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Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #581
The colour of love shouldn't be pink. It should be me-coloured.
Do you know who Alan's mum is, or are you just going to make it up?
•Alan's mum has got it goin' on!• (to the tune of 'Stacy's Mom')

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #582
I know who Alan's mom is.



  • Posts: 25
Post #583
any idea why the other forums is still ridiculously unreliable? (actually moreso, because now it just gives an ISE500 instead of dumping errors to output.)


  • Posts: 1783
Post #584
What do you mean, dumping errors to output? The 500 errors are the same phenomenon as when it used to return blank pages; the database errors there used to be are completely gone as expected. This might be some malfunctioning hack or something of the like.



  • Posts: 25
Post #585
there was a time when the program would spew out things about DocumentRoot or something like that with red text and yellow boxes on a white background. eh.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #586
…the forums can't really ever have done that, because that's what ASP.NET's error pages look like. You're probably confusing it with the message that came up on here.



  • Posts: 25
Post #587
hm. I just got that sort of error at the CoST, so I guess.


  • Posts: 1
Post #588
i would just like to ask if the author could mabey write bios of the ones chosen before Mark?

Like Leah and Mary, when i read the part about Leah, i could not clerly make her out in my mind wile reading,
Its just a suggetion.


  • Posts: 56
Post #589
Will suicune and enteis ressurection be put in the fic.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #590
Well, they're not exactly main characters - seeing as right now Leah has appeared in one chapter and the others haven't appeared at all, it would be a bit odd to make bios for them, wouldn't it? But perhaps they'll play a bio-warranting role later on, hmm? :P

Will suicune and enteis ressurection be put in the fic.
Always with those questions making unwarranted assumptions! Who says Suicune and Entei ever get resurrected in the first place? Who says it will happen before the end of the fic? You can't assume like that and I can't answer it without thus spoiling those details.



  • Posts: 8
Post #591
Is the Destroyer someone a reader could potentially guess? I mean, is it some made-up Pokemon you're keeping secret, or is it a character who has been mentioned or who is at least an official Pokemon or character? If you can answer that. And assuming the Destroyer is even a someone in the first place.

Can Mutark actually talk, or just make incomprehensible mewing sounds?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #592
Let's just say the Destroyer will not be pulled out of nowhere.

Can Mutark actually talk, or just make incomprehensible mewing sounds?
See, when it's in its default form, it's always keeping up this babyish facade, so it doesn't speak. If you got it in a later form, I suppose you could get it to speak intelligently, but it would probably be preoccupied with the battle at that point…



  • Posts: 70
Post #593
Oh, so Mutark is consciously decieving us. Yay! Official confirmation of what I thought all along!

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!

ShinyRedEon =D

  • Posts: 42
Post #594
Butterfree, when you started writing the fic did you know exactly what was going to happen or did you make it up as you went along?

and how do you get the spiolers to work?

I am ShinyRedGlaceon.

ShinyRedEon =D

  • Posts: 42
Post #595
sreservoir said: 'there was a time when the program would spew out things about DocumentRoot or something like that with red text and yellow boxes on a white background. eh.'

That often happens to me on the comments.

I am ShinyRedGlaceon.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #596
Butterfree, when you started writing the fic did you know exactly what was going to happen or did you make it up as you went along?
It was all made up as I went along, or rather slightly ahead of it. Which is a good thing, because whatever this fic would be if I'd planned it out in its entirety when I was twelve, it certainly wouldn't be any good.

And what spoilers? There aren't any spoiler tags on this forum, if that's what you were wondering about; it's pretty much assumed that the entire forum is stuffed with spoilers and you shouldn't be here if you haven't read the ILCOE.



  • Posts: 30
Post #597
This might sound stupid or nosy, but what's the volcano situation like over there? You're not suffocating on volcanic ash, are you?

…in my pants.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left!

Say "thug aim" out loud. Prepare to be annoyed.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #598
No. The wind is conveniently blowing all the stuff straight away from Iceland and towards Europe instead.



  • Posts: 30
Post #599
Ah, I see. Well, it's not very convenient for Europe. XP

A friend in the UK is saying that we're all going to suffocate to death from the volcano's ash, so I was wondering what it was like in Iceland. And, you know. Suffocating on ash doesn't seem like very much fun. ._.

And if you do die from it, Butterfree, I am going to be so pissed at you for not finishing TQftL and Morphic. ):<

…in my pants.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left!

Say "thug aim" out loud. Prepare to be annoyed.


  • Posts: 70
Post #600
Um. When I'm using that coding that makes images appear on hover, sometimes they appear under the text. Is there a reason for this? And possibly a solution?

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!

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