Posts tagged "Quilava"

There are 5 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1783
Quilava: I cannot say I like her very much from the little I know her, but I hope she will be decent.

Mark: I… I don't know. I guess I hope to eventually get over it. It's just a bit hard when I don't even know why he let it happen.



  • Posts: 1783
Quilava: I disliked her when I found out how focused she is on training and her Pokémon's strength and was glad that she would let me go, but when she was releasing me, I felt sorry for her. She's so confused. I think deep down she didn't want to be doing it.



  • Posts: 1783
mays quilava: how did it feel to be picked by may?
Quilava: It didn't feel any particular way, at first. I'd volunteered to be a starter so I was ready for anything. It turned out pretty quickly that she wasn't especially fond of me, though, and it was all downhill from there.

any of marks pokemon minus sandslash: how did it feel to be caught/picked by mark?
Charizard: Better than rotting in a Pokéball all my life. He was nice and I liked him.

Sparky: why are jolly jolteons so damn fragile?
Sparky: Don't go around breaking them!

Allen: what do you think of my team of venasaur, rapidash, jolteon, omastar, rotation between onix and tyranitar and rotation between xatu and farfetch'd (note:optional)
Alan: As long as you love them all and they love you, it doesn't matter what Pokémon are on your team.

Dosnt May remind you anything about Paul?
Ash: Huh? May? She was nothing like Paul. o_O

(Ash has never met TQftL-May, so he could not possibly have an opinion on her.)



  • Posts: 1783
May: Why did you release Quilava? Even if she didn't want to evolve, wouldn't she still be useful in the legendary battles?
May: Unevolved Pokémon just aren't very powerful. The time that would have gone into training her was better spent training a new Fire Pokémon who would end up in a stronger form. She was better off in the wild.

to all willing to answer: if there was a movie based off of your lives, who do you think would play you?
This question doesn't really make any sense. Why would the characters know contemporary real-world actors that you'd recognize?



  • Posts: 1783
Chaletwo: I'm confused about Arceus's place in the war of legends. Has anyone captured him? Did he create the universe, or are the Sinnoh myths false?
Chaletwo: Arceus has nothing to do with it. He is usually sleeping in his own universe, and he isn't affected by the Destroyer and doesn't participate in the War. As I understand it, he created the universe but has only interfered with it a couple of times since.

Lapras: How has life been treating you since you were released?
Lapras: It has been fine. I have yet to find another Lapras, but I enjoy being free.

Letaligon, Quilava, and Tyrannitar: same as above
Letaligon: …All right, I suppose.

Quilava: I'm part of a colony of Cyndaquil and Quilava now. It was a bit weird adjusting to life in the wild, but I'm having a better time now than I ever was with my trainers.

Tyranitar: …


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