Ask the Author

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  • Posts: 1783
Post #701
If you were to write a spin off or one shot revolving around a human character, who would it be? Timeline wise, how would it relate to TQFTL?
Possibly Sparky as a kid with his father and dying mother, or on his Pokémon journey with Nurse Joy. That or Rick. I actually toyed with writing a one-shot about his anxiety over Mew just before he gave it to Mark ages ago. Or, as I kind of wanted to when I was writing chapter 46, about when Taylor calls him from the League whining for a sixth clone. Or possibly about his brittle sanity cracking when he finds out about Taylor's death, though I worry I couldn't write that well enough.

"Ask God" would sound rather self-important, wouldn't it? Especially to people who haven't been to TV Tropes, who wouldn't get the reference.



  • Posts: 1783
Post #702
If you were to write a spin off or one shot revolving around a human character, who would it be? Timeline wise, how would it relate to TQFTL?
Possibly Sparky as a kid with his father and dying mother, or on his Pokémon journey with Nurse Joy. That or Rick. I actually toyed with writing a one-shot about his anxiety over Mew just before he gave it to Mark ages ago. Or, as I kind of wanted to when I was writing chapter 46, about when Taylor calls him from the League whining for a sixth clone. Or possibly about his brittle sanity cracking when he finds out about Taylor's death, though I worry I couldn't write that well enough.

"Ask God" would sound rather self-important, wouldn't it? Especially to people who haven't been to TV Tropes, who wouldn't get the reference.



  • Posts: 8
Post #703
If Raikou hadn't have eben caught by Rick, would he have made a Spirit Gem and could he have maybe given it to Jolteon?

Just asking.

Yes I am the same Brock from TCoD forums.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #704
If Raikou hadn't have eben caught by Rick, would he have made a Spirit Gem and could he have maybe given it to Jolteon?
He would have made a soul gem, but it would have been given to one of his potentials, and Jolteon wasn't one of them.


Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #705
Yeah, Jolteon probably wasn't born when Raikou gathered potentials.

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #706
Wasn't born, and most definitely was not yet a Jolteon (the potentials were always of the legendary's type). And even if he had been, he would be dark-colored and somebody would have noticed that.



  • Posts: 31
Post #707
Plus, there's the fact that it's pushing the Willing Suspension of Disbelief to imagine someone just happening to find the Pokemon that receives Raikou's and the Pokemon that received Suicune's and just happening to meet the person who owns the Pokemon that received Entei's.

That was… worded really poorly.

Who's your favorite author? What's your favorite book by them? Is it a well known book in Iceland?

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose? How would you use these powers?

If you could exist in the universe of any piece of fiction / time in history, where would you choose?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #708
Yeah, that too. It stretches credulity enough that Spirit and Gyarados's trainers happen to travel together.

(Although there is this hidden piece of random headcanon of mine that says that the Electrike whose mother they killed in chapter 34 was one of Raikou's potentials, which, if it had accepted Alan's offer to take it and train it, would have resulted in a perfect trinity of potentials for the three main characters. Which, of course, meant I specifically didn't make that happen.)

Who's your favorite author? What's your favorite book by them? Is it a well known book in Iceland?
I don't really have a single favorite author (of fiction, anyway); there are a lot of books I love. Michael Ende and both Momo and The Neverending Story have to go pretty high, though, and I recognize that while there are other books I really love, those two are better as literature. They do have Icelandic translations, but I don't think I've actually met anybody here besides my best friend (who introduced me to them) who's read them.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose? How would you use these powers?
Flying, preferably if coupled with super-endurance (which would also be pretty good on its own). Just for the sheer fun of it, seriously. Being able to fly places under one's own power is pretty much the ultimate freedom, or maybe after teleportation (which would also be very cool, but not as fun as flying).

If you could exist in the universe of any piece of fiction / time in history, where would you choose?
Pokémon, of course! Who wouldn't want a bunch of cuddly, badass, powerful, awesome creatures as friends you can go on adventures with? Also, some of them can fly.

Though magic of the less restrained kind, such as in Harry Potter, would also be very cool to have. (Plus, flying!)


Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #709
Are Descith a prevolution to Scyther, or are they still Scyther, just with no scythes yet? If the latter, why do you need a different name for them?
(Please let no one have asked this before to avoid making me look like an idiot…)

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #710
It's a pre-evolution, as should be abundantly clear by both the fact it does have its own name and all the talk in Scyther's Story about evolving and glowing white and all.

They look similar to Scyther, but there are more differences than just the lack of scythes; they also have only three spikes on their heads, bigger eyes, no wings, a smaller upper body with a narrow vertical cleft down the middle instead, a smaller abdomen, and legs consisting only of the conical portion.


Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #711
Sorry to make you appear OOC again, Butterfree, but I'm confused. Attack and defense don't consume Power, unless you count things like Iron Defense or Swords Dance which raise those stats. So how does the Destroyer affect those stats?

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #712
Where in the world did you get the idea that Attack and Defense aren't power?

I replied to this in detail over on the Quest Blog.



  • Posts: 17
Post #713
What was it that you weren't expecting to happen in chapter 55? I'm guessing it was Alan's ragequitting (which was awesome :P), but if it was, what was supposed to happen in the first place?

Also, what are Dragoreen's and Preciure's types? I looked in chapter 2 but unless I missed it, it's not stated outright.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #714
What was it that you weren't expecting to happen in chapter 55? I'm guessing it was Alan's ragequitting (which was awesome :P), but if it was, what was supposed to happen in the first place?
Nothing. They were just supposed to decide they needed way more training to be able to do this, maybe talk a little about where they're going, and then the chapter would be over. But then Alan suddenly stood up and left and I thought, "Hey, why not?"

Also, what are Dragoreen's and Preciure's types? I looked in chapter 2 but unless I missed it, it's not stated outright.
They're both plain Dragon/Flying.



  • Posts: 69
Post #715
Are any of the characters running a Xanatos Gambit?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #716
Are any of the characters running a Xanatos Gambit?
Besides Entei and Suicune? They might be. But probably not in the way you think.



  • Posts: 31
Post #717
I think you should swap Scorplack's normal and shiny colorings. I just think its shiny coloring fits it a lot better.

What do you think?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #718
I think you should swap Scorplack's normal and shiny colorings. I just think its shiny coloring fits it a lot better.

What do you think?
If I thought so, I wouldn't have colored it this way. The shiny palette looks a lot more like a shiny palette, with brighter, more extravagant colors; making the shiny form duller and less stand-out-ish than the normal one would be off.



  • Posts: 10
Post #719
Does the Destroyer know it's the Destroyer? Because that could help bash a lot of theories (and spark new ones).

Also, how many Pokemon are exculsive to Ouen? It hardly seems likely that there's only Scorplack, Letal, Mutark and Monarking, plus in the Ask the Characters thread Mitch mentioned a large poisonous spider that I don't think was mentioned in the fic.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #720
Does the Destroyer know it's the Destroyer? Because that could help bash a lot of theories (and spark new ones).
Nobody knows that, and I'm not telling you.

Also, how many Pokemon are exculsive to Ouen? It hardly seems likely that there's only Scorplack, Letal, Mutark and Monarking, plus in the Ask the Characters thread Mitch mentioned a large poisonous spider that I don't think was mentioned in the fic.
There's no definite number of Ouenian Pokémon. Generally, any fake Pokémon I create are assumed to be native to Ouen, so all the fake sprites I've made and so on technically also live in there somewhere, though they're unlikely to appear in the fic. There are also several other Pokémon I have a rough concept of but no images or details (including another unpleasant Ouenian Poison-type that gets a mention by Mitch waaaaay later on). I don't really keep count of them; it's not that many, but that doesn't mean I won't make up more later and pretend they were always there.


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