Posts tagged "War of the Legends"

There are 32 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1784
Mewtwo^2 does count as a legendary for the purposes of the War.



  • Posts: 1784
Yes, all the legendary clones count (though Raitwo, being a Raichu clone and not a legendary one, is hardly relevant). However, it would be a bit hard for one of them to be the Destroyer, considering Rick didn't create them until a few years ago.



  • Posts: 1784
Granted, it's not like I had the faintest idea what it was about when I started it. Heck, the Destroyer concept didn't even properly come about until the ILCOE, if I remember correctly, and even then it was a while before I figured out who the Destroyer actually was.

Though Dialga, Palkia, Giratina and Arceus have been stated to be uninvolved with the War of the Legends as they reside outside of our universe.



  • Posts: 1784
Okay, this is a slightly random question. I was reading the "Destroyer" thread and you mentioned that you haven't had it figured out from the beginning what it was.

I was just curious, about how long were you writing the story with the Destroyer idea before you figured out what it was actually going to be?
Depends on what you call 'with the Destroyer idea'. Originally the War of the Legends Just Happened. Then sometime while I was writing the ILCOE, some comment somebody made (asking about Chaletwo or something) made me respond with some vague cryptic stuff about how he was the Preserver, whereas Mew was the Creator, and hmm, who might the Destroyer be? This was a completely spur-of-the-moment thing and then I just thought it was a cool idea. Then for the longest time my ideas about the Destroyer were quite silly, and then I had other ideas which were more interesting but made no actual sense, and then sometime… probably 2006-7-ish? I finally figured it out and suddenly everything made sense.



  • Posts: 1784
in the anime, ash knows mewtwo personally.
how is it possible, if according to the fic mewtwo died 999 years ago?
In chapter 25 Chaletwo explains that Mewtwo was taken back in time by Chalenor and was still there when the War happened.

The number of times I get this question confuses me. Heck, it's even brought up again in chapter 39, so it's not as if it's just that single mention.



  • Posts: 1784
So Chibi Pika hasn't yet responded to my plea to crosspost this here but I imagine they won't mind.

BASICALLY this makes every goddamn minute of the nine years I've spent writing this fic completely worth it. Chibi Pika is God. The end.

(Context: a silly joke in the QftL thread on Serebii about how Chaletwo is going to decide to become a pimp and stop caring about the War of the Legends. But you shouldn't care about the context, damn it.)

And, uh, chapter 58 is almost done. But who cares about the chapter when you can have pimp!Chaletwo? :D



  • Posts: 1784
Chaletwo: Why don't you just not wait for the War of the Legends to begin, kill all the other Legendaries with your eyes, and then become the new Creator? (apart from plot reasons!)
Chaletwo: …are you serious? Is everybody this convinced I'm a giant jerkass who doesn't really care about stopping this thing?

And it wouldn't even work, besides. Remember how Mew is a true immortal and can't be killed except during the War? Remember how we don't know who the Destroyer is but he's probably also a true immortal? Remember how the War will happen if even one legendary is out there when it happens?

Chaletwo: What is your relationship, if any, with other Legendary pokemon?
Chaletwo: I'm vaguely acquainted with most of them. Mew I know well, Molzapart I'm friends with, most of the others I've talked to from time to time but don't know that well.



  • Posts: 1784
I feel obligated to point out that it has already been established, both in Ask the Author/Characters and at least implied in the fic itself, that Rick's clones do count for the purposes of the War, i.e. they get their power drained (though only by minute amounts, since they're so low-leveled aside from Mewtwo^2) and if they're not inside Pokéballs when the Destroyer releases the legendaries' power they will go mad and destroy everything.



  • Posts: 1784
If they do manage to stop the war of legends, would that mean someone else would have to recapture all the legendaries in 1000 years.
They don't know anything about that for sure because they know so little about the Destroyer and how he works, but to the best of their knowledge, yes.



  • Posts: 1784
Chaletwo: I'm confused about Arceus's place in the war of legends. Has anyone captured him? Did he create the universe, or are the Sinnoh myths false?
Chaletwo: Arceus has nothing to do with it. He is usually sleeping in his own universe, and he isn't affected by the Destroyer and doesn't participate in the War. As I understand it, he created the universe but has only interfered with it a couple of times since.

Lapras: How has life been treating you since you were released?
Lapras: It has been fine. I have yet to find another Lapras, but I enjoy being free.

Letaligon, Quilava, and Tyrannitar: same as above
Letaligon: …All right, I suppose.

Quilava: I'm part of a colony of Cyndaquil and Quilava now. It was a bit weird adjusting to life in the wild, but I'm having a better time now than I ever was with my trainers.

Tyranitar: …



  • Posts: 1784
In case anyone's following the Quest Blog and not my Tumblr: somebody got me to dig up the creation myth that I told you all in 2007 that I'd be posting as an extra with the final chapter. It is a hokey attempt at mythical writing last edited in 2008, but if you're curious, you can read it here!



  • Posts: 1784
In this universe Ultra Beasts do not count as legendaries, and though Cosmog is not technically officially classed as an Ultra Beast, it does seem to pretty much be one lore-wise, so I'm inclined to say it counts as one for the purposes of the fic. (Which is to say, they are mortal and not affected by the Destroyer's power drain or the War.)


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