Ask the Author

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  • Posts: 39
Post #81
How many chapters do you plan to make the story?

Ummmm… So… Yea… Theres a Darthjarjar here now… Soon… All the internet forums will be filled with Darthjarjars…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #82
I don't exactly "plan" to make the story any particular number of chapters; I don't care how many chapters it is. However, I've estimated that it'll probably end up as something between seventy and eighty chapters.



  • Posts: 69
Post #83
That would be telling them there's reason for them to be upset. :P

Although I think "all of them" is a pretty good approximation. Shippers are scary, man.


  • Posts: 7
Post #84
Could you give me the links for the pages that have been removed from the menu? Could you Dragonfree?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #85
Writing guide - what I have of the new guide is essentially at the top with the entire old guide at the bottom.

Art Thieves, Click Here!

Dannichu's breeding theory

Polursine's evolution theory

Apocalypse Raichu's genetics theory


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #86
I can't seem to log out, why?

Also, where were you? You've been gone for about a week

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 7
Post #87
Thanks Dragonfree!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #88
I can't seem to log out, why?
Some problem with your browser's cookie handling?

Also, where were you? You've been gone for about a week
Um, no, I haven't. If you're thinking of your question in Ask the Characters, I simply first saw it when I didn't have time to answer it, and then forgot you had asked it.

Incidentally, for the love of God, your signature is longer than all your posts put together. You can have one of those things, but no more. (Or, well, alternatively, you could put two side by side.) If you don't edit it yourself, I'll have to add the functionality for me to edit users' profiles and that would be a bother.



  • Posts: 200
Post #89
Did your parents ever get mad at you for spending so much time on the computor? (Mine do O.o)

Do you get annoyed from me sending all these emails about Javascript?

What would you think if someone wrote a fic with you and Shadey in it?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #90
Did your parents ever get mad at you for spending so much time on the computor? (Mine do O.o)
Mostly for staying up way too late as a result of being on the computer. And my mom considers it the biggest failure of their parenting that they didn't limit our computer time. (I still firmly believe that doing so would have been the worst thing they could have done to me when I was thirteen or fourteen.)

Do you get annoyed from me sending all these emails about Javascript?
No, not at all. I like helping people.

What would you think if someone wrote a fic with you and Shadey in it?
:P That depends on who the person was and what the fic was like. Somebody I know writing a parody of us could be hilarious. If it were some random person who has never talked to either of us, on the other hand, or if it was actually trying to be serious, it would be rather strange. o.O



  • Posts: 7
Post #91
Can I save your sprites to my computer as long as I don't use them in anything?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #92
Yes, you can. Don't my sprite terms of use say that already?



  • Posts: 52
Post #93
Well, looks like we're going back into another dead phase now that the people here have all read the chapter….>_> Anyway:

Have you ever inspired somebody to write a fic? If so, how did you react and/or feel?

What was the biggest case of plot-block you've experienced so far in writing TQftL? How long did it take for you to overcome it?

(Somewhat silly question) What is your favorite question EVER?

Did playing Explorers of Time have any effect on the selection of certain minor Pokémon that are going to appear in the fic?

Why would[\i] having less computer time when you were fourteen be so bad?

Worst fear?

P.S: While I was skimming through your half way finished writing guide, the example for a character idea you talked about jumped out at me; the boy who doesn't dream. The reason for that was that I had a concept idea that went along the lines of: “what if somebody who had Cresselia and Darkrai went powerhungry and enslaved the human race by rewarding people who followed his orders with lucid dreams and torturing anybody who opposed him with nightmares ?”. I didn't really know who could possibly oppose such a force, so I ditched the idea. Then, when I saw your dreamless character, I nearly fell off my chair in surprise. I would have SO totally wrote something if I wasn't so busy revising Bug III. What do you think about this?(Sorry about the brick of text, it seems like my line breaks are not being read properly)

-___________- Kaw.

Days without a new chapter: 1 and counting.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #94
Have you ever inspired somebody to write a fic? If so, how did you react and/or feel?
I think a couple of people have told me my work inspired them to write a fic. My general reaction is a sort of half-flattered, half-worried that they might go make the same mistakes I did kind.

What was the biggest case of plot-block you've experienced so far in writing TQftL? How long did it take for you to overcome it?
I've never really encountered plot block with the fic at all, since I've been making up the plot that far ahead of time. :/ I thought I'd have plot block after chapter 38, but then I just realized I could make chapter 39 to connect it to the next thing that was going to happen. Now, as you know, I have mapped out everything up to chapter 53 (now 55). The first possible plot block I could have is after that.

What is your favorite question EVER?
What, question in general, or question I've gotten here?

Did playing Explorers of Time have any effect on the selection of certain minor Pokémon that are going to appear in the fic?
…what? No. o_O Why would it? You say "certain minor Pokémon" as if you know of some particular future minor Pokémon, but I don't think I do.

Why would having less computer time when you were fourteen be so bad?
Because I felt like crap in eighth and ninth grade and without my website I would probably have grown up to be very sad, very dependent on my best real-life friend, have clung to her when we moved on to our current school stage (as it is we went to different schools), never have gotten a boyfriend or become a remotely likeable person, and generally remained an arrogant, hostile, socially challenged know-it-all. I'd probably be on my way to university to sell my soul as a mathematician while still writing badly written fantasy fiction that never goes anywhere in my free time.

Worst fear?
Realistic fear of something that could happen to me, or just most frightening situation I can imagine in general?

While I was skimming through your half way finished writing guide, the example for a character idea you talked about jumped out at me; the boy who doesn't dream. The reason for that was that I had a concept idea that went along the lines of: “what if somebody who had Cresselia and Darkrai went powerhungry and enslaved the human race by rewarding people who followed his orders with lucid dreams and torturing anybody who opposed him with nightmares ?”. I didn't really know who could possibly oppose such a force, so I ditched the idea. Then, when I saw your dreamless character, I nearly fell off my chair in surprise. I would have SO totally wrote something if I wasn't so busy revising Bug III. What do you think about this?
What, as in writing a story with a dreamless protagonist rising up against that villain? Sure; could be interesting if done right.



  • Posts: 52
Post #95
Quotes won't work for me now either. Great.

Anyway, both (which applies for both questions that need specification).

-___________- Kaw.

Days without a new chapter: 1 and counting.


  • Posts: 7
Post #96
Remember when your sprite terms of use said that you could save them to your computer? Why did you remove that?


  • Posts: 200
Post #97
If someone online told you they were radomly coming to Rejavak and they wanted to meet them, what would you do?

Oh, and I don't think you give enough credit to yourself. You're always very modest in evrey situation.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #98
Okay. My favorite question ever… no idea, really. Nothing comes to mind. :/ Favorite question here may be the one about what I would do if somebody told me all the main characters of The Quest for the Legends had gotten over seventy points on a Mary-Sue litmus test. Or possibly the one about translating the entire fic to Icelandic. And "How long had you been planning for Floatzel's capture before it happened?" Or "Have you ever thought about a sequel?" Though those are less because of the questions themselves and more because of the answers. :P

In terms of generally scary situations, knowing I am going to die or experience horrible pain at some particular point in the future and being powerless to stop it is probably at the top of my list, along with various moral dilemma situations and being forced to cause somebody else pain or death.

As a realistic personal fear, I have to say, silly as it is, that it is probably that my site and my fic get permanently wiped out somehow. :/

Remember when your sprite terms of use said that you could save them to your computer? Why did you remove that?
Did I? Well, it's a kind of a given; you're not exactly doing anything with them when you save them to your computer for the sole purpose of looking at them later. But I believe I've had some art thieves tell me "Oh, I'm sorry! I had them saved and thought I made them!" or something silly like that, too.

If someone online told you they were radomly coming to Rejavak and they wanted to meet them, what would you do?
If you mean Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland, sure.

Oh, and I don't think you give enough credit to yourself.
:/ You can enjoy my work if you want and I'm glad you do, but I still don't think I'm a very good writer, sorry.


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #99

I edited it.

About the 'Ask The Characters': Didn't you say they didn't know they were in a fic?

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 120
Post #100
Have you ever inspired somebody to write a fic? If so, how did you react and/or feel?

I think a couple of people have told me my work inspired them to write a fic. My general reaction is a sort of half-flattered, half-worried that they might go make the same mistakes I did kind.

I feel like I should mention that it was essentially Butterfree who inspired me to start writing my fic; however, it was mostly her unfinished, illogically-ordered, apparently-crappy writing guide that did this, rather than TQftL.

Is this an even bigger worry, I wonder?

Sad is happy for deep people.

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