Ask the Author

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  • Posts: 1784
Post #101
About the 'Ask The Characters': Didn't you say they didn't know they were in a fic?
The other ones don't. Chaletwo is just my designated character capable of breaking the fourth wall in Ask the Characters when needed. :P

I feel like I should mention that it was essentially Butterfree who inspired me to start writing my fic; however, it was mostly her unfinished, illogically-ordered, apparently-crappy writing guide that did this, rather than TQftL.



  • Posts: 52
Post #102
Makes you wonder what would have happened if you finished that guide, huh? It also poses the question of 'how the *explicive* did that happen?'. (The real reason why I even asked that specific question was to see Butterfree ramble on about how she inspired somebody to write one of her favorite fics, Lost Evolution. Imagine my surprise when she failed to even mention it; let alone be completely clueless about her role in inspiring it.) So, Butterfree, you mentioned something about being HALF flattered? ;D

-___________- Kaw.

Days without a new chapter: 1 and counting.


  • Posts: 120
Post #103
Waitwaitwait, how did you know Butterfree was the reason I started writing Lost Evolution, SlowCrow?

And also, does this mean you're still reading it despite having not posted in its thread since the first time you did so a while back?

In a vague attempt to be on-topic: The Ash Ketchum-wannabe that May talked about earlier in the Ask The Characters thread - would that happen to be that overexcited kid who got the Pichu from the starter giveaway?

(I think I'm just fixated on that event after having successfully noticed that Aaron first appeared there.)

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 1784
Post #104
I did not know that I had any part in inspiring Lost Evolution. Or if I did, I'd forgotten. o.o

In a vague attempt to be on-topic: The Ash Ketchum-wannabe that May talked about earlier in the Ask The Characters thread - would that happen to be that overexcited kid who got the Pichu from the starter giveaway?
Yes, that would be him. :P



  • Posts: 52
Post #105
Well, I remember you mentioning it in the first post of the topic on the Serebii forums (where you also said that Lost Evolution was your first fic. You LIAR! <envy>Nobody without previous writing experience can write chapters that long with such quality and personality! I should know, I've tried. </envy>) Maybe you've edited it between last summer, which is when I started reading, and now and you simply forgot about it. As for the second question, let me respond by saying one of the last lines of the last chapters I read: “Wait, she knew that Swablu." :D As for why I haven't posted AT ALL, it's due to the fact that I couldn't make more of a contribution other than saying “Good job, keep it up!” which REALLY grinds my gears since that type of comment just wastes space. Not to say that they're completely useless, ego boosts are good, but they don't have enough substance to improve your story. Speaking of of substance, I remember the halariously ironic situation that came with Butterfree's first post in your topic. You should know what happened (concerning certain overly antagonizing portrayals of a certain Pokemon and an unholy wall of text). But I found it ironic that the person who inspired you actually put you into a state of writer's block AND lowered self esteem (I know how it feels, she did the same thing to me with her reviews about my fic, Bug III. I STILL haven't recovered from the block she gave me. >_>). She did that because she actually liked your fic, in another ironic twist. Aaanyway, I love your fic. Keep writing.<\brick of text>

-___________- Kaw.

Days without a new chapter: 1 and counting.


  • Posts: 1784
Post #106
D: Don't get writer's blocks because of meee! Bug III was very interesting! It's just so much easier to go on about the bad parts than the good ones!



  • Posts: 120
Post #107
Having spent a lot of yesterday re-reading bits of my fic's and TQftL's SPPf threads for the heck of it, I'm pretty sure that the only time I ever mentioned Butterfree being the inspiration for LE was in a brief afterthoughty-type comment at the end of the first review I posted in the TQftL thread. It's not mentioned in the first post of LE's thread, nor did I mention it there and then edit it out; I'd remember if I had.

Good to know you're still a reader (although it was an Altaria, not a Swablu xP), but it's a shame you don't comment just because you can't find anything to criticise. Most of my readers (except Butterfree but she's just awesome like that) rarely find anything negative to mention, but that doesn't stop them from giving fairly juicy comments about various parts they liked with perhaps some speculation, and I love them for it. You certainly seem capable of a similar thing yourself.

And incidentally, Butterfree's first review didn't block me or lower my self-esteem, it simply slapped me into reality and greatly embarassed me, which hurts, but doesn't cause writer's block. That chapter was mostly being slow due to Christmassy distractions and laziness.

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 52
Post #108
Are you sure? I don't ever remember going to the TQftL topic before, but that could just be due to my extremely hazy memory. Oh well, what matters now is that Butterfree knows that she inadvertantly inspired your fic.

(Directed at Butterfree) I know you didn't mean to give me writer's block, but it still kinda happened. I was glad that you took the time from your probably busy internet schedule to look through my fic (giving me three classes worth of grammar lessons along the way, which, in retrospect, was very kind of you) and give me feedback when no one else on the SPPf boards did.

However, when you did that, you were kind of forward, basically pointing to just about EVERY flaw in the fic. This made the bulk of your post “negative” feedback and just a few lines of positive comments (which, at the time, felt like false comfort). When I eventually posted the fifth chapter, you never responded, nor did anybody else. Looking at all of what you said about the fic, the lack of any other feedback, and the problems that plagued my fic made me embarrassed to even look it anymore; so I just gave up. I made somewhat of an attempt to restart it on the fic board here, but when the database blew up, I stopped trying. Nobody even seemed to really care about its absence THAT much (you never really seemed to care when I mentioned it here several times).

So, a year passes and I decide to go through some of my old text files on my computer, coming across my 'horrible' Bug III. I My embarrassment of it still lingered, but for some reason, I felt like looking at your comments. When I looked through them, I realised that you actually LIKED my fic as opposed to hating it. This brings us to now, where I'm still in a phase of writer's block and still trying to work out how I'm going to work out the plot to a non-trainer's journey fic. It's only now that I see how much I cheated myself from doing something I enjoyed and how right you were. >_> It still doesn't change the fact that I have writer's AND plot block.

-___________- Kaw.

Days without a new chapter: 1 and counting.


  • Posts: 200
Post #109
K' then….

Dragonfree, if someone ran away to your house (your adress isn't that hard to find, but, then again, no one can obbsess like I can,) told your parents you were helping them with alderbra, then went up to you and told you they ran away here and that they were never going back, then somehow you guys get in some weird medevil movie about assaisnating the king, what would you do?

And, erm, in dedication to you, I set my third watch on my wrist to Iceland time. It's one in the morning there now.


  • Posts: 52
Post #110
>_> Yeah, let me say a couple things here:

1.) Butterfree is now somewhere in Switzerland on a short vacation. She won't be back until next Tuesday, so she will probably respond to these posts then (unless she happens to get some free time and a computer to make a quick comment here and there).

2.) Fetch (I don't care what your actual board name is, that's what I'm calling you), the above post has a run-on sentence, I suggest fixing it before anybody else goes "lol wut? @_@".

3.) Isn't the time on these boards already GMT (in other words, Icelandic time)? Isn't it a little redundant to show somebody that lives in Iceland on a board that has the same time as Iceland that you have the time it is currently in Iceland? Just saying. >_> (What is your second watch for anyway?)

-___________- Kaw.

Days without a new chapter: 1 and counting.

Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #111
Urm… SlowCrow, when I'm writing this, it's been five days since Chapter 47.

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 120
Post #112
I feel like pointing out that Iceland isn't GMT; it's GMT-1.

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 1784
Post #113
Dragonfree, if someone ran away to your house (your adress isn't that hard to find, but, then again, no one can obbsess like I can,) told your parents you were helping them with alderbra, then went up to you and told you they ran away here and that they were never going back, then somehow you guys get in some weird medevil movie about assaisnating the king, what would you do?
Assume it was a really fun dream and then have fun. :P I can't respond realistically to a scenario that involves getting into a medieval movie about assassinating a king.

1.) Butterfree is now somewhere in Switzerland on a short vacation. She won't be back until next Tuesday, so she will probably respond to these posts then (unless she happens to get some free time and a computer to make a quick comment here and there).

3.) Isn't the time on these boards already GMT (in other words, Icelandic time)? Isn't it a little redundant to show somebody that lives in Iceland on a board that has the same time as Iceland that you have the time it is currently in Iceland? Just saying. >_> (What is your second watch for anyway?)
The time on these boards is actually the time on the server, which is in London.

I feel like pointing out that Iceland isn't GMT; it's GMT-1.
No, it's not! >:/ We're the ones who are GMT all year round, because unlike you silly Brits (and half of the rest of the world but whatever), we don't confuse ourselves by randomly changing the clock in the summer!



  • Posts: 69
Post #114
No, it is GMT. It's the UK that's currently in GMT+1 because of DST.

eta: and I would have beaten her to it, too, if it weren't for the damn server >:(


  • Posts: 200
Post #115
(Wow, I can't belive I started this whole thing on time in these forums, which is totally irrelavant. But whatever, I win! ^-^)

More irrelavant stuff! Why the heck do we change the time, anyway? So it's day more? Jerkfaces…..

To stay at least a bit on topic, why is it, Dragonfree, that you know English better than half of us who have it as our first language?

Also, I am not a silly Brit, I am a silly American! (Unless you want to count me as one, since I live in the New England states, but that would be a bit weird.

why do you wear two watches any way?

Well accually, I wear three watches. One's Iceland, one's Greenwitch Meridian, and ones East Atlantic, in milatary time. And the acual reason I wear three watches is what you'll have to go without. It kind of just happened.

I used to have just one watch, then I lost that in creek outaide my house, so I bought another watch, then in a series of events far too intracate to go into right now, I found my first watch, and I wore both because I didn't want either to feel left out. Then my friend bought me a third watch, and now it's the present.



  • Posts: 39
Post #116
Lol… Silly Brit… GMT is for kids…

Ummmm… So… Yea… Theres a Darthjarjar here now… Soon… All the internet forums will be filled with Darthjarjars…


  • Posts: 69
Post #117
Well accually, I wear three watches. One's Iceland, one's Greenwitch Meridian, and ones East Atlantic, in milatary time.

24 hour time, please. It's only called military time in the US - in many countries, 24 hour time is the standard.


  • Posts: 1784
Post #118
To stay at least a bit on topic, why is it, Dragonfree, that you know English better than half of us who have it as our first language?
Foreigners often have an advantage when it comes to learning language, because they won't be as easily fooled by homophones, at least if they learn pretty much exclusively through reading as I did (that also makes me likely to spell better than an average native speaker), and they'll actually read up on grammar and punctuation rules that the natives know only to the extent to which they're ingrained in their sense of the language. On the other hand, native speakers have a bigger vocabulary, though the foreigner can improve that by reading enough, and they have that sense of the language that the foreigner lacks, meaning the foreigner might butcher figures of speech or say awkward phrases that a native would never use. A language like English is especially easy for a foreigner to speak, since it's rather regular and thus having an internal sense of the language is not as important as in, say, Icelandic, where it is pretty much necessary if you're going to try to form grammatically correct sentences.

Also, I am not a silly Brit, I am a silly American! (Unless you want to count me as one, since I live in the New England states, but that would be a bit weird.
By "you silly Brits" I was referring to, well, Brits. o.O It was a response to elyvorg, who is a Brit. You were not in any way implicated.

Lol… Silly Brit… GMT is for kids…



  • Posts: 52
Post #119
^ Yeah, that last sentence you responded to was a joke based off an American cereal commercial. It would usually follow a set format: the cereal's mascot, an anthropomorphic white rabbit, would try to obtain the advertised cereal (Trix) from children by tricking them in various ways, but he always fails at the end. The targeted children would then say to the rabbit, "Silly rabbit, Trix (Pun on the word 'tricks') are for kids!".

>_> Jarjar just modified that quote to comment on the GMT hour system, but apparently, Icelanders don't have Trix.

-___________- Kaw.

Days without a new chapter: 1 and counting.


  • Posts: 1784
Post #120
Huh. You learn something new every day.


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