Posts tagged "Lapras"

There are 7 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
Lapras: I've had enough of trainers for now. Maybe in some years, but I doubt it. I can start a new life here.



  • Posts: 1783
Lapras: Better. I'm glad to be free.

Floatzel: Battles, battles and more battles! Battles are fun, yes?

Mark: Well, I don't like it, per se… but it feels worth it because I feel like I'm helping to save something. At first I was kind of just doing what Chaletwo told me, but after Suicune, well, I realized there's a better reason to be doing it.

Chaletwo: Well, yes, and his memories erased and the event of his death erased, but I'd have done everything in my power to make him agree to it first.



  • Posts: 1783
Lapras: I have been all right since I left.



  • Posts: 1783
May: You know, I'm not even going to bother anymore. You're just going to insist on antagonizing me no matter what I say.

Flygon: She's okay. She helps me win a lot of battles now and she's happy with me.

Lapras: I did not really want to be a trainer's Pokémon, but I gave it a chance. I do not know if I would still be giving it a chance with Mark. I never knew him that well.



  • Posts: 1783
Lapras: I have been all right. I've gotten mostly adjusted to life in the wild by now.



  • Posts: 1783
Lapras: There aren't many Lapras in the world and I have yet to find any, but I hope I will.

May: …I don't know. I really don't know anymore.



  • Posts: 1783
Chaletwo: I'm confused about Arceus's place in the war of legends. Has anyone captured him? Did he create the universe, or are the Sinnoh myths false?
Chaletwo: Arceus has nothing to do with it. He is usually sleeping in his own universe, and he isn't affected by the Destroyer and doesn't participate in the War. As I understand it, he created the universe but has only interfered with it a couple of times since.

Lapras: How has life been treating you since you were released?
Lapras: It has been fine. I have yet to find another Lapras, but I enjoy being free.

Letaligon, Quilava, and Tyrannitar: same as above
Letaligon: …All right, I suppose.

Quilava: I'm part of a colony of Cyndaquil and Quilava now. It was a bit weird adjusting to life in the wild, but I'm having a better time now than I ever was with my trainers.

Tyranitar: …


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