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Considering the many revisions of this fic has had and how long you've been writing it, how difficult is it to change a long time aspect of a character or the plot?
Also, is the death of May's dad's Meganuim a homage to Venusaur's death in Ties that Bind?
Difficult in the attachment-to-the-old-silly-idea sense, or difficult in the already-wrote-this-in sense?
It was a Charizard that died in The Ties that Bind, at the hands of a Venusaur, so the situation for May's dad's Meganium was reversed. I did think of that fic, but I was trying not to make it too similar, beyond the starter-dying-battling-another-starter thing.
Do you mind everyone making all their own theories about the Destroyer?
(I think that needs a name change too. Calling something which Destroys a "Destroyer" is kinda… Generic? How about… The Consumer? Something like The —— One? Seriously, add a good describing word and run with it. It works!)
"Life is too important to be taken seriously"
I love theories about the Destroyer. They make me cackle evilly and look forward to writing the end.
It's called the Destroyer because it's the destruction part of the trinity with the Creator and Preserver. That's sort of the whole point. Changing the Destroyer's name would destroy the parallel between them.
Besides, the Destroyer isn't even "something which destroys" except in a very indirect sense, and since absolutely nothing is known about the Destroyer except that it's something that drains the power of the legendaries and causes the War of the Legends, "the Destroyer" is in fact probably the least obvious name you can give it without making assumptions out of nowhere; I mean, I'd consider "the Power-Drainer" or "the War-Causing One" far worse.
That's true. Of course it's got logic behind it, this is a Butterfree fic, after all.
Would you consider making a spin-off about Alan's journey to catch Rainteicune?
"Life is too important to be taken seriously"
Would you consider making a spin-off about Alan's journey to catch Rainteicune?
I actually answered almost that exact question
a while ago.
Oops… Sorry…
Anyway, I have another question. What happens to Dialga and Palkia in the War? Have they ever been in a War?
"Life is too important to be taken seriously"
Anyway, I have another question. What happens to Dialga and Palkia in the War? Have they ever been in a War?
Aaaand this one is in the
Are you even going to tell us who/what the destroyer is by the end of the fic?
Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.
… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.
Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!
Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…
You will know what/who the Destroyer is by the end of the fic, yes.
I was thinking more along the lines of "attachment-to-the-silly-idea-sense," but it seems like you'd have to take in account both senses when you change something. So, um, describing the closest thing to a method you use when that happens would probably be best.
My mistake for switching Venusaur and Charizard around D: ; I should reread it soon.
Thank you for answering, as well.
Oh, man, I feel like a moron now. Look at the FAQ before asking questions. Got it.
"Life is too important to be taken seriously"
I was thinking more along the lines of "attachment-to-the-silly-idea-sense," but it seems like you'd have to take in account both senses when you change something. So, um, describing the closest thing to a method you use when that happens would probably be best.
It's pretty much a matter of thinking very hard about the new way I want it to be and why it's strictly superior to the old way. After a while, the new way starts to feel familiar and I can push the cringeworthy old one out of my head in the knowledge that the new way is much better.
Does being in a closer proximity to the Destroyer speed up the process of their energy being absorbed?
Does being in a closer proximity to the Destroyer speed up the process of their energy being absorbed?
No. Or at least not as far as Molzapart and Chaletwo know.
What happens to the Destroyer during the War of the Legends? No "Power" is being sent to it so it wouldn't go insane, per se. Does it just avoid the war altogether or use the remaining Power to join in the War?
Unfortunately, nobody knows that. I can explain details of what the characters already basically know, but I can't go around telling you about things that are explicitly a mystery to everyone in the story.
Who is Mark drawing in your current sig extract? For some reason I'm ridiculously curious. D:
Sad is happy for deep people.
You should totally change the name of this thread to "Ask God", as in Word of God. But, that's not my question. In fact, it's not even a question…
If you were to write a spin off or one shot revolving around a human character, who would it be? Timeline wise, how would it relate to TQFTL?
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