Posts tagged "Butterfree"

There are 4 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
Butterfree: Relatively uninteresting. I don't remember much of it, though; I was a young Caterpie then and life wasn't much beyond eating leaves and trying not to be noticed by the Pidgey.



  • Posts: 1783
May: I'd get it back. Didn't Quilava teach you anything?

Sparky: It was okay. My mother died of cancer when I was seven, and that kind of brought it down.

Mitch: My life was pretty normal when I was a kid. I had a good family and friends. Then I went out on that Pokémon journey of mine, and, well…

Butterfree: I've been fine. I haven't gotten into a lot of League battles, but I understand that.



  • Posts: 1783
butterfree: do you find that beautifly and dustox are just ripoffs of you (bueat for typing and dustox for psychic moves)
Butterfree: What?

(Seriously, this is meta language. In-universe, it doesn't make any sense to ask if some Pokémon are "ripoffs" of another.)



  • Posts: 1783

Butterfree & raichu: What are your favorite moves?
Butterfree: I like Sleep Powder. Putting opponents to sleep helps me a lot.

Raichu: I'd have to go with Thunderbolt. It's fast and does a lot of damage.

Mark's Dragonite: Are you designated the "legendary substitute" in training exercises more often than the others because you are a Dragon-type?
Dragonite: Well, we try to take turns, but I do think I've landed the role a bit more often than the others, probably because of that.

May's Stantler: Do you think May's other Pokémon care as much for her mental health as you do?
Stantler: It doesn't seem like it, from what I've seen. Most are focused on her abilities as a strategist. I don't blame them; it's how most Pokémon think.

Alan: Did your father tell you anything about Paul? If so, do you think he and May have something in common?
Alan: I… suppose so. From what he told me Paul was very focused on having the strongest Pokémon possible, and May has shades of that… or had, at least. I really don't know how she's changed by now, though.


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