What gave you the idea of combining Pokemon's names to create a whole new Pokemon? :0
Uhh, Pokémon itself? All Pokémon names are portmanteaus of relevant words, and then we have "Venustoise" in the anime. It's kind of obvious.
The inspiration to combine Pokémon in the first place was Mew's Hangout's tutorial on mixing Pokémon together (not with sprites, mind you, but official art). The example was a "Chandrill", too, so even if I wouldn't have thought of "Hey, let's give them spliced names too!", it would have come from there. So then I went and made a whole bunch of images in Paint of Pokémon like "Beekachabra" and "Ponydude" and "Squirtulbamander" and "Molzapart" and "Rainteicune". Yeah.