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  • Posts: 51
Post #861
Do you like the male Meowstic's or the female Meowstic's design better?

If you say so.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #862
Do you like the male Meowstic's or the female Meowstic's design better?
I like both, but I mildly prefer the male.



  • Posts: 13
Post #863
What are the rules regarding teleportation in the fic? Chaletwo was able to warp to the site of Leah's unexpected battle in chapter 51, so it seems like he doesn't have the same up-to-date memory-based restrictions as Felix or Xatu.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #864
What are the rules regarding teleportation in the fic? Chaletwo was able to warp to the site of Leah's unexpected battle in chapter 51, so it seems like he doesn't have the same up-to-date memory-based restrictions as Felix or Xatu.
Chaletwo was blindly teleporting to the source of the psychic signal he'd felt, which is also a thing you can do. He couldn't have done the same without Felix's signal as a guide, and in turn, Felix could have done the same thing if Chaletwo had sent a similar signal. The other ways to teleport are 1) to a memorized location the teleporter has been to previously, or 2) short-distance teleportation, to a location within line of sight and inside a radius of perhaps 10-20 meters from the teleporter's current location (depending on the Pokémon's power level), which is what Felix did rapidly in quick succession to get them down to face the unicorns.



  • Posts: 4
Post #865
In chapter 71 when Robin freaks out about May getting away with letting Tyranitar take all the blame for killing Taylor, Victor immediately asks Mark where Letal went like he thought Mark killed her or something. But then he turns on May and talks about how child-like Tyranitar acted during the league, so clearly he was watching the league matches. Wouldn't he know that Letal had evolved into Letaligon at the very least? Even if he didn't start watching until after the preliminaries, She was in both battles Mark had during the knock-out tournament. Did he only watch the final battle?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #866
In chapter 71 when Robin freaks out about May getting away with letting Tyranitar take all the blame for killing Taylor, Victor immediately asks Mark where Letal went like he thought Mark killed her or something. But then he turns on May and talks about how child-like Tyranitar acted during the league, so clearly he was watching the league matches. Wouldn't he know that Letal had evolved into Letaligon at the very least? Even if he didn't start watching until after the preliminaries, She was in both battles Mark had during the knock-out tournament. Did he only watch the final battle?
He did only watch the finals! He actually states this in chapter 69:

“So, uh,” Victor said after a while, “May, did you get that Mutark?”

She nodded, glancing at Alan where he was walking beside Leah at the front of the party, but he didn’t react. Leah turned her head, though. “Didn’t you watch the League? She used one there. Gave it a Sticky Barb so it could transform right away. Pretty slick.”

“Oh.” Victor looked away. “I missed it, I’m sorry. I only watched the finals because of all the buzz about Rick’s brother, to be honest.”

(He didn't think Mark had outright actively killed her or anything, just that he'd been neglectful; when he saw Mark didn't have her anymore, what he assumed was she'd either permanently injured herself somehow or he'd released her because she'd been unable to evolve.)



  • Posts: 10
Post #867
Excuse me I have posted a question on ask the characters and I haven't had a reply for 4 or so months could u please check it


  • Posts: 1783
Post #868
I've responded. Apologies for the lateness!


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