Posts tagged "The Effect"

There are 6 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
How much time per day day, on average, do you spend on the computor?
As much of it as possible, preferably. :P Well, these days I'm often at my boyfriend's place, where I'm only at the computer occasionally, but when I'm at home I'm more or less always at the computer.

Does the effect have something to do with the the legendary plot?

When you say that you 'don't won't to insult any shippers yet' when people ask you about Ash's wife, what shippers are you afraid of upsetting?
That would be telling them there's reason for them to be upset. :P



  • Posts: 1783
Floatzel: Battles have always been fun and will always be fun.

By the way, note that this thread applies to the ILCOE - in the ILCOE there is no actual "Effect". Mark can't really answer that question.



  • Posts: 1783
Razor: Sort of bitter. It's not that good the first time. You need to acquire a taste for it.

Letaligon: He will not beat me.

Stormblade: I would choose Pearl over anyone.

Tyranitar: *eyes from a distance*

May: Well, they're Dark-types. Psychic powers don't affect them, period.

Mark: Well, as I told my Pokémon, I'd like to just go home, finish school, maybe go to art school and become an illustrator or something.

(Since the Effect is not technically in the ILCOE, Mark can't really answer in this thread, but in the IALCOTN, it is inside the city, though the borders are rather vague and it's hard to pinpoint the center exactly.)



  • Posts: 1783
No, I think it's more that they've read both and get it mixed up. I got it mixed up myself for the longest time until somebody asked me about it.

They probably read the IALCOTN and skip ahead to the ILCOE too sometimes, but if they do that, they're going to get confused about much more important things than whether there is an Effect draining the energy of Pokémon in northwest Ouen.



  • Posts: 1783
The presence or nonpresence of the Effect doesn't change as much as you'd think.



  • Posts: 1783
Well, it turns out the reason for the lack of Pokémon in northwest Ouen was that Chalenor's skull was buried there - the Effect was supposed to be his power drainage affecting even non-legendary Pokémon when they were close enough. When you made me realize the ILCOE didn't have the power drainage effect there, I thought that screwed me over. But then I actually came up with something I like even better explaining why things are the way they are in the ILCOE: mortal Pokémon adapted and evolved to resist the Destroyer's power drainage ability, while the immortal legendaries by their very nature were unable to do the same. By now, mortal Pokémon still feel uneasy if they're in Chalenor's presence for a significant length of time, and that's why Pokémon stay away from this part of the region - they just don't like the place, though they couldn't quite tell you why - but it doesn't actually drain their power.

I like that even better because it adds a great additional layer to Arceus's attempt to punish the legendaries for their arrogance. He knew the mortals would evolve to resist it, and that was the point: the exact qualities that made the legendaries consider the mortals beneath them, their awesome power and their immortality, are exactly what makes them continue to be vulnerable while the mortals adapt.

It still more or less works with the IALCOTN Effect, though; it'd just mean the mortals evolved to resist it up to a point, but when they're that close the pull is still too strong.


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