Posts tagged "Flora"

There are 2 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
Chaletwo: Well, obviously I'd have revived him. Presumably we'd have done something to his memory. Not that we wouldn't first try every possible method to persuade him to help and convince him of the importance of the mission.

Flora: Well, what do you expect me to have been doing? Running the Gym is my job, so that's what I do. Also preparations for the upcoming high season of newbies.

Christopher: The Gym is very busy these days, and naturally most of them end up getting their badges, if not on their first try, then during a rematch. So yes, badges are being given out by the sackful.



  • Posts: 1783
Sparky to InnerDemon: You know what they say. Always look on the bright side of life. ;)

Flora: I don't flame at people for absolutely no reason! For the love of God, since when was being a bit annoyed flaming?

Sparky to steele: I think you mean "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" See, if you don't get it right, it just doesn't make any sense!

Mark: Well, Dragonite is a Dragonite. You can't really argue with that. Letaligon is strong too, but because her range of moves is a lot more limited, it's easier to take her down. So, well, you saw Dragonite in that match against May. But of course the others do better in other situations, and I don't know if Dragonite would be stronger than some other Dragonite, so it's kind of hard to call him unequivocally the best. They're all great and I'm proud of them.

May: Right now I think Skarmory's pretty great. I've been kind of disappointed in Tyranitar recently, but hopefully he'll come together and be even better.

Chaletwo: You ask weird questions because to you, we're just fictional characters you can annoy with whatever inane comment you think of.


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