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  • Posts: 1783
Post #361
Favorite aniamal, if you have one?

Is there anything you'd like to rant or ramble about at the current moment?
Sure! Næturvaktin, this Icelandic TV show I'm obsessed with at the moment, is really ridiculously good. It's about these three guys working a night shift at a gas station: the boss from hell who is the most intolerable man imaginable, a really stupid and naïve guy with the same given names as the president of Iceland, and a normal, intelligent young guy who happens to have no backbone whatsoever, and it chronicles their daily routine at work (though the sequels move the setting elsewhere) where the first-mentioned abuses the other two in every imaginable way and they're too timid to do anything about it. What makes it so good is that they're not just this sitcom cast of a few exaggerated personalities stuck together in the hopes of creating hilarious jokes; they have extremely well-developed backgrounds and the intricacies of their personalities are clearly created as the psychological end product of these backgrounds and feel completely natural as such. As a result, they feel really sympathetic and understandable and you care about them right away (or rather, despise the boss and care about the others), in a way that I've never seen another TV show do so quickly and powerfully, much less a comedy. And it's also hilarious. And the guys who play the main characters are probably the only actors in Iceland who can actually sound believable when they talk, which is a big plus.



  • Posts: 200
Post #362
Sounds cool. Too bad it's in Icelantic…(Wait, is it?)

so you know this Farla girl, huh? That wide-scale manipulation she did on Serebii…it was, it was EPIC. I mean seriously, did you see… And how she made everyone do exacley as she wanted…It was simply amazing. (And a tad terrifying, I suppose.)

Is there really a secret forum for the staff members, or is this just a myth?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #363
It is in Icelandic. Although it is possible to get it on DVD with English subtitles (though I'm not sure how well translation would preserve the jokes, and there are a lot of Icelandic celebrities making cameos that nobody outside of Iceland would get).

I vaguely know Farla, starting with when I think I was Googling some of my fanfics to watch for plagiarism and found she'd commented on one of my one-shots as being a generic angstfest (and, as I found out when I read more, made an off-hand reference elsewhere to TQftL as having the most poorly thought-out plot she had ever seen). It was quite an awakening. :P

We don't exactly talk, but she knows her stuff and she often posts entertaining things, so I read her LiveJournal fairly regularly. Why do you ask?

There are "secret" forums for staff members mostly everywhere for the sake of allowing mods to discuss what to do about rulebreaking and rule changes and the like; I'm not sure if you're referring to my forums or Serebii here, but they both do. Though on my forums there is hardly any point in its existence, what with the last post in it having been in June last year (a question about the tag system), and the last thread before that was last posted in in December 2008. In other words, believe me when I say you're not missing anything.



  • Posts: 200
Post #364
I find it kind of funny that people can find so many things wrong with your writing, since I essentially worship it and always try to rate my writing agaist yours. But meh.

We don't exactly talk, but she knows her stuff and she often posts entertaining things, so I read her LiveJournal fairly regularly. Why do you ask?

I guess I just kinda thought that I'd bring it up, since she deticated so much time just to prove a point. I'm a bit surprised you don't have anything to say on the matter, I mean, I think that was pretty awesome. (Although it was quite a bit ago.) Would you mind providing a link to this Livejournal?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #365
I assume you mean the Lucki incident, correct? That was pretty cool. I never read it until after she'd posted the end, so I will never know if the actual story would have fooled me, but the icemew persona did. And it was a pretty good point she proved, too.

Her LiveJournal is here.


Scytherian Poetry

  • Posts: 114
Post #366
Do you base any charactes on any real people? Is Taylor's Mewtwo2 going to end up like the Mewtwo from the movie, meaning, having his darstardly plans ruins by something stupid like crying?

"Life is too important to be taken seriously"


  • Posts: 1783
Post #367
Do you base any charactes on any real people?
Besides May originating as a self-insert-esque character and still having some 'references' to myself, no. Writing real people into a story that happens in the Pokémon world would just feel odd to me.

Is Taylor's Mewtwo2 going to end up like the Mewtwo from the movie, meaning, having his darstardly plans ruins by something stupid like crying?
What dastardly plans? Mewtwo² is brainwashed by the Clone Ball to just do whatever Taylor tells him to; if he has any sort of a plan for anything, it's to escape from it, but I'd hardly call that dastardly. Taylor's plans are slightly more so, but only really extend as far as "Win the Ouen League".

And no, seeing as I write lengthy rants myself about how ridiculous the crying scene in the first movie is, I would not write anything of the like into my fic. Mewtwo² will have an important role near the end, but that will not be resolved by anything lame.



  • Posts: 200
Post #368
Why must your friends be so witty? >:-(

What's this, um, story you wrote wrote when you were seven. Sound like a good read.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #369
Why must your friends be so witty? >:-(

What's this, um, story you wrote wrote when you were seven. Sound like a good read.
It is, but it's in Icelandic and is not nearly as charming when I attempt to translate it (and when my delightful attempts at illustrations aren't there). I don't have it with me right now, but I suppose I can try to type it up from memory, though, since I was just reading it the other day (I do that regularly).


Gráni, Faxi's father, lay and waited for death. Faxi stood by his side and said, "Dad, will I inherit everything?"

Gráni replied: "Yes, son, and that's quite a lot. You will inherit three things: the first is a necklace, the second is a map and the third is a chest."

Faxi thought this was weird. What was he supposed to do with these things? Then it was like Gráni read his thoughts: "The necklace makes you invisible, the map shows the way to Blakkur's cave* and the chest stores your treasures," said Gráni.

"But Dad, I have something for you," said Faxi. "And what is that, so late in my life?" asked Gráni.

"Yes, very 'late in your life'," said Faxi, "it's a medicine! Eat some of this grass!" "Yes! I'm cured!" Gráni ran away and all his belongings were left with Faxi.

Faxi paced around the clearing. He liked it there and decided to live there. He headed out to find new adventures.

Suddenly, Faxi heard a gunshot! He ran the other way, straight towards a human! It was a trap! The man with the gun had been herding him towards his partner with the bridle, who now put it on Faxi and led him away.

Faxi was sold on the condition that he would be shot when he could no longer work, at least NOT sold. He tried his best but soon it came to his dying day. He escaped narrowly, but his right front leg was wounded, and he lay there helpless until a tiger came and saved him. Then he limped away.

But soon it became apparent that a rock had gotten stuck in Faxi's eye. But soon it fell out.

Faxi ran out over the plains and onto the rock that separated the plains from the lowlands. There he met a beautiful mare. Cont'd.

*Blakkur is a horse who once fought Faxi and got a black eye. He is the only enemy who desires the necklace.


The mare's name was Snow White. She loved Faxi and got together with him.

Soon a little foal was born into the world. There was plenty to do. Faxi went spying in the morning and didn't come back until the evening. One day, he came home with bad news. "Blakkur and Kola-Blakkur are going to kidnap the foal!"

"What? Kidnap little Blesi! Never!" But Blesi was kidnapped the next day.

That night, Faxi went to the cave and saw Blesi chained to a post. He tried to let him loose, but then Kola-Blakkur jumped on him! It was a trap! Now Faxi had to work all day carrying Blakkur's foal, but Snow White sat at home and thought things over.

One day, she had a brilliant idea. Faxi was on a night watch while Blakkur and Kola-Blakkur slept! That evening, she rescued Faxi (and of course Blesi too).

[insert random terrible overdramatic attempt at poetry about Faxi and Blakkur fighting here]



  • Posts: 200
Post #370
Butterfree, that's LOVELY! You had me me laughing by the second paragraph. Ooh, and you musn't forget the

But soon it became apparent that a rock had gotten stuck in Faxi's eye. But soon it fell out

Simply hilareous. And if this isn't nearly as charming in English, it must be resolulutely adorable in Icelantic…

<It made me melt>>>>


  • Posts: 30
Post #371
I must agree, that is quite adorable, this story you wrote as a young child. X3 I liked it, even though I couldn't really follow most of it… XD

…in my pants.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left!

Say "thug aim" out loud. Prepare to be annoyed.


  • Posts: 200
Post #372
Did you have some dream job when you were litlle?

Do you have some huge asperation you want to fill in your life.


I'm referring to something in the main forums, in the "if you were an admin" thread. I believe I'm being a bit too dramatic, by Mentioning it here, but you know, I was kinda embarresed at the time…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #373
Did you have some dream job when you were litlle?
It was always two things: being a writer, and for some reason owning a restaurant. I'd made up menus, names, drawn pictures and floor plans and everything. And it was going to be all charity-like and collecting money to save the tigers. Unfortunately I'm no longer so obsessed with restaurants.

Do you have some huge asperation you want to fill in your life.
Finishing The Quest for the Legends. No, really, that is my primary long-term goal in life.



  • Posts: 56
Post #374
is this fic going to end with mark felling to capture all the legendaries but still somehow preventing the war


  • Posts: 1783
Post #375
Do you really think I would go and tell you that? :P



  • Posts: 56
Post #376
no i just have absolutely no life


  • Posts: 349
Post #377
Ha, the books you wrote a loooonnng time ago were funny. I wrote some when I was eight but… They weren't good…..

Anyway, :O.

What kind of restraunts are there in Iceland?

What is the square root of 268,942,243,435?

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #378
What kind of restraunts are there in Iceland?
All kinds, generally. o.O I mean, restaurants are some of the things least likely to particularly reflect the country they're located in, after all.

What is the square root of 268,942,243,435?

(You never said calculators weren't allowed. :P)



  • Posts: 349
Post #379

But I was meaning more like:

Is there an Icelandic version of something like McDonald's, Panda Express, ect?

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!


  • Posts: 56
Post #380
would it Disturbe you if you were my best friend

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