Posts tagged "Pronunciation"

There are 4 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
…Do I honestly creep you out?
No. I know truly creepy people and you are not one of them.

What's the stressed syllable in Descith?
The first. I actually pronounce it DES-kith, which makes no sense in light of how Scyther is pronounced, but hey.

Who is your favorite morph to write about in Morphic?
Mia. I love writing characters with serious issues, if you haven't noticed, and she is so delightfully inhuman. That said, I also love Gabriel quite a lot because I get to put him through all this fun stuff.



  • Posts: 1783
Have you ever had hákarl?
It's been offered to me, but I'm not the sort of person who eats repulsive things just to say I did.

Do you mind the number of people asking for lists of Icelandic swearwords?
It's sort of silly, but eh. :/

…And now my curiosity has gotten the better of me. How do you pronounce "Helvítis"?
Roughly "HELL-vee-dis".



  • Posts: 1783
How do you pronounce "Mewtwo^2"? Mewtwotwo or mewtwo squared?
In my head it actually tends to become "Mewtwo'two", as in Mewtwo-beat-two. Don't ask why. You can pronounce it however you want, though; there isn't really an official pronunciation for it, hence why it's not in the pronunciation guide.

What happens if an egg hatchs and one or both of it's parents is/are dead? Who gives blood/holds the fresh prey?
The parent role is only pretty arbitrarily related to who actually donated the egg and sperm. The important thing is that two Scyther commit themselves to a basic sort of responsibility for the hatchling and will share their prey with it when necessary and so on. So if one parent dies, the remaining parent just finds somebody else willing to take on that bit of responsibility.

What happens if the leader is the father/mother?
Somebody else acts as the official father/mother, since the Leader has other responsibilities and isn't expected to be worrying about hatchlings.

Can a female be leader?
Yes; Leaders can be either sex.



  • Posts: 1783
Oh, you're giving me way too much credit. A great majority of the stuff that gets answered in Ask the Characters is being made up on the spot, with me trusting my (usually pretty good) memory to make sure I won't contradict it later. I've still made plenty of goofs, mind, and retconned other stuff subtly in the story.

Iriesce is pronounced "Eerie-esk" in my head, but I know that doesn't make much sense and I pronounce half of the normal Pokémon names wrong anyway, so.


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