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  • Posts: 11
Post #141
I know he's dead. I wasn't aiming for anything like speaking with Mark and them, but whatever.


  • Posts: 5
Post #142
Are there any characters in the story that you actually dislike, be it a personal distaste for their character or just not liking having to write for them?

May the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields,
and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #143
Chalenor is very significant to the story and will be very important near the end, yes, or I wouldn't have him on the advertising banner for the fic and the star of one of the styles here. But I can hardly go around telling you what kind of significance this will be exactly, can I?

Are there any characters in the story that you actually dislike, be it a personal distaste for their character or just not liking having to write for them?
No. I love all my characters. There are some I don't find particularly interesting to write, but I don't dislike them. Molzapart would count except that what I dislike is what he is rather than anything about him as a character.



  • Posts: 200
Post #144
Who is this Opaltiger, anyway? You always talk about her, and I would like to meet her..

Also, did you ever consider creating a stylesheet with Mark's team? The Chalatwo one hurts my eyes, and the Chalenor one is all fine and dandy, but not your best work.

And while we're on the topic of styles, which one do you generally use when looking at your website?

Lastly, I seem to remeber someone stealing your sprites (you had it on your FAQ at one point) and when I went there, all the pictures were taken out. I know its a little late to be asking this now since this question is a bit outdated, but did you hack them?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #145
opaltiger is the guy who made the second post on this page of this very thread. :P He's male and his name is not capitalized, by the way. Notable among my Internet friends because he visited me in real life last summer.

The reason I have the Chaletwo and Chalenor stylesheets is that they are light and dark, allowing the user a preference of whether they like to read light text on a dark background or dark text on a light background. Other stylesheets would not actually fit in and serve rather little of a purpose.

On here I always use Chaletwo style, but the style I use on the main site varies. Often I just use the default style, unless it's something I really don't like, in which case I generally switch to Roar of Time, Torkoal Lava or Articuno Snowflake depending on my mood at the time.

Lastly, I seem to remeber someone stealing your sprites (you had it on your FAQ at one point) and when I went there, all the pictures were taken out. I know its a little late to be asking this now since this question is a bit outdated, but did you hack them?
…what? No. o_O


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #146
So, Butterfree, now that we know of Heart Gold and Soul Silver, what are your reactions?

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #147
Silly names, but at least they're better than "DuskGold" and "DawnSilver".



  • Posts: 200
Post #148
Of course, Dragonfree is going to have all the info before because of the whole she-can-read-Japenese thing. Hmph.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #149
…I can't read Japanese. Or rather, I can transcribe Hiragana and Katakana (only two of the three writing systems), but that doesn't give me the faintest idea what the hell any of it means. Two semesters of Japanese doesn't give you much.

Besides that I'd have to actually live in Japan to get CoroCoro or anything else to derive useful Japanese information from before Serebii/Pokébeach/Bulbanews get their hands on it.


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #150
I want to use some Fakemon inspired by your Fakemon guide, can I use them in my Fic?

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #151
What do you mean, "inspired by"? If you're copying the Malkee line or something, preferably not, but if you just made a fake Pokémon following my guide, of course you can.


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #152
Are you planning on making a Scyther Story III? I keep on having weird speculations on what happens next, I'll spare the details.

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #153
No, there will not be a Scyther's Story III. All there is to be told has already been told. We will hear more from the Scyther swarm in the future of The Quest for the Legends, but there is no spin-off material there.



  • Posts: 200
Post #154
Do you feel magical now that your all graduated and such? Or do you feel like it's just like summer?

Anyway, you have more than just your family and friends proud of you, you have over a million people.

Seems as if Pokemon will always be part of our lives. Funny how just a simple video game can get us together like this.

Back to erm, not spammy stuff.

So, any thoughts on colloges? Then again, you don't need much more knowladge if your a web designer. (Or a writer. Or some person who makes really good rants. Or a plot developer for GameFreak…)

Also, according to your LiveJournal, your pretty good at remebering dreams. Ever consider Lucid dreaming?


  • Posts: 5
Post #155
How much attention do you pay to the anime? I've never really given much credence to it, preferring how the games view things (eg Pokemon making sounds instead of saying their names), but recently I've been watching the first series online, and it's really good. Overall, it looks like TQftL is very similar to the anime, but I'm wondering how much is just your common sense and how much is actually drawn from the anime.


  • Posts: 39
Post #156
Question 1: if satoshi tajiri offered you $500,000 (or whatever that equals to in icelandic money if there is a special currency for you) to turn your story into an anime/manga, would you accept it?

on a slightly unrelated but still related question

Question 2: if he asked you if he could use your fake pokemon in his games, would you let him?

Ummmm… So… Yea… Theres a Darthjarjar here now… Soon… All the internet forums will be filled with Darthjarjars…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #157
Do you feel magical now that your all graduated and such? Or do you feel like it's just like summer?
More or less like it's just summer. At least "magical" is not the word to describe it. It's funny to think about the fact I'm never going back to my old school as a student, but I'm not all "I have graduated so now I am Superman!" or something.

So, any thoughts on colloges? Then again, you don't need much more knowladge if your a web designer. (Or a writer. Or some person who makes really good rants. Or a plot developer for GameFreak…)
Technically the school I just graduated from is more of a college than a high school, but our school system is too different from yours.

I'm going to the university of Iceland to study computer science next fall.

Also, according to your LiveJournal, your pretty good at remebering dreams. Ever consider Lucid dreaming?
I've had a lucid dream once. It was pretty awesome, but rather short.

I've read all that "How to induce lucid dreaming!" stuff, but my dreams are generally just about completely unrelated to what I was doing or thinking about before I went to sleep, so I really don't think it would work very well. And I never dream about places with light switches in them, so how am I supposed to check if they work?

How much attention do you pay to the anime? I've never really given much credence to it, preferring how the games view things (eg Pokemon making sounds instead of saying their names), but recently I've been watching the first series online, and it's really good. Overall, it looks like TQftL is very similar to the anime, but I'm wondering how much is just your common sense and how much is actually drawn from the anime.
I only ever saw the first 52 episodes, since that's all that was broadcast here, plus all the movies except 6 and 7. Generally I regard the fic as being set in the anime's world (what with Ash being there and all), so I try to be mostly consistent with it (the exception is that the fic mythology needs all legendaries to be one-of-a-kind and immortal, so whatever involves multiple legendaries of the same type is disregarded). Otherwise it's just, well, whatever I think of. Were you wondering about something specific?

Question 1: if satoshi tajiri offered you $500,000 (or whatever that equals to in icelandic money if there is a special currency for you) to turn your story into an anime/manga, would you accept it?
…who in the world wouldn't? I'd get rich and get more publicity plus illustration for my fic. Of course I would. And if I didn't like the outcome, I'd just declare it noncanon and continue writing. :P

…unless you meant I'd have to pay him $500,000, in which case there's not a chance in hell. I love my monies too much. Plus I don't actually have that kind of money anyway.

Question 2: if he asked you if he could use your fake pokemon in his games, would you let him?
Depends. If I got credit for it and they didn't bastardize them, sure.



  • Posts: 200
Post #158
So what exacley ran through the dragon's minds when evreyone attacked them. Surely they couldn't be thinking the whole time MUST KILL THEM!

Just a random burst of curosity.


  • Posts: 10
Post #159
Speaking of the dragons, why exactly did Polaryu escape early? I just don't understand it.

Look behind you!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #160
So what exacley ran through the dragon's minds when evreyone attacked them. Surely they couldn't be thinking the whole time MUST KILL THEM!

Just a random burst of curosity.
They don't really think. You're thinking of them as fully sapient, but they really aren't. There are creatures attacking them; they perceive the creatures as a threat and attack back, while still only looking forward to their chance to seek out the others and kill them. They don't really have the mental capacity to think about what's going on, wonder why they're being attacked or what the Pokémon are.

Think of them as… bees or something. Their sole purpose is to kill one another, just like the sole purpose of worker bees is to gather honey; it's just what they do. If they perceive something as attacking them, however, they will fight it, because being attacked and incapacitated gets in the way of further honey-gathering. Except the dragons don't kill themselves when they fight back.

Speaking of the dragons, why exactly did Polaryu escape early? I just don't understand it.
Chaletwo is always getting weaker, since the Destroyer keeps draining his power away. Eventually, the power keeping Polaryu asleep became so weak that he simply woke up. Chaletwo didn't feel it happening because Polaryu had stopped feeling the existence of the others through his sleep and thus wasn't actively struggling against the power that kept him asleep anymore.


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