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  • Posts: 1783
Post #601
Try giving the images z-index:1;.



  • Posts: 70
Post #602
That's in the CSS, right?

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!

Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #603
Is it possible to change the name of the fic in the other forum? If there is, how do we do it?

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #604
That's in the CSS, right?

Is it possible to change the name of the fic in the other forum? If there is, how do we do it?
Unfortunately, no, I haven't implemented a feature like that. If it's desperately needed, I can see what I can do.


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #605
Not despretly, but it would be very helpful, also, got any good ideas for a morph fic name?

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #606
You don't ask me for ideas for titles. Come on. I named my fic "The Quest for the Legends".


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #607
Good point.

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 25
Post #608
How did you come up with the names for your characters? (Marge?!)

And… why do you hate the title so much? I mean, sure, it's cheesy as hell, but it's got to have at least some kind of nostalgic tug, or else you wouldn't have kept it.

I'm the same person as "Raitora Kuro Yamiraku" on the Quest Blog comments, BTW.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #609
Marge comes from "mar", one of many words meaning the sea in Icelandic. As a rule, I name my characters the first thing that pops into my head when I think of the character. Marge is the only one of the Gym leaders with an actual semi-subtle pun, with Flora and Sparky just there to parody the games' Gym leader names.

Of course it has a nostalgic tug, but that doesn't make it any good as a title and I acknowledge that.



  • Posts: 25
Post #610
Ah. That's genius! (I do imagine Marge Simpson when I read the chapter, but that's the price of living in Shitville America. :3

I'm the same person as "Raitora Kuro Yamiraku" on the Quest Blog comments, BTW.


  • Posts: 70
Post #611
Ahum. Sorry if all these HTML problems are annoying you, but it's stopped displaying the images with a top border, despite my addition of top:25;, which is what made it go just below the cursor before. Is there something obvious that I'm missing?

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #612
You need units. Use top:25px; instead.



  • Posts: 70
Post #613
Ah, that is obvious now that I see it. I feel like an idiot now.

EDIT: I just reread the thread, and was thinking. Would using Splash as a fifth move be grounds for punishment in an official battle? Or would its useless nature mean you were allowed?
…Well, granted, it's useful if you splash water on a Fire, Rock or Ground Type. So excluding that scenario.

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #614
It probably would be grounds for punishment, yes, since it does break the rules; it's about how many attacks you order, not how many do you any good.


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #615
Did you plan all along to revive Scyther, or did you do it because you fell in love with him?

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #616
I think I'd fallen in love with him before I'd decided he'd die in the first place, actually. That, after all, is mostly there to make the Mew Hunter's Pokéball not work anymore.


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #617
How did the leader cut Shadowdart's scyth? I always picture it like Gabite's cut on the back fin.

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #618
…do you mean how as in "how did he manage to actually cut through the scythe material" or how as in "what does the cut look like"? Generally I'd assume the former, but the second sentence makes it sound like the latter.


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #619
Urm, now that you mention it, both, originally the latter.

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #620
The former, by slow "sawing" (though not quite, since the edges aren't serrated). The latter, they're quite a bit bigger than just that little notch - as The Fall of a Leader mentions, there ends up being very little left of his left scythe. I drew it a while ago to demonstrate.


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