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  • Posts: 93
Post #641
(Yay for Corn Flakes!)

Is there anyone other than you, anywhere in the world, that knows the rest of the plot and the ending to the story?

Still waiting desperately for the next chapter.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #642
I told Larissa (owner of my first sibling site) once. Odds are she's forgotten it, though. :P And if she remembers, she's sworn to secrecy, so.

There has also been a guy who claimed I'd told him when I hadn't. He swore up and down that he'd honestly thought he remembered me telling him when I confronted him about it, but the ending he thought I'd told him was absolutely nothing like the real one, so I have no idea where that came from.


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #643
what do you mean by 'as in pi the number'? (ask the characters, mark) I've never heard of the number pi.

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 12
Post #644
This pi. And yes, I deliberately spelled it that way, just to see how Mark would react.

There are 10 types of people in this world - people who know binary and people who don't.
There are 3 types of people in this world - people who can't count and people who can.


  • Posts: 39
Post #645
after each War of the Legends, is it the last legendary pokemon that becomes the creator or is it the last pokemon in general?

Ummmm… So… Yea… Theres a Darthjarjar here now… Soon… All the internet forums will be filled with Darthjarjars…


  • Posts: 70
Post #646
Chaletwo has explained this already I believe, isn't it that the "residual energy" from the War settles into it and gives it Creator-Powers?

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #647
Last legendary.



  • Posts: 56
Post #648
Would it be possible for other pokemon to devolope the deathstare such as if they were chosen by a legndary beast.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #649
No. That's a property of his eyes being the way they are; while Pokémon with a bunch of extra power can learn to manipulate that power in new ways, they can't just change the details of their organs.


Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #650
Which is your favourite psuedo-legendary?
Mine's Dragonite.
If the next generation comes along before you finish this story (very likely), are there going to be any of the new pokemon in it?

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #651
Probably Dragonite too, yeah. Though I also like Garchomp.

Just like when the third and fourth generations came out, yes, there will be fifth-generation Pokémon and moves I'll pretend were always there once the English names of everything are out.



  • Posts: 2
Post #652
How would Mutark's ability work if it was in a Pokemon game? Would it get stronger if it was hit with a special move that wouldn't cause blood, like Water Gun? And how would its strength compare to something that was already strong, like Metagross? Would healing it make it go back to its weak form?

Same from TCoD.


  • Posts: 70
Post #653
^Funny, I tend to imagine the games would have a list like
Scratch, ViceGrip, Guillotine, Razor Wind, Cut, Horn Attack, Fury Attack, Horn Drill, Poison Sting, Twineedle, Pin Missile, Bite, Peck, Drill Peck, Razor Leaf, Swift, Spike Cannon, Leech Life, Fury Swipes, Super Fang, Slash, Spikes, False Swipe, Fury Cutter, Steel Wing, Megahorn, Metal Claw, Crunch, Needle Arm, Air Cutter, Rock Tomb, Silver Wind, Aerial Ace, Icicle Spear, Dragon Claw, Magical Leaf, Leaf Blade, Pluck, Fling (Quick Claw, King’s Rock, DeepSeaTooth, Sharp Beak, Poison Barb, NeverMeltIce, Dragon Fang, Grip Claw, Sticky Barb, Razor Claw, Razor Fang), Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab, Night Slash, Air Slash, X-Scissor, Power Gem, Vacuum Wave, Brave Bird, Earth Power, Ice Shard, Shadow Claw, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Psycho Cut, Leaf Storm, Cross Poison, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Attack Order.

- That is to say, spiky things - and that those would make it grow.

Am I being annoying answering these questions? If so, sorry.

Do you have any siblings?

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #654
Yeah, the game would probably have an internal list of moves that draw blood which would activate its ability (otherwise, more crudely, it could use the list it already has for moves that make contact, which wouldn't always fit perfectly but would somewhat work), and that would raise its stats. My current idea of it has its stats all rising by one level, but to make up for it it would be very weak in its initial form, with everything maybe base 50 or thereabouts.

It's not annoying if you post your thoughts on questions others ask, especially when it's something that's been answered before - you're just saving me the trouble of pointing it out or repeating myself.

I have an older brother; he's 22 now.



  • Posts: 2
Post #655
In all the movies that feature Mewtwo, would he be replaced with Chaletwo or is there a different story?

Same from TCoD.

Shadow Serenity

  • Posts: 17
Post #656
Chaletwo was never really a "replacement" Mewtwo, far as I know. If the fic were compared to the anime/movies, it's supposed to have taken place -after- all those movies, and though the exact length of time was mentioned somewhere already, that information escapes me at the moment.

So, um… the movies wouldn't change, really. They've already all happened before the fic started.


  • Posts: 70
Post #657
Hey, when exactly does Mutark return to its first form? When it's returned to its Poké Ball, or does it just gradually shrink, or what?

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #658
Mewtwo still exists. In chapter 25, Chaletwo explained why Mewtwo's body was there in the prologue, namely that he was taken back in time, but where the fic is now, this has not yet happened. It's 27 years after the beginning of the anime.

Mutark will shift back into its first form when the battle is over. If it's returned to its Pokéball, it'll go back when it's sent out again and the battle is no longer going on.



  • Posts: 93
Post #659
I've been wondering about all this random information that would likely never be in the actual fic(Mrs. Grodski's team, about Iriesce, a few other things I'm too lazy to look for). Was it already thought of, or did you make it up on the spot?
It seems strange that you would have that information just there, never to be used(unless of course it is later chapters), but knowing you, I guess you /would/ already have all that in your head.

Also, how do you pronounce Iriesce? She seems like a very pretty Pokemon. <3

Still waiting desperately for the next chapter.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #660
Oh, you're giving me way too much credit. A great majority of the stuff that gets answered in Ask the Characters is being made up on the spot, with me trusting my (usually pretty good) memory to make sure I won't contradict it later. I've still made plenty of goofs, mind, and retconned other stuff subtly in the story.

Iriesce is pronounced "Eerie-esk" in my head, but I know that doesn't make much sense and I pronounce half of the normal Pokémon names wrong anyway, so.


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