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  • Posts: 349
Post #321
I was expecting that…….

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!

Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #322
steele… You have now come to a significant point in your lead guitaristism. Its called "Bagging the Bassist". You need to know only this: a bass is heavier than a guitar: it can take a larger chunk out of your head. To Butterfree: I read a comment by someone who was Icelandic, as was your reply(on one of the later chapters). Somehow, i understood it: something about gyarados being a regular pokemon, not legendary? Is that right? Just wanted to know if i have the gift of tounges.

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #323
That would be my mom. She was confused because she'd gotten the impression Gyarados was a legendary Pokémon, and I told her no, it isn't. Though your feat would be more impressive if it hadn't actually contained the words "Gyarados" and "legendary" in English. :P



  • Posts: 349
Post #324
As long as you don't have an Axe Bass, I'm fine with being a lead player.
Now….Back to stupid questions.
What would you do your roof caved in, destroying all your hand coded HTML?

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #325
It wouldn't. :P For one thing, roof caving in is in no way sure to destroy a hard drive; for another, the site is on a server in London and I could just go and redownload it onto my computer.



  • Posts: 349
Post #326
Hmm…..Insurance. Good thing….

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!


  • Posts: 1
Post #327
What are your best and worst experiences as a fanfic writer?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #328
"Best" and "worst" in what sense exactly? What type of "experiences"? It's an awfully vague question with several dozen potential answers depending on what meaning you give to the words. The moments I've felt most or least accomplished in writing? The easiest and hardest chapters to write? The best and worst reviews? What?



  • Posts: 200
Post #329
…Do I honestly creep you out?

To settle my mind, please.


  • Posts: 17
Post #330
I'm reading The Fall of a Leader again. :3 What's the stressed syllable in Descith?


  • Posts: 30
Post #331
Who is your favorite morph to write about in Morphic?

…in my pants.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left!

Say "thug aim" out loud. Prepare to be annoyed.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #332
…Do I honestly creep you out?
No. I know truly creepy people and you are not one of them.

What's the stressed syllable in Descith?
The first. I actually pronounce it DES-kith, which makes no sense in light of how Scyther is pronounced, but hey.

Who is your favorite morph to write about in Morphic?
Mia. I love writing characters with serious issues, if you haven't noticed, and she is so delightfully inhuman. That said, I also love Gabriel quite a lot because I get to put him through all this fun stuff.



  • Posts: 349
Post #333
Mia is awesome…..
* * *
And then she pulled her arm back and-
A large hole now stood where the fly used to be.
"That fly was bugging me."
* * *

…But I think Will is the best morph.

DGF, if you want to see real creepy people, look at my neighbors. They are crack dealers. Do the police know that? Yep. We have called the cops on them six times. But the cops and them are friends from school…
Who is the most boring person/ you're least favorite to write about in TQFtL? (Meaning the charecter you like the least)
What about the best? (I can guess who you will say….)

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #334
Who is the most boring person/ you're least favorite to write about in TQFtL? (Meaning the charecter you like the least)
I love all my characters in their own way. Sandslash isn't overly interesting, but it's not as if writing him actively bores me; if it did, I wouldn't be writing about him. I do dislike Molzapart and avoid writing him out of embarrassment over having ever created him, but that's not really a matter of him as a character, so I'm not sure if that counts.

What about the best? (I can guess who you will say….)
Scyther and Sparky and Chaletwo and Floatzel and Letaligon and May. :3 And Shadowdart if the spin-offs count.



  • Posts: 349
Post #335
….I guessed Razor, Floatzel and Letaligon. Score.
Do you like Pepsi or Coke better?

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #336

It may not be very obvious just how much I love writing Chaletwo, but I do. Seriously.



  • Posts: 30
Post #337
What does "I come from the mountains…" mean?

…in my pants.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left!

Say "thug aim" out loud. Prepare to be annoyed.


  • Posts: 349
Post #338
Iced tea is enjoyable right? I love it. Do you drink iced tea? If so, what kind?

What is your favorite Pokémon from a fossil?

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!


  • Posts: 200
Post #339
So, um, wold you become a trainer if you lived in the pokemon world?

(I don't know)


  • Posts: 1783
Post #340
What does "I come from the mountains…" mean?
It's an Icelandic expression referring to basically being clueless about the matter at hand.

Do you drink iced tea?
I'm afraid not.

What is your favorite Pokémon from a fossil?
Either Kabutops or Aerodactyl. Probably Kabutops; it has scythes.

So, um, wold you become a trainer if you lived in the pokemon world?
Sure. I'd try it, at least. Then again, maybe I'd end up deciding it would be more fun to have a fluffy Eevee or something as a pet and spend my days writing on the computer.


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