Posts tagged "The Creator"

There are 15 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
The basic concept is stolen from there, yes, though the details are of course vastly different.



  • Posts: 1783
Ash to Scyther: I ended up winning a few, yeah. Most memorable… probably some of those adventures with raging legendaries and whatnot. Those always stand out a bit.

Weavile117, you cannot ask Chalenor anything, as he is both dead and has not had a speaking role in the story. But Arceus has pretty much sat in his own universe without communicating, yeah, mostly asleep.

Mark: Maybe. I guess traveling is inspirational to people, and I'd like to see the legendary birds and stuff when they've been freed, but I'm not too keen on traveling, at least by foot. Maybe I'll just get a car.

As for my Pokémon, well, they'll have to choose that for themselves.

May: He's not really close to anyone. Doesn't like to be touched except by me, doesn't speak, and pretty much ignores everyone else. But he battles well and is obedient, so I'm not complaining.

Mew: The legendaries? They always exist. After the War, the Creator's first job is to recreate the legendaries so that they can guard the Pokémon of the world and maintain balance in it. That is how it is and has always been.

Entei is a separate individual from Heatran, and he resides in Johto while Heatran guards Stark Mountain in Sinnoh. Some of their powers are similar, others not.

Chalenor was… a good friend. He was kind, caring, intelligent, courageous and loyal. I wish he weren't gone.

Diamond: It's pretty fun. I like it, as long as it doesn't last too long.

Vicky: *smiles mysteriously* That's for those who battle us to find out.



  • Posts: 1783
Mark: Oh. Right. *awkward cough*

Mew: The Creator has no power to destroy.



  • Posts: 1783
Marge: I journeyed in Hoenn. People are well familiar with double battling outside of it, of course, but it's not as popular here. I don't see why.

Chaletwo: I don't know. It's probably nobody we know - the Waraider herd and the Color Dragons would have a major power imbalance if one of them were the Destroyer and that should have consequences we haven't seen. My bet is it's some unknown legendary sealed away somewhere or something of the like.

Mew: You wouldn't know her. Her name was Iriesce. She died in the last War and wasn't recreated.

Pikachu: Nah. It was a collaborative decision. We both felt kind of spent after all those years of traveling.

Tyranitar: …



  • Posts: 1783
Mew: She was a beautiful, multicolored bird. You would have to see her, I suppose.



  • Posts: 1783
Chaletwo to zeKieranator: No way. Mew is the Creator, and if he were the Destroyer he'd hardly have told us the War was starting again, much less the Beasts, would he?

Chaletwo to Ramenlord: Deoxys is affected. We don't know why. There could theoretically be more legendaries existing without our knowledge whether they're affected by the Destroyer or not, but we have to hope that someone would have noticed them by now.



  • Posts: 1783
Last legendary.



  • Posts: 1783
Oh, you're giving me way too much credit. A great majority of the stuff that gets answered in Ask the Characters is being made up on the spot, with me trusting my (usually pretty good) memory to make sure I won't contradict it later. I've still made plenty of goofs, mind, and retconned other stuff subtly in the story.

Iriesce is pronounced "Eerie-esk" in my head, but I know that doesn't make much sense and I pronounce half of the normal Pokémon names wrong anyway, so.



  • Posts: 1783
Mew to Rose: Then he would gain the power of the Creator again.

Please no bothering the characters about the fourth wall. It'll just confuse them.



  • Posts: 1783
I love theories about the Destroyer. They make me cackle evilly and look forward to writing the end.

It's called the Destroyer because it's the destruction part of the trinity with the Creator and Preserver. That's sort of the whole point. Changing the Destroyer's name would destroy the parallel between them.

Besides, the Destroyer isn't even "something which destroys" except in a very indirect sense, and since absolutely nothing is known about the Destroyer except that it's something that drains the power of the legendaries and causes the War of the Legends, "the Destroyer" is in fact probably the least obvious name you can give it without making assumptions out of nowhere; I mean, I'd consider "the Power-Drainer" or "the War-Causing One" far worse.



  • Posts: 1783
But the word "ability" also means something else. I originally used that, but it seemed to potentially imply it was an actual ability like Levitate.



  • Posts: 1783
Mew answered this in Ask the Characters a while back: it was a bird legendary named Iriesce. She was not recreated.



  • Posts: 1783
I could make one up on the spot, but I think it's easier to just tell you that wherever you're going with this, you're on the wrong path. The Creator before Iriesce has no significance. Neither does she, really, as a matter of fact; she's just a background detail.



  • Posts: 1783
Uh, the Creator/Preserver/Destroyer thing is actually inspired by Hindu mythology, which literally has Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and Shiva the Destroyer. And the creatures from Norse mythology that Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde are believed to be based on are not actually associated with life, death or order to my knowledge (they're actually very minor characters) - I'm pretty sure that part is all Game Freak's imagination. So no, definitely no connection.

I did laugh when Y talked about Yveltal draining the power of Pokémon over a thousand years, though.



  • Posts: 1783
In case anyone's following the Quest Blog and not my Tumblr: somebody got me to dig up the creation myth that I told you all in 2007 that I'd be posting as an extra with the final chapter. It is a hokey attempt at mythical writing last edited in 2008, but if you're curious, you can read it here!


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