Posts tagged "The Cave of Dragonflies"

There are 13 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
Do you ever intend to put that writing guide where it's accesible on the menu bars?
Maybe when it's, you know, actually finished. :o As in when it's not a mismatch of the revised guide and the old one that shamelessly repeats and contradicts itself thanks to this. Seriously, I don't get how people can look at that guide and be puzzled that it's not on the menu. It's extremely WIP at the moment.



  • Posts: 1783
Did you purposely put a butterfree, charzard, scyther, and gyarados in the fic because they were the mascots for the main site, or was that just a coincidence? ( sorry i cant really word questions that well…)
I put Charizard and Butterfree into the fic because they were my favorite Pokémon, Gyarados and Lapras because they were my favorite Water-types, Jolteon and Raichu because they were my favorite Electric-types, Sandslash and Tyranitar because they were my favorite Pokémon that used Ground attacks, and so on (Mark and May's teams were meticulously planned before I really started the fic). Charizard and Butterfree were also the mascots of the site because they were my favorite Pokémon. Scyther became one of my favorite Pokémon after I wrote him into the fic, and Scyther was added in as a site mascot (or at least part of the splash history) after that (again, because it was one of my favorite Pokémon). And Magikarp was put there because I thought the "Splash" joke was too good to resist and I already had an excuse to include Magikarp in the site's collection of potential inhabitants.

How long had you been planning for Floatzel's capture before it happened?
Uh, a couple of hours. I was writing chapter 43, had Mark and May out at sea, her needing a new Water-type, and realized she would do something about it. "Oh, hey, maybe Floatzel?"



  • Posts: 1783
Could you put the old writing guide back on the menu?
No, because it's under reconstruction and does not make any sense as it is right now. As it was before, it was not very good.

How about the art thieves click here?
That was stupid and pointless and just a random place to vent my frustrations about art theft. Now that I have a Wall of Shame, it is really obsolete, and it is not as if it was ever going to convince anybody not to steal art. If I were to bring it back, it would just be an article about my most amusing experiences with art theft - no alerts.

Or the old fan theories?
Didn't you read my lengthy breakdown of why I wanted to take them down? From the 03/17/08 update:

* I stopped accepting fan content a while ago. It seems weird to have a few random pages of submitted content still there. This is a pretty minor reason, though.
* It seems like half of the time I get an e-mail mentioning these theories, whether positively or negatively, the author mistakenly believes that I wrote it despite the italicized names of the real authors noted at the top of each page. So basically I keep getting either showered with praise I don't deserve or attacked for opinions that aren't even my own. Both feel considerably awkward.
* It seems kind of stupid that my site, which contains some of my own theories about the Pokémon world and is generally pretty much in its entirety written by me, contains these other theories, parts of which I distinctly disagree with. Even if it were clear to everyone who read them that I didn't actually write the theories, having them on my site definitely does seem to imply that I approve or agree with them, which, well, I largely don't. I've been kind of uncomfortable with that from the beginning, actually, but had them up anyway because I was letting people submit fan content.
* Following that: although I haven't personally made any plans to create a Pokémon breeding theory of my own as I just figure they do it the same way we do, Pokémon genetics and evolution are subjects that I myself have wanted to write theories about for a while. Obviously it would be kind of odd to have two completely different theories about Pokémon genetics or evolution on my site, one of which is mine and the other not. And that probably-coming-soon theory I mentioned above does slightly touch upon Pokémon breeding such that it would be rather incompatible with Dannichu's breeding theory, as well.
* The breeding theory in particular was written in 2003 and can well be considered outdated at this point since it revolves around the three fairies, Mew, Celebi and Jirachi. We now have Manaphy and Shaymin as additions to this group, and technically it would make the most sense if they also had some role in the process following the original theory's logic. This doesn't entirely invalidate the theory, but it shakes its foundations in the same way as the fourth generation shook the foundations of my Zodiac.

Then I put up the theory of Pokémon gender ratios and genetics, and that along with the Pokémon evolution and Pokéballs theory I'm going to write at some point in the future basically contradicts everything in the old fan theories.

I liked them very much and I need you to bring them back.
You don't "need me" to bring them back. They're still there, at exactly the same URLs they used to be; I can give you the links if you absolutely must keep reading them. But I will not put them back on the menu because I don't actually endorse their content anymore.

And why did Suicune have to die?
Because otherwise the entire Gyarados/Spirit/legendary beasts subplot would make absolutely no sense.



  • Posts: 1783
Writing guide - what I have of the new guide is essentially at the top with the entire old guide at the bottom.

Art Thieves, Click Here!

Dannichu's breeding theory

Polursine's evolution theory

Apocalypse Raichu's genetics theory



  • Posts: 1783
Okay. My favorite question ever… no idea, really. Nothing comes to mind. :/ Favorite question here may be the one about what I would do if somebody told me all the main characters of The Quest for the Legends had gotten over seventy points on a Mary-Sue litmus test. Or possibly the one about translating the entire fic to Icelandic. And "How long had you been planning for Floatzel's capture before it happened?" Or "Have you ever thought about a sequel?" Though those are less because of the questions themselves and more because of the answers. :P

In terms of generally scary situations, knowing I am going to die or experience horrible pain at some particular point in the future and being powerless to stop it is probably at the top of my list, along with various moral dilemma situations and being forced to cause somebody else pain or death.

As a realistic personal fear, I have to say, silly as it is, that it is probably that my site and my fic get permanently wiped out somehow. :/

Remember when your sprite terms of use said that you could save them to your computer? Why did you remove that?
Did I? Well, it's a kind of a given; you're not exactly doing anything with them when you save them to your computer for the sole purpose of looking at them later. But I believe I've had some art thieves tell me "Oh, I'm sorry! I had them saved and thought I made them!" or something silly like that, too.

If someone online told you they were radomly coming to Rejavak and they wanted to meet them, what would you do?
If you mean Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland, sure.

Oh, and I don't think you give enough credit to yourself.
:/ You can enjoy my work if you want and I'm glad you do, but I still don't think I'm a very good writer, sorry.



  • Posts: 1783
Well, right now, people would just see the site suddenly die. When I think about it, though, I want to write a prepared statement to be posted on the main page of the site in the event of my death, with a plot summary of the rest of The Quest for the Legends to be put on the Quest Blog so you won't all be left hanging. The bad part is that then I'd have to have the plot summary saved somewhere and somebody like opaltiger could start digging around for it. <<



  • Posts: 1783
opaltiger is the guy who made the second post on this page of this very thread. :P He's male and his name is not capitalized, by the way. Notable among my Internet friends because he visited me in real life last summer.

The reason I have the Chaletwo and Chalenor stylesheets is that they are light and dark, allowing the user a preference of whether they like to read light text on a dark background or dark text on a light background. Other stylesheets would not actually fit in and serve rather little of a purpose.

On here I always use Chaletwo style, but the style I use on the main site varies. Often I just use the default style, unless it's something I really don't like, in which case I generally switch to Roar of Time, Torkoal Lava or Articuno Snowflake depending on my mood at the time.

Lastly, I seem to remeber someone stealing your sprites (you had it on your FAQ at one point) and when I went there, all the pictures were taken out. I know its a little late to be asking this now since this question is a bit outdated, but did you hack them?
…what? No. o_O



  • Posts: 1783
Do I ever remind you of anyone you know?

Is there a way to find the secret ID on the game?
Not really; the only way I can imagine it being possible is if you have a shiny and somehow find out its personality value and thus figure out your secret ID from that somehow.

Oh, and where would I learn how to make a forumy code such as this?
"A forumy code"? You mean to code your own forum? Uh, you could just check out tutorials for a scripting language of your choice and MySQL.

And did you know that it is easy to get to the in-progress movie reviews with simple URL manipulation?

Yes, that's rather obvious. Not that it will actually help you most of the time, since the files on the server won't actually be updated unless I happen to be updating the site for other reasons. It's not like the movie reviews are a secret. o_O



  • Posts: 1783
Not specifically to make it impossible to see sections-in-progress; it's just because of the way the minipage is made.

The Marquee of Doom is an original script, so you can make one by learning Javascript. :P



  • Posts: 1783
It wouldn't. :P For one thing, roof caving in is in no way sure to destroy a hard drive; for another, the site is on a server in London and I could just go and redownload it onto my computer.



  • Posts: 1783
Are you ever going to do a page an Battle Revolution?
Doubt it; I don't actually have ready access to the game, since I don't have a Wii, and I'm not interested enough to go out of my way to play it just for the sake of having a section about it.

Yeah, I should make a new poll. I'll try to think of something when I get home.



  • Posts: 1783
Could you make a link in the sidebar for this site? Its kinda tedious having to go through three pages to get where i want, especially on my PSP where things take a little while to load up.
Um, there already is one. It's in the other sidebar.

…Who is/are your favorite author/s?
Michael Ende, Jim Butcher, Douglas Adams, Andri Snær Magnason, Richard Dawkins if nonfiction counts. J.K. Rowling too, I guess, though that's a "boring" answer. :P



  • Posts: 1783
On your FAQ, with the question about new games, do you automatically update it when new games are revealed, or do you wait until people start e-mailing you about them?

And, also, why do you update it? As I recall, you have, in brackets or something like that, to insert whatever the current game is.
As the bottom of the answer itself says, I update the actual question (but not necessarily the contents of the answer) whenever somebody e-mails me about a new game, just to demonstrate how ridiculously common this is. So, yes, the question talking about Black and White now actually does mean that somebody has e-mailed me to inform me about them (two people as of recently, in fact).

What do you like to drink? Milk? Pop/Soda? Or something else?
Coke when I can get it (I don't go out and buy it myself, but if it's there I usually can't resist it), otherwise water.


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