Posts tagged "Marge"

There are 2 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
Marge: I journeyed in Hoenn. People are well familiar with double battling outside of it, of course, but it's not as popular here. I don't see why.

Chaletwo: I don't know. It's probably nobody we know - the Waraider herd and the Color Dragons would have a major power imbalance if one of them were the Destroyer and that should have consequences we haven't seen. My bet is it's some unknown legendary sealed away somewhere or something of the like.

Mew: You wouldn't know her. Her name was Iriesce. She died in the last War and wasn't recreated.

Pikachu: Nah. It was a collaborative decision. We both felt kind of spent after all those years of traveling.

Tyranitar: …



  • Posts: 1783
Marge comes from "mar", one of many words meaning the sea in Icelandic. As a rule, I name my characters the first thing that pops into my head when I think of the character. Marge is the only one of the Gym leaders with an actual semi-subtle pun, with Flora and Sparky just there to parody the games' Gym leader names.

Of course it has a nostalgic tug, but that doesn't make it any good as a title and I acknowledge that.


Pages: 1