had a couple of F-words, but the worst the main fic has used until now is 'damn'. This has been in the planning for stupidly long; one of the reasons I included silly detailed ratings with the early HMMRCIG chapters when I posted them on forums for the longest time was so that I could suddenly warn for more profanity than usual in this chapter. It's not even all that remarkable when it's used, but hopefully the sudden precision F-strike adds a little impact.

I was also reading through the chapter plan and am starting to think I should really make a bit more out of a couple of plot points than currently planned. Hmm.


Shadow Serenity

  • Posts: 17
Chaletwo was never really a "replacement" Mewtwo, far as I know. If the fic were compared to the anime/movies, it's supposed to have taken place -after- all those movies, and though the exact length of time was mentioned somewhere already, that information escapes me at the moment.

So, um… the movies wouldn't change, really. They've already all happened before the fic started.


  • Posts: 1783
Mewtwo still exists. In chapter 25, Chaletwo explained why Mewtwo's body was there in the prologue, namely that he was taken back in time, but where the fic is now, this has not yet happened. It's 27 years after the beginning of the anime.

Mutark will shift back into its first form when the battle is over. If it's returned to its Pokéball, it'll go back when it's sent out again and the battle is no longer going on.



  • Posts: 1783
Chaletwo: Well, of course I'm not hanging around in Mark's head forever. I'll trust the kids to not go blabbing to everyone what we were doing.

Sparky: Oh, we're wonderful. :3 There's so much more business for both of us and more people to meet - townsfolk we used to know years ago have returned, too.

We haven't done anything about the name yet - it's been such a short time, after all - but a change is probably in order.

Nightmare: For now, I'm staying. The new Leader will be determined in a series of duels as traditional when the Leader dies outside of a duel.



  • Posts: 1783
Floatzel: I know how to be myself. If I were another Pokémon, I would have to learn to be them, but then that would be myself. It doesn't matter which one it is, hm?

Chaletwo: Not the same way as if it were happening to myself, but I'm aware of it.

Molzapart: Well, I am, give or take Chaletwo. There's no reason that shouldn't be recognized.

Old lady: What? You'll have to speak up, dear. My hearing isn't what it used to be.



  • Posts: 1783
Mark to Rose: Well, I guess I'm starting to stick up for myself a bit more, maybe, and taking more responsibility? It's kind of hard to judge these things yourself.

Old lady to Rose: Lots of things! I love knitting. My grandchildren just can't get enough of my sweaters.

Chaletwo to Brock: Physically, we're genderless. We're immortal and don't reproduce, and therefore we don't have genitalia. Some have a grammatical gender preference.

Carl to Brock: The town is gone, but the former inhabitants still keep in touch. We hope to establish a new community somewhere else.

Spirit to Brock: I feel nothing while in spirit form.

Mark to Kevin: Well, technically they don't think I'm dead, per se, but they'd remember it if I walked in front of them or something. Anyway, I'm guessing… or hoping… that Chaletwo and Molzapart can fix that somehow when they're back at full power, so…



  • Posts: 1783
He mentioned in the fic a while ago (and on the forums) that he is the strongest legendary out there.
Molzapart and Chaletwo are on roughly equal footing overall, power-wise; in fact, Chaletwo has the advantage because he's a true immortal and Molzapart isn't.


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