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Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #841
Chaletwo: Is the Waraider Herd made up of many Waraiders of differing types or are they all just the one type?
Mark: Do you have any recurring(?) thoughts/dreams of your family? If so, elaborate!

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #842
Chaletwo: Is the Waraider Herd made up of many Waraiders of differing types or are they all just the one type?
Chaletwo: They're of different types. Waraider is just the Normal-type who's their leader, so to speak.

Mark: Do you have any recurring(?) thoughts/dreams of your family? If so, elaborate!
Mark: Nothing in particular. I mean, I think about them sometimes, but not like all the time or always the same thing or anything. Just like normal, really.


Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #843
Sandslash: Whom do you more look up to? Mark, Alan or May?

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #844
Sandslash: Whom do you more look up to? Mark, Alan or May?
Sandslash: Mark. I think he's a very good trainer.



  • Posts: 7
Post #845
Mark: What is your favorite type?(Fire, Water, Dragon, etc…)

May: Same.

Alan: Same.

I am ButhelChank, hear me roar!


  • Posts: 2
Post #846
Mark: What do you think would force you into a mental breakdown worse than any other you might have experienced previously? And what do you think an illusion world forcibly set up by your own mind to keep you happy (perhaps indefinitely), feature?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #847
Mark: What is your favorite type?(Fire, Water, Dragon, etc…)

May: Same.

Alan: Same.
Mark: Probably Fire. A lot of Pokémon I like are Fire-types.

May: Dark.

Alan: I like them all. I don't really have a favorite.

Mark: What do you think would force you into a mental breakdown worse than any other you might have experienced previously? And what do you think an illusion world forcibly set up by your own mind to keep you happy (perhaps indefinitely), feature?
Mark: Um… that's a disturbing question. o_O I don't really know.



  • Posts: 31
Post #848
Mark: Hypothetically, if you were to enter a tournament that was to force you to only use one of your Pokemon, which would you choose?

May: See above.

Taylor (while being mauled): Could you please describe what's going through your mind right now?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #849
Mark: Hypothetically, if you were to enter a tournament that was to force you to only use one of your Pokemon, which would you choose?

May: See above.
Mark: I guess Dragonite. I mean, he's really strong and knows a lot of versatile moves.

May: Maybe Floatzel.

Taylor (while being mauled): Could you please describe what's going through your mind right now?
You can't ask dead characters, even if you specify "while they were still alive"; furthermore, I imagine all that was going through his head was pure terror and he'd have been a bit too preoccupied to explain it to you.



  • Posts: 2
Post #850
Tyranitar (assuming a death didn't occur off-..text? panel? screen? and assuming you can talk in things other than ellipses): Hey Tyranitar, I hope you are doing well with other wild Pokemon.
My question(s): Was killing someone a traumatic experience for you while doing it and/or upon further contemplation, and do you feel remorse? Is your opinion of May significantly changed as a result of this?
Sorry if this is too difficult of words for you to understand Tyranitar, I can rephrase if you want me to.

May: What organization presides over Pokemon-related crime, and what is the legal system system in Ouen? Is there something like a jury? Can the region descide to kill you if you did a rather bad crime? Not that I have any reason to be asking you specifically.

V: Ah okay, thank you, I love it when you world-build Ouen, and I was pretty curious at what she was afraid of happening to her if she was in fact caught.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #851
Tyranitar: …

May: …Can we not talk about this right now?

Sorry, but they're not very cooperative.

Incidentally, the League presides over Pokémon-related misconduct, and most cases don't go to court, especially because most trainers are juveniles and Pokémon themselves aren't exactly big on court systems. Usually Pokémon abuse cases simply involve the Pokémon being released and going on its merry way and the trainer's license being revoked, with particularly bad cases getting rehabilitation. After the age of infancy, however, they're considered fully responsible for their actions and can be tried criminally for very serious Pokémon abuse. That would be a trial by jury, but no, they don't have the death penalty.



  • Posts: 7
Post #852
Mark: What Pokemon do you plan on catching once you arrive at the Ouen Safari?

May: Same.

Mark: If you could be any Pokemon, what Pokemon would you be?

May: Same.

Alan: Same.

Sorry if this is too many questions.

I am ButhelChank, hear me roar!


  • Posts: 31
Post #853
Mewtwo(squared): So, what's been going on with you since Taylor died? Has Rick taken you back? Does he use you? Were you released, instead? Also, similarly, how do you feel about Taylor's death?


  • Posts: 1
Post #854
Charlie: How do you feel about the evolution/devolution?

Alan: How do you feel about Charlie's evolution/devolution?


  • Posts: 18
Post #855
chaletwo: how do you exactly know that you're in a fan-fic and if you know, how come mew doesn't?
Mark: what would you have preffered eevee to evolve into if he didnt evolve into jolteon?
mew: if you used future sight to see what would happen when the war would start, what do you see?
mewtark: ~ gives bowl of milk and bowl of blood ~ what do you prefer?
may: what do you hope to replace tyranitar with?
Tyranitar: ~Gives may doll~ how do you feel? ~gets female tyranitar and uses attract~ hmm?
mark (again): do you plan on visiting the other regions just as a travvaler?


  • Posts: 6
Post #856
Rob: Have you found a pokemon to replace Scyther?
Leah: I know a guy you can call for help with Mew.

I don't have a signature here.


  • Posts: 70
Post #857
Mark: Just a thought, but if you never formally released Mew, won't that make it impossible for anyone else to capture it? Since it's already 'marked' by a Pokéball.

EDIT: And also:
Sandslash: What are 'natures'?

(The fic universe assumes natures don't exist as independent entities; they're just what the games use to simulate the effect that individual Pokémon's personalities have on their capabilities.)

And yet, from ILCOE chapter 5:
it was a young male, level nine; it even announced that he had a careful nature.

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!


  • Posts: 15
Post #858
@the ditto(the one Mark battled)
how does transforming work and did it hurt as much as it would for the "real" thing when you were charizard and your tail flame got wet? oh and if you transformed into eevee would another eevees attract "make" you "love" it?
@chaletwo then…how does it feel to know your not real?lol(well hey he SAID it himself;he knows)

plz don't kill me dragonfree PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU!
oh and ya, its me chimpchar, you've "talked" to me on serebii

I read and write up to 5 fanfics at a time. So if I get confused Deal. With. It.
Which Starter Pokémon are you?
Your Result: You are…Chimchar!

Very tough, with a rebellious streak! You aren't afraid to stand up to someone. When around a group of friends you may act as the strong, silent type. You can get angry at someone someday accidently and hurt their feelings…be careful.
Result Breakdown:

Quiz Created on GoTo Quiz

I'm not naive or lazy. witty, thoughtful, yes. And I can be tempramental if you upset me…….

Butterfree has edited this signature for being way, way too big. Don't go adding all that stuff back in.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #859
Boy, I really need to catch up with these questions.

Mark: What Pokemon do you plan on catching once you arrive at the Ouen Safari?

May: Same.
Mark: I don't really know. Something good against the remaining legendaries, I suppose.

May: I… don't know.

Mark: If you could be any Pokemon, what Pokemon would you be?

May: Same.

Alan: Same.
Mark: If I had to choose? Uh, I don't know. I think I like being human. Maybe a bird Pokémon. I like them.

May: …a Psychic-type, I guess. Telepathy and teleportation would be useful.

Alan: Some Flying-type. I'd love to be able to fly on my own wings.

Mewtwo(squared): So, what's been going on with you since Taylor died? Has Rick taken you back? Does he use you? Were you released, instead? Also, similarly, how do you feel about Taylor's death?
Mewtwo^2: …

(If you just want to know, Rick has taken him back and he was not released, but he is not being used either because by now he's way too high-leveled for a first Gym of the region. And Mewtwo^2 is a bit too mind-controlled to have much in the way of opinions on Taylor's death.)

Charlie: How do you feel about the evolution/devolution?

Alan: How do you feel about Charlie's evolution/devolution?
Charlie: I'm pretty neutral about it. It can be convenient, but I don't really like to flaunt it.

Alan: It doesn't really matter to me what his physical form is, so long as he is himself.

chaletwo: how do you exactly know that you're in a fan-fic and if you know, how come mew doesn't?
Because his eyes see through the fourth wall. Look, these sorts of questions are just annoying. He nominally knows he's in a fic for convenience so that some character will be able to make fourth-wall-breaking comments in this thread. That does not mean it's some interesting canonical property of his you ought to be scrutinizing.

Mark: what would you have preffered eevee to evolve into if he didnt evolve into jolteon?
Mark: I don't know. Whatever he wanted, really.

mew: if you used future sight to see what would happen when the war would start, what do you see?
This question is nonsensical; Future Sight does not work that way.

mewtark: ~ gives bowl of milk and bowl of blood ~ what do you prefer?
Mutark: *sniffs at the milk, then eagerly goes for the blood*

may: what do you hope to replace tyranitar with?
May: I don't know, okay? Stop asking me that.

Tyranitar: ~Gives may doll~ how do you feel? ~gets female tyranitar and uses attract~ hmm?
Tyranitar: *growls suspiciously*

mark (again): do you plan on visiting the other regions just as a travvaler?
Mark: Sure, sometime when this is all over.

Rob: Have you found a pokemon to replace Scyther?
Rob: That's none of your business.

Leah: I know a guy you can call for help with Mew.
Leah: Really, who?

(No, you can't actually tell her. See the rule in the first post of the thread about not giving the characters important information they don't know in-story.)

Mark: Just a thought, but if you never formally released Mew, won't that make it impossible for anyone else to capture it? Since it's already 'marked' by a Pokéball.
Again, no giving characters important information they don't actually know in the story (or, in this case, make them think about information they haven't actually thought about). This is intentional.

Ignore the nature bit in chapter five. It makes no sense and is just another one of those goofs.

@the ditto(the one Mark battled)
how does transforming work and did it hurt as much as it would for the "real" thing when you were charizard and your tail flame got wet? oh and if you transformed into eevee would another eevees attract "make" you "love" it?
Aaron's Ditto: You just… transform. It's easy. The body transforms completely, so what's painful to them will be equally painful to me while transformed. It doesn't affect the mind, though.

@chaletwo then…how does it feel to know your not real?lol(well hey he SAID it himself;he knows)
See this answer.



  • Posts: 15
Post #860
that didn't show anything even remotely about it….

chaletwo:if mark tried to kill himself would you do that thing you did to bring him back to life(at the festival) and force him to keep living?

Ash:do you wish you could help on the quest?

Alen:how do you think your dad will react when he finds out you ditched the quest?

@ ditto
so like being a charizard underwater would hurt you;but attract wouldn't work, am i right?

max's former teacher(ms grodoski or whatever): what would your first thought be if mark became the Champion?

sparky+mitch:what would you do if you were defenseless and were about to die?

andddd last but not least
mew:do you like mark for the fact he relesed you? If he tried to re-catch you would you fight him as if he were any other trainer? who hadn't done you a bit of a favor?

I read and write up to 5 fanfics at a time. So if I get confused Deal. With. It.
Which Starter Pokémon are you?
Your Result: You are…Chimchar!

Very tough, with a rebellious streak! You aren't afraid to stand up to someone. When around a group of friends you may act as the strong, silent type. You can get angry at someone someday accidently and hurt their feelings…be careful.
Result Breakdown:

Quiz Created on GoTo Quiz

I'm not naive or lazy. witty, thoughtful, yes. And I can be tempramental if you upset me…….

Butterfree has edited this signature for being way, way too big. Don't go adding all that stuff back in.

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