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Emerald Espeon

  • Posts: 5
Post #241
I was wondering what is it about Mark getting a note saying he's not allowed to use Gyarados in the league, that made it your favourite chapter beginning ever?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #242
I just love the actual note - the mechanical wording, the capitalization of the "variables", the general idea of implicitly accusing Mark of feeding his Pokémon steroids, and just the logic of it, really - of course the League will assume something suspicious when somebody enters with an überpowerful Pokémon like that Gyarados. Let's just say it's the sort of random thing I would find completely awesome if it were in somebody else's fic because I'm weird like that. I'm not expecting you to find it particularly remarkable or anything, but I was incredibly giddy over finally getting to write it.


Emerald Espeon

  • Posts: 5
Post #243
For the knockout battle in chapter 49 where switching Pokémon wasn't allowed, would moves like Baton Pass and U-Turn have been allowed?

Just curious :P


  • Posts: 1783
Post #244
They'd have been allowed, but the moment that Pokémon had switched out, it would be considered fainted and he would not be able to send it out again.


Emerald Espeon

  • Posts: 5
Post #245
You might not want to answer this right now, but should we be expecting something unusual or exciting to happen in the next chapter? Since you said you were being really OCD about chapter 50 before and then you saw that what you had planned as chapter 48 would make a fine chapter 50, or something.

Or will it just be…a regular league chapter? :P


  • Posts: 1783
Post #246
Let's just say it fits nicely into the five-chapter arc pattern the ILCOE has going.



  • Posts: 200
Post #247
(Random question thought of last night)

Do I ever remind you of anyone you know?

Is there a way to find the secret ID on the game?

Oh, and where would I learn how to make a forumy code such as this?

And did you know that it is easy to get to the in-progress movie reviews with simple URL manipulation?

</large array of questions>


  • Posts: 1783
Post #248
Do I ever remind you of anyone you know?

Is there a way to find the secret ID on the game?
Not really; the only way I can imagine it being possible is if you have a shiny and somehow find out its personality value and thus figure out your secret ID from that somehow.

Oh, and where would I learn how to make a forumy code such as this?
"A forumy code"? You mean to code your own forum? Uh, you could just check out tutorials for a scripting language of your choice and MySQL.

And did you know that it is easy to get to the in-progress movie reviews with simple URL manipulation?

Yes, that's rather obvious. Not that it will actually help you most of the time, since the files on the server won't actually be updated unless I happen to be updating the site for other reasons. It's not like the movie reviews are a secret. o_O



  • Posts: 200
Post #249
If it's any consolation, I can also see that Pokemon break down you're doing.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #250
Uh. What Pokémon breakdown?



  • Posts: 200
Post #251

It's delightfully vacant. But I got the gist. Unless that was sarcasm you just posted, in which case I was totally lying.

If you got any of that.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #252
That's not precisely something I "am doing", what with having written two or three sentences into it in 2006 and never having opened it again. o_O



  • Posts: 200
Post #253
Darn. It's still exciting to find hidden (well, you get what I mean) files on your site, though.

Why is it so hard to change of URL on this here minipage?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #254
You'll never get new sections by modifying the URL here, because there is an actual script that handles returning the right page, and I don't update that script until I actually put up the new pages for real.



  • Posts: 200
Post #255
Did you do that on purpose?

And how do you make a script like the Marqee of Doom?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #256
Not specifically to make it impossible to see sections-in-progress; it's just because of the way the minipage is made.

The Marquee of Doom is an original script, so you can make one by learning Javascript. :P



  • Posts: 200
Post #257
Dare I ask what 'AW' means?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #258
It's years after the opening of the original portal between the Pokémon world and the animal world.



  • Posts: 200
Post #259
That religion thing in the other thread was pretty interesting. Do you consider putting that in the story?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #260
What do you mean, putting that in the story? The point I was trying to make through their answers was that the Pokémon world in the Quest for the Legends universe has absolutely no organized religion in the sense in which we understand it and just a bit of general legendary mythology; that's hardly something that can be "put in" the story. :/ The little potential there is for doing anything with it is already in there, namely Mark's loss of "faith" in the legendaries after getting involved in Chaletwo's plan and realizing they seem to be really just flawed individuals serving their own agendas.


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