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  • Posts: 1783
Post #561
What do you mean, April Fools? Chapter 53 is perfectly real and they'll answer questions accordingly.



  • Posts: 8
Post #562
How much longer is the story going to be after this? Surely not the chapters and chapters you've claimed before now that they've got Taylor and Mew and the power of love on their side. Did you finally figure out how to quit rambling so you could shorten the story, or are there still some tough obstacles for them to overcome?

If this is one of the last chapters, how do you feel about being so close to writing that ending you love so much?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #563
*ahem* *cough* *pretends it's yesterday* *channels the Spirit of Bad Fanfiction*

Oh, but of course the story is going to be long! First there's the Mark/May/Alan love triangle to explore in detail, with plenty of angst on all sides. Then, though I shouldn't be spoiling this, Taylor will start pining after May too, and that's going to take some resolution. Then, after they've successfully caught all the legendaries and held hands around the Destroyer to make it evaporate, there are a few flash-forward chapters about how their relationship develops and is taken to the next level, if you know what I mean, and don't forget the epilogue where they're married and we get to see the names of their five children (as well as flashbacks to Ash and Misty's wedding, because they're Alan's parents after all).



  • Posts: 39
Post #564
So then misty is alans mother?

Ummmm… So… Yea… Theres a Darthjarjar here now… Soon… All the internet forums will be filled with Darthjarjars…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #565
No. :P That post was obviously a joke.



  • Posts: 39
Post #566
Oh ok.

Ummmm… So… Yea… Theres a Darthjarjar here now… Soon… All the internet forums will be filled with Darthjarjars…


  • Posts: 30
Post #567
How long have you been planning a joke like that? (I never thought I'd see the words "power of love" in all of TQftL. Power of killing things, sure, but power of love…)

That was pretty cool, by the way. :P

…in my pants.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but three rights make a left!

Say "thug aim" out loud. Prepare to be annoyed.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #568
See the 'making-of' I'm about to post on the Quest Blog.


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #569
Now, my previous question…

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 70
Post #570
Is it possible to code a webpage so that hovering over a word makes an image appear, and if so what would the code be?
If it's inconvenient for you, then don't answer, but if you can.

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #571
Now, my previous question…
Not anymore. You could've done it while I was still pretending it was real, but I'd rather not sit here writing my poor characters OOC any longer than I have to.

Is it possible to code a webpage so that hovering over a word makes an image appear, and if so what would the code be?
You could do it with something like this:

<a href="#">word<img src="image.gif" alt=""></a>

And then in the CSS, you would have something like…

a {

a:link img, a:visited img {

a:active img, a:hover img {



  • Posts: 70
Post #572
Uh. My previous experience with the Visibility tag is that it leaves a huge gap when the object is Invisible, but I shall go try. Thank you for the tip. Sorry if this has been inconvenient for you.

Edit: Hey, it works! Though I need to negate the default Border on Linked Images and add an A Class to make it like normal text. Thank you for your time.

Edit (2): It seems that the image stays 'till the cursor is moved off it, rather than off the text. But it's good anyway!

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #573
position:absolute takes the image out of the normal document flow, so it doesn't leave an invisible block behind.

The image stays until you move the cursor off the a element, which includes both the text and the image. You could make the image appear a bit further down if you liked, which would leave a gap between the text and the image so that the mouse would leave the text and make the image disappear before it actually reached the image.



  • Posts: 56
Post #574
Are you still writing the type chart.And what level are the legendary dragons of ouen on.Do you go on adventure quest worlds and if so did you find blast ketchups peeky chew cute amusing etc… just seemeD likd something you wovld like.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #575
Depends on what you call "are you still"; I haven't been writing it for years, but I would like to continue it at some point in the future.

They're not at any particular level.



  • Posts: 70
Post #576
Random though this may be, is it the case that if a father in Iceland is named Reyðabfjöbær, then the son would be [name] Reyðabfjöbærson? Also how would this be pronounced? (Random, I know.)
Also, for my HTML question from before, how would you move the image further down?
How do you hide all items of a <DL> until a certain <AREA> is clicked? Kinda like your Ouen Map. Kinda exactly like it, in fact, but with a different region and different information. Also if it needs Java then I have no idea how to code it myself, so.
Finally, do you like my Mementity sprite?

Why yes I did post it in the fanart thread so what >.>

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #577
Random though this may be, is it the case that if a father in Iceland is named Reyðabfjöbær, then the son would be [name] Reyðabfjöbærson? Also how would this be pronounced? (Random, I know.)
"Reyðabfjöbæjarson", actually, since it needs to be in the possessive, but "Reyðabfjöbær" would be a town name rather than a man's name, seeing as the "bær" part means "town". Not that it isn't nonsense anyway; the "bær" part is the only bit that makes any sense, and the rest just looks like you chopped random bits from other Icelandic town names and stuck a random b in there. Asking me how to pronounce that is kind of like if I asked you how to pronounce "wqtroc". I could tell you how I'd pronounce it if you put it in front of me, sure, but since it's not actually a sensible word ("bfj"?), that… doesn't really tell you anything useful. o_O

Also, for my HTML question from before, how would you move the image further down?
Where it says "top:0", change it to some other number.

How do you hide all items of a <DL> until a certain <AREA> is clicked? Kinda like your Ouen Map. Kinda exactly like it, in fact, but with a different region and different information. Also if it needs Java then I have no idea how to code it myself, so.
You're thinking of Javascript, which is not the same thing as Java, but no, it doesn't use Javascript.

Basically, it operates on a similar principle to the show-image-when-hovering-over-link thing. Neither dl nor area elements are involved; it's a simple unordered list where each list item contains a link to #nogo (arbitrary nonexistent page anchor) which in turn contains two span elements, "locname" (for the name of the location) and "info" (for the location information). Then I have this stylesheet.

Basically, the actual map is a background image on the ul element, which actually contains the map four times: top left is normal, top right has the Lake of Purity highlighted, bottom left has the routes highlighted, and bottom right has the towns and dungeons highlighted. Then the locname and info spans are positioned where they're supposed to be on hover, and then for each individual highlightable location the link is shaped and positioned the way it's supposed to be, given the right background-position on hover (to shift the background image on the link so that it shows the location highlighted). The magic of making the info appear when you click the location, rather than when you hover it, is to use the a:active and a:focus pseudo-classes the same way the a:hover pseudo-class was used to make the location name appear on hover.

Needless to say, this is all kind of ridiculously complicated and took absolute ages to make, and it could be done in a far easier way if you did use Javascript; that's just not how I did it because I like playing around with pure CSS like that. Unfortunately I don't have a Javascript like that ready on hand and there's a good chance something like this can be found on Google. :/

The sprite, well, her nose looks a little squashed. Also, the top spike doesn't look attached to her head and it should point up the way the others do.



  • Posts: 70
Post #578
Sorry for wasting your time with my first and third question.
Um, nose? Well, I thought that was her mask-thing, but eh. No idea how the spike thing slipped past me. BUT!

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!

Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #579
How lond did it take you to write each of those Chapters? Since the Extra is long enough to be a chapter in itself.

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #580
The fake chapter was written in one day. The real one took something like two weeks after that.


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