Posts tagged "Alan"

There are 56 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1784
Alan: Well, it just seems like the right thing to do. They deserve to have their own names to set them apart from other members of their species. It wouldn't sit right with me to call them the same thing I would call any other Pokémon.

Chaletwo: I'm nearing a thousand years old now, since Mew created me just after the last War of the Legends. When I was young and stupid I was a couple of years old at most.

Suicune and Polaryu are unavailable for answer; check the rules again. You can only ask characters who have physically appeared in the story (Polaryu hasn't) and are currently alive (Suicune isn't).



  • Posts: 1784
No, you're misunderstanding it. See, people remember Mark, alive. They also remember that a guy was killed at the Pokémon Festival. It's the connection that is buried deeper - his parents don't really remember that it was Mark who died there, and the unconnected people who read about the death and meet him later don't realize that his name and appearance are the same as the guy who was killed, unless they see direct, undeniable evidence, such as in Crater Town where people could look at the newspaper article about his death and him alive side by side.

Alan: Huh?
May: …
Mark: Eh? That was a joke. o_O
May (again): What, should one have a problem with being named after a month?



  • Posts: 1784
Ash to SandStormBuisle: During later journeying.

May: Uh, I caught them? I found Pikachu at the Lake of Purity, Skarmory in the cliffs near Alumine, and Caterpie over in Johto just before I left for Ouen.

Alan: Pamela was a pet originally. Charlie was my proper starter, from my dad. Mist was abandoned in that box as an Eevee. Diamond I got after my failed journey in Ouen. Racko I got when I went journeying in Hoenn, Vicky too at some point during my journey there.

Ash to darthjarjar: Maybe, if they need me and I find a good opportunity to slip out without publicity.



  • Posts: 1784
Alan: We took all of them, but only kept her. The rest we took to a nearby adoption center.

May: Great. A Blaziken now.



  • Posts: 1784
Alan: How did I evolve them? They just… evolved. o-O That's a weird question. And Mist doesn't know what happened to her siblings after we gave them up to that adoption center.

Tyranitar: …

May: I figure he can talk, but just doesn't like talking.



  • Posts: 1784
How much time per day day, on average, do you spend on the computor?
As much of it as possible, preferably. :P Well, these days I'm often at my boyfriend's place, where I'm only at the computer occasionally, but when I'm at home I'm more or less always at the computer.

Does the effect have something to do with the the legendary plot?

When you say that you 'don't won't to insult any shippers yet' when people ask you about Ash's wife, what shippers are you afraid of upsetting?
That would be telling them there's reason for them to be upset. :P



  • Posts: 1784
Chaletwo: I really don't know. It hasn't been going too badly for Mark so far, but that's because we knew the locations of all these four beforehand, and I wouldn't know how the others are doing. There aren't many left, but there could be reason they've eluded us so far.

May: Other than what? I mean, not since Torchic. I don't think I need any more.

Alan: We've picked up his trail. Been asking some wild Pokémon if they've seen him, and we think we're on the right track, at least.



  • Posts: 1784
Gyarados: I… don't know how it works. Somehow I drain all the energy from my body and use it to attack. I only discovered I could do it.

Alan: I've told him already. We've… well, pieced it together. I just don't understand why Chaletwo would keep something like this from us. Couldn't it have helped if he'd told us everything about their powers, at least? Couldn't he… you know, change them, if he's the one who made them in the first place? Why didn't he even tell Molzapart before we set out to capture all the legendaries?

May: Well, depends on what I'd be going up against. You have to pick your team with respect to what your opponent has, you know? And where you'll be battling, what kind of strategy you want to employ, that kind of stuff.



  • Posts: 1784
Alan: Huh? No, I'd have taken her siblings in too if they'd still been there, but they'd all wandered off by then and we couldn't find then.

Charizard: Well, I talk a lot to Dragonite, so I suppose it would be him.

Gyarados: Terrible, but I was hungry.

Letaligon: I do not know why I am different from all the others. I should have been shiny but wasn't.

After my father is dead, I will go off on my own and find a different herd to join.

Mark: Huh? Games? I mean, there are some virtual Pokémon battle simulators, but nothing more than that.



  • Posts: 1784
Alan: …did I? Hm. That's odd.

Butterfree: *beats self with consistency fan*



  • Posts: 1784
All the cringeworthy plot aspects that don't make sense. Molzapart, Rainteicune, Alan finding Rainteicune, May's finding of Spirit and her subsequent kidnapping by the unnamed rich kid. And the poor writing in the first half of the ILCOE.



  • Posts: 1784
Mark: Um, right now, around the sixties.

May: Late sixties to early seventies.

Alan: Well, while there are still legendaries in Ouen and the other kids are still out in the other regions, I don't see any reason for me to go to other regions, even if I had already found Rainteicune.



  • Posts: 1784
Mark: Umm, religion…? Like, legendaries? I mean, I like to think the legendaries are watching over the world making sure nothing bad will happen, but after sort of… getting personally involved in it, I can't really think of it in a reverent or godlike way anymore.

May: Religion is dumb. The legendaries exist, sure, but they're just Pokémon. Worshipping them is stupid and won't get you anywhere.

Alan: I don't know. Maybe there's a higher being that's not just like the normal legendaries. I don't really think about it much.



  • Posts: 1784
Mark: I went camping with my parents once when I was little. It was awful; the rain was falling in sheets and it was freezing cold. It was even worse than that night we came to Stormy Town.

May: Probably that storm when I was out training Vibrava. It was wet, at the very least. Otherwise I'm not much of an outdoors person.

Alan: Probably when I came with Dad to Thunderclap Cave that one time. I was seriously afraid I'd be struck by lightning.

Ash: I'd say that time when the legendary birds went mad in the Orange Islands.



  • Posts: 1784
Mark: *blank look*

May: What did you put in those exactly?

Alan: Um, thanks?

Sparky: Otherwise all those Swablu would really stick out. ;)

Mitch: Because of the properties of electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths.



  • Posts: 1784
May: I get annoyed sometimes, okay?

Mark: Um, well, I like Dragonite best, but which one wins would probably depend on the individual Pokémon and stuff.

Alan: Eh? I don't really know and hope I won't have to find out.

Razor: No.



  • Posts: 1784
Ouch, I've been neglecting this thread lately.

Razor to InnerDemon: Challenging Nightmare to that duel. It's what started the entire ordeal.

Nurse Joy to InnerDemon: *smiles* I had a Treecko as my starter, a Wingull, a Teddiursa, a Geodude, a Leta and a Numel as my main team - as time went by, they eventually evolved, of course. And battling first while he watched, yes, he would do that. Always under the pretense of being a gentleman, of course. The sneaky bastard.

Sparky to yllfll: She had ovarian cancer.

Sparky to elyvorg: Oh, I haven't given it much thought why I am the way I am. I do like your theory. 83

Alan to steele: Er, well, she's… twelve. o_O It would be weird.

Mark to steele: *freaked-out expression*

May to steele: Oh, sod off with the romance questions. I have better things to do than think about boys in the middle of the League. Besides, Mark is a wimpy plush toy and Alan is a preachy goody-two-shoes.

Raitwo to SandStormBuisle: He's Master.

Mewtwo^2 to SandStormBuisle: …

Funny things, those Clone Balls.



  • Posts: 1784
If you had to kill off Alan, how would he die?
Probably sacrificing himself to save everybody else. He's all heroic like that. Either that or I'd make it as crushingly pointless and futile as possible.

Also, can you write a few extras on Alan's adventure with the whole finding Rainteicune thing?
Preferably not. I'm trying hard enough to forget I ever wrote it in in the first place already.



  • Posts: 1784
That would depend on the situation; generally I'd only kill off a character when it makes sense for that character to die.

If I just specifically wanted to kill off one of each of their Pokémon and would engineer the situation once I'd chosen the Pokémon, I'd probably pick Sandslash from Mark's team because he is nice and loyal and his loss would be tragic without being quite as downright cruel as if it were Jolteon, plus that he is the least interesting to write and so as the author I'd miss his presence the least. May would probably lose Spirit because I'm mean like that and it's the one that would affect her the most by far, though Floatzel would also be a possibility in that regard if I didn't want to give Spirit the axe, and Flygon would be a possibility if I wanted to go for the nice-and-loyal-and-didn't-deserve-it death. For Alan it would be Charlie, because he would be so utterly crushed and horrified and it would be adorable and fun to write.



  • Posts: 1784
Spirit: You cannot harm us, human. Give it up.

Mark: Huh? What bill? There's a bill?

Alan: What? And Mark, no, there isn't. I think he's trying to mess with you.


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