Posts tagged "Mew"

There are 31 posts with this tag.

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  • Posts: 1784
Mark: Well, they always seemed the most beautiful and graceful to me. Some… inner peace in their gaze or something. And I like birds.

Mew: I would rather not show any favoritism towards any of them.



  • Posts: 1784
(Skipping Thunderyu, Volcaryu and Polaryu since you already know that they won't say anything new and that's not a question anyway.)

Chaletwo: …damn it.

…Wait, that was just some silly kid from the animal world. Never mind.

Mew: …No, I do not.

Sparky: Seven. :3



  • Posts: 1784
Mark: They'll do what they want, I guess. I mean, I can't decide for them what they want to do with the rest of their lives.

Jolteon: I've been trying to help her cope since she was caught, but recently she's been kind of distant. I suppose we never got that close, since she's never talked much, but I still kind of miss it.

Mew: We shall see where I find myself during the League.

Rattata: Which Charmander? A lot of them come through, a lot of them fight me, all of them the same.



  • Posts: 1784
Mark: Huh? I… don't think that would work.

Chaletwo: Well, you can't recreate the soul. He could've made something that looked like Chalenor, but not actually him. He used Mewtwo's body to make me because he wanted to do it quickly, so he could transfer something of the original Chalenor from the eye.

Mew: That would rest on whether or not he formally released me. I do not know if he did.

You cannot ask Raikou questions, because Raikou has never appeared in this fic (though as a matter of fact, Raikou has been caught this whole time and had no opportunity to make a Chosen for himself).



  • Posts: 1784
Please don't ask a large number of characters like all of Mark's Pokémon the same question. Pick three or four at the most.

Also stop bothering to try to ask Thunderyu, Volcaryu and Polaryu questions; they will always act like you didn't say anything and go off into their murderous rants about one another.

Mark: Well, no, I don't think so… though it won't help us find Mew.



  • Posts: 1784
Chaletwo to elyvorg: Well, how else do you think you could see it all written down?

May: …What the hell? No.

Chaletwo to dogsgofetch: My eyes can see through the fourth wall. I know all about this "fic" you've been reading.

Mew: In a book? I cannot say I pay attention to books. They are a human invention.

Letaligon: That is how evolution works. It's about the hormones released when you fight. That is how it works. And he would never let the rest of the herd assist him. He has too much pride for that.



  • Posts: 1784
Mew: Right now I am near Lavender Town in Kanto. I do not know for how long.



  • Posts: 1784
Mitch: *smiles* I wouldn't know. I haven't tried.

Mutark: Mewwww? *looks cutely at you*

Taylor: Mewtwo^2 is too powerful to let Dark-types get in its way.

Mew: …fictional?

Scorplack: We sense heat.



  • Posts: 1784
Mitch: I doubt it. I don't feel immortal, at the very least.

Mutark: *tilts head confuzzledly*

Mew: As far as I know, I exist.

Scorplack: It would be blinding.



  • Posts: 1784
Mew: You could just as well be fictional as I. I do not see the use in this conversation.

Mutark: Meww?



  • Posts: 1784
Mew: No, but it was what they asked about.

Mutark: *bats at them*

Meh, I guess you can ask Entei anyway. :/ He does have an established character and is not really keeping any more secrets you shouldn't know.



  • Posts: 1784
Ash to Scyther: I ended up winning a few, yeah. Most memorable… probably some of those adventures with raging legendaries and whatnot. Those always stand out a bit.

Weavile117, you cannot ask Chalenor anything, as he is both dead and has not had a speaking role in the story. But Arceus has pretty much sat in his own universe without communicating, yeah, mostly asleep.

Mark: Maybe. I guess traveling is inspirational to people, and I'd like to see the legendary birds and stuff when they've been freed, but I'm not too keen on traveling, at least by foot. Maybe I'll just get a car.

As for my Pokémon, well, they'll have to choose that for themselves.

May: He's not really close to anyone. Doesn't like to be touched except by me, doesn't speak, and pretty much ignores everyone else. But he battles well and is obedient, so I'm not complaining.

Mew: The legendaries? They always exist. After the War, the Creator's first job is to recreate the legendaries so that they can guard the Pokémon of the world and maintain balance in it. That is how it is and has always been.

Entei is a separate individual from Heatran, and he resides in Johto while Heatran guards Stark Mountain in Sinnoh. Some of their powers are similar, others not.

Chalenor was… a good friend. He was kind, caring, intelligent, courageous and loyal. I wish he weren't gone.

Diamond: It's pretty fun. I like it, as long as it doesn't last too long.

Vicky: *smiles mysteriously* That's for those who battle us to find out.



  • Posts: 1784
Mark: Oh. Right. *awkward cough*

Mew: The Creator has no power to destroy.



  • Posts: 1784
Mew: That was long ago. I prefer not to remember it.



  • Posts: 1784
Mew: Nothing of significance to you.



  • Posts: 1784
Taylor: Man, I can totally see now what a jerk I was. I'll have to try to make up for it now.

Mark: Definitely. I just feel that everything is going to go great.

Mew: Of course it will. There's nothing love can't do, after all.



  • Posts: 1784
Mew: I could sense that they were both broken and insane, but the other seemed more so. He will not capture me if I can help it.



  • Posts: 1784
Marge: I journeyed in Hoenn. People are well familiar with double battling outside of it, of course, but it's not as popular here. I don't see why.

Chaletwo: I don't know. It's probably nobody we know - the Waraider herd and the Color Dragons would have a major power imbalance if one of them were the Destroyer and that should have consequences we haven't seen. My bet is it's some unknown legendary sealed away somewhere or something of the like.

Mew: You wouldn't know her. Her name was Iriesce. She died in the last War and wasn't recreated.

Pikachu: Nah. It was a collaborative decision. We both felt kind of spent after all those years of traveling.

Tyranitar: …



  • Posts: 1784
Mew: She was a beautiful, multicolored bird. You would have to see her, I suppose.



  • Posts: 1784
Chaletwo: You sound like Mew. I'm not resigning myself to it just because it might be fate or the will of nature or whatever. We can still fight it, and even if it's impossible to prevent it, we're no worse off having tried.

Molzapart: Well, yes. That's just a theory. It might also be possible to stop it, and so we try. Why shouldn't we?

Mew: Why do you ask me? I am not trying to stop it.


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