Posts tagged "Michael Willows"

There are 6 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
Stormblade: What is there to tell that she doesn't already know? I already told her he followed her. Apparently she met him at that human tournament she told me about.

Nightmare: There is no pride in being a Scizor. I can tell that I repulse them; they still avert their eyes from my body, even though they've gotten used to my presence. I don't duel. I usually hunt with the one you call Stormblade and have been building up my own hunting skills anew, but it will never be like being a Scizor.

First after I'd evolved… I was horrified. I'd heard about Scizor, how Scyther would be caught by humans and evolved. I wanted to commit suicide to escape from it, but I couldn't do it without scythes. At first I just refused to fight for him, hoping the other Pokémon might kill me, but then the human sent me out to talk to me sometime, I explained about being a Scizor and he said he was sorry. That was when I began to accept it and regain some sense of purpose.

My trainer left Ouen for other regions for a while shortly after capturing me to compete in various leagues there, but then eventually returned to Ouen to make a second attempt at the Ouen League. We had a battle then which… well, didn't go too well, and after trying to go on for a while, he decided to give up training for good and release all of us. He asked where I'd want to be let go, but I said I didn't care. So he just let me go there.



  • Posts: 1783
Nightmare: Donphan and Flareon told me there was a Scyther, and the others said he was fine before that point. I know he is afraid of Scyther, but this seems extreme. I suspect something must have upset him particularly this time, but I don't know what.



  • Posts: 1783
Mark: Well, I'm hoping I win one more battle just to go out with a bang, but I had a really hard time against Michael. As May said, he'd have creamed me if not for Scyther. It's pretty much luck that I've gotten this far. But I hope I'll be able to at least vindicate having gotten here, instead of just being the guy who got into the top eight because he was lucky.



  • Posts: 1783
Sparky to Emerald Espeon: I like to think it can chuck however much wood it likes. You can't just lump all woodchucks together as if they don't have individual tastes and preferences. ;3

Mitch to blazheirio888: That venom was from a rare Ouen-native Pokémon named Spinnomer. It's a sort of spider - very rare, but powerful. Normally the venom doesn't do that, but that man had been bitten several times by a high-level one.

Sparky to blazheirio888: That would be quite… electrifying. :D

I don't mind the random questions. The attention is rather flattering and fun. :3

Mitch to blazheirio888 (again): I imagine it would be quite painful if you're a human. A Pokémon, of course, would think little of it - it's not much more powerful than a good Thunder attack.

I don't quite see why you keep asking these questions, and I'm a busy man, but when they're questions, they aren't too bad.

steele, those aren't questions. Please don't just make random statements for the sake of having the characters react to them. Either ask questions or make statements that sensibly prompt an answer. Those warrant a raised eyebrow at most. :/

Michael: I think they were pretty disappointed and confused… in a way I wish I'd told them what was wrong, but then they'd start worrying about me and I don't want that. I tried to continue training, really, but after a while I just couldn't. I just hope they're happy in the wild.

Aaron: Well, yeah; she beat me, after all. I still thought I might win all the way up until the end when she pulled out her Tyranitar. I can't take on Pokémon like that with only one and a half Pokémon left. They still put up a good fight, though.



  • Posts: 1783
You're not asking about anything; you're trying to make them participate in a joke so that they will ask a question. Either they play along, in which case the answer is predetermined and there is no need for me to waste my time typing it up, or they don't, in which case it would just be a reaction. You're not asking anything that allows them to properly answer it in character.

Michael's Flareon: I couldn't believe it… I'm still wondering why he did it. But it was impossible to change his mind. He really seemed to have come to hate being a trainer after the Ouen League.

Nightmare: How do you think it feels?

Stormblade was asked practically this exact same question a couple of pages back.



  • Posts: 1783
Michael Willows: No, I didn't see its eyes, and that's because there was no Scyther. The paramedics said they'd seen the Sneasel themselves. I'm not going to discuss this, okay?


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