Posts tagged "Suicune"

There are 8 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
Huh? I put up Ask the Characters as one of the first threads I made in the forum when I first put that up, which as it happens was after chapter 35, but I've had an Ask the Characters thing going at various forums since early in the fic.

You wouldn't have been able to ask Suicune about the Chosen thing anyway, however, because the rules say you can't ask any characters who have not appeared with a speaking role (or something as good as one, like Carl's Charizard who incidentally never spoke but was still established as a character) in the fic, which Suicune did not until chapter 35.

And even if Suicune had had a speaking role before that, he'd probably have refused to tell you. :P Why would he tell you but not Gyarados?



  • Posts: 1783
Could you put the old writing guide back on the menu?
No, because it's under reconstruction and does not make any sense as it is right now. As it was before, it was not very good.

How about the art thieves click here?
That was stupid and pointless and just a random place to vent my frustrations about art theft. Now that I have a Wall of Shame, it is really obsolete, and it is not as if it was ever going to convince anybody not to steal art. If I were to bring it back, it would just be an article about my most amusing experiences with art theft - no alerts.

Or the old fan theories?
Didn't you read my lengthy breakdown of why I wanted to take them down? From the 03/17/08 update:

* I stopped accepting fan content a while ago. It seems weird to have a few random pages of submitted content still there. This is a pretty minor reason, though.
* It seems like half of the time I get an e-mail mentioning these theories, whether positively or negatively, the author mistakenly believes that I wrote it despite the italicized names of the real authors noted at the top of each page. So basically I keep getting either showered with praise I don't deserve or attacked for opinions that aren't even my own. Both feel considerably awkward.
* It seems kind of stupid that my site, which contains some of my own theories about the Pokémon world and is generally pretty much in its entirety written by me, contains these other theories, parts of which I distinctly disagree with. Even if it were clear to everyone who read them that I didn't actually write the theories, having them on my site definitely does seem to imply that I approve or agree with them, which, well, I largely don't. I've been kind of uncomfortable with that from the beginning, actually, but had them up anyway because I was letting people submit fan content.
* Following that: although I haven't personally made any plans to create a Pokémon breeding theory of my own as I just figure they do it the same way we do, Pokémon genetics and evolution are subjects that I myself have wanted to write theories about for a while. Obviously it would be kind of odd to have two completely different theories about Pokémon genetics or evolution on my site, one of which is mine and the other not. And that probably-coming-soon theory I mentioned above does slightly touch upon Pokémon breeding such that it would be rather incompatible with Dannichu's breeding theory, as well.
* The breeding theory in particular was written in 2003 and can well be considered outdated at this point since it revolves around the three fairies, Mew, Celebi and Jirachi. We now have Manaphy and Shaymin as additions to this group, and technically it would make the most sense if they also had some role in the process following the original theory's logic. This doesn't entirely invalidate the theory, but it shakes its foundations in the same way as the fourth generation shook the foundations of my Zodiac.

Then I put up the theory of Pokémon gender ratios and genetics, and that along with the Pokémon evolution and Pokéballs theory I'm going to write at some point in the future basically contradicts everything in the old fan theories.

I liked them very much and I need you to bring them back.
You don't "need me" to bring them back. They're still there, at exactly the same URLs they used to be; I can give you the links if you absolutely must keep reading them. But I will not put them back on the menu because I don't actually endorse their content anymore.

And why did Suicune have to die?
Because otherwise the entire Gyarados/Spirit/legendary beasts subplot would make absolutely no sense.



  • Posts: 1783
Eh, sure, I guess.



  • Posts: 1783
May: *unimpressed*

Mutark: *wails unhappily*

Suicune: They have no responsibility. We simply expect them to stay alive with the gems unharmed until the War is over, and to ensure that, we had to select those that made the best use of their power and showed the skills to survive.



  • Posts: 1783
Mutark: *bats*

Charizard: *looking conspicuously away*

Suicune: We did not know about the War of the Legends at the time Chaletwo approached us. And in any case I still doubt his plan will work. Even in the unlikely case he manages to capture all of the legendaries - and without all of them, it's all for nothing - what happens to the Destroyer's energy? It is much safer to do it our way.

Do you think I like starving my subjects? No; I felt every shred of pain I put him through. But it was necessary, and instead, I gave him incredible power. If I do not live, I cannot guard the Water Pokémon in the future. It is good in their long-term interests.



  • Posts: 1783
Well, they're not exactly main characters - seeing as right now Leah has appeared in one chapter and the others haven't appeared at all, it would be a bit odd to make bios for them, wouldn't it? But perhaps they'll play a bio-warranting role later on, hmm? :P

Will suicune and enteis ressurection be put in the fic.
Always with those questions making unwarranted assumptions! Who says Suicune and Entei ever get resurrected in the first place? Who says it will happen before the end of the fic? You can't assume like that and I can't answer it without thus spoiling those details.



  • Posts: 1783
Spirit's basically talking out of her ass; she's decided her necklace is a mark of Entei's ultimate approval because she likes to think she's special and approved of.

Gyarados was one of several potential Pokémon that Suicune had given a portion of his power to and tested for suitability. Actually making the soul gem and properly choosing him was an ad-hoc decision as he was being attacked; he knew this attack would probably knock him out and that whatever these kids and Chaletwo were up to exactly, he'd rather get in the soul gem now than risk it. So ultimately Suicune ended up with Gyarados by necessity: he was simply the only potential present at the time Suicune made the gem. Given he's not exactly predisposed to trying very hard to get Suicune resurrected, it's probably safe to say he wouldn't have been Suicune's first choice otherwise.

(That does mean yeah, Gyarados's Dragon Beam probably wouldn't have actually killed Suicune on its own. Pokémon are very resilient, and legendaries especially so. Nobody was quite sure what was going on with Suicune's power going into Gyarados and powering up the beam and all that, so it wasn't obvious that this shouldn't have been able to kill him, but yeah. Gyarados was pretty much as surprised as everyone else when Suicune was actually dead.)



  • Posts: 1783
Entei did pick Spirit out because she was the most promising candidate who'd made the best use of her power - but the higher meaning that she imagines that has isn't there. Entei doesn't care about or approve of her as person, and that's not what it means. She's confused that Gyarados could have ended up with the 'mark of approval' while killing Suicune, because in her mind that must mean Suicune was giving his blessing to Gyarados and his actions, but actually it's just literally picking them out for a practical purpose and Suicune simply went with Gyarados here because he was closest at hand at the time.


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