Posts tagged "Carl"

There are 4 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
Carl: It is still in the ball, which I have locked inside a safe where it cannot materialize even if it learns to break out of it.

May: Not a chance. I got frustrated at his luck with paralysis a couple of times, but that was just an inconvenience.

Jolteon: I kind of wanted to be a Flareon like my mother, but I didn't mind so much which one.



  • Posts: 1783
Sparky: Well, the kids told me it was some sort of a dragon, and there is a previously unknown cavern that's opened up and is all clawed out on the inside, so as far as I can tell it all adds up.

Carl: Crater Town is still gone. I keep in touch with most of the inhabitants where they are now, and we are hoping to establish a community somewhere else, but for now we're all only staying with friends and relatives.

In the meantime, I've set up a temporary Gym and have had a few battles in it so far.

Mitch: I suppose the most memorable one was the first clear one I had, at the hospital after I returned to Scorpio City. I looked at an old man in a bed as it was being rolled down the hall, and suddenly I was certain that he was dying. I saw his name in the obituaries a few days later. I tried to tell myself I'd just seen he was pale and sickly or something like that, but deep down I knew that wasn't it.

Mark: It's… *looks* 0439522166.



  • Posts: 1783
Carl: I have set up a temporary Gym near the volcano where I battle them outside. Puzzles and junior trainers are for Gym leaders who don't trust themselves to take on whoever comes in.

Chaletwo: Well, he was an asset, but May is right in that keeping him around could cause even more trouble. At least the legendaries are getting weaker.



  • Posts: 1783
Mark to Rose: Well, I guess I'm starting to stick up for myself a bit more, maybe, and taking more responsibility? It's kind of hard to judge these things yourself.

Old lady to Rose: Lots of things! I love knitting. My grandchildren just can't get enough of my sweaters.

Chaletwo to Brock: Physically, we're genderless. We're immortal and don't reproduce, and therefore we don't have genitalia. Some have a grammatical gender preference.

Carl to Brock: The town is gone, but the former inhabitants still keep in touch. We hope to establish a new community somewhere else.

Spirit to Brock: I feel nothing while in spirit form.

Mark to Kevin: Well, technically they don't think I'm dead, per se, but they'd remember it if I walked in front of them or something. Anyway, I'm guessing… or hoping… that Chaletwo and Molzapart can fix that somehow when they're back at full power, so…


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