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  • Posts: 1783
Post #521
Ouen mainly has Ash's starter Pokémon giveaways, which have a pretty wide range of starters as you've seen.

Technically the original Ouen starters were the terrible ones I created sometime in 2002/3, of which Monarking was actually the final form Water starter, but as those were terrible they're now uncanonical and instead I might finish creating a new set, but I doubt I'd ever have them appear in the ILCOE.


Sands Buisle

  • Posts: 351
Post #522
How do you pronounce "Mewtwo^2"? Mewtwotwo or mewtwo squared?

edit: (Scyther swarm) What happens if an egg hatchs and one or both of it's parents is/are dead? Who gives blood/holds the fresh prey?
What happens if the leader is the father/mother?
Can a female be leader?

Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.

… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.

Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!

Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…


  • Posts: 1783
Post #523
How do you pronounce "Mewtwo^2"? Mewtwotwo or mewtwo squared?
In my head it actually tends to become "Mewtwo'two", as in Mewtwo-beat-two. Don't ask why. You can pronounce it however you want, though; there isn't really an official pronunciation for it, hence why it's not in the pronunciation guide.

What happens if an egg hatchs and one or both of it's parents is/are dead? Who gives blood/holds the fresh prey?
The parent role is only pretty arbitrarily related to who actually donated the egg and sperm. The important thing is that two Scyther commit themselves to a basic sort of responsibility for the hatchling and will share their prey with it when necessary and so on. So if one parent dies, the remaining parent just finds somebody else willing to take on that bit of responsibility.

What happens if the leader is the father/mother?
Somebody else acts as the official father/mother, since the Leader has other responsibilities and isn't expected to be worrying about hatchlings.

Can a female be leader?
Yes; Leaders can be either sex.



  • Posts: 70
Post #524
You might think about updating the FAQ - more specifically, the last question, where it says:
because of who he is and what Suicune in turn did to him, and Suicune did that for yet other reasons which I know and you don't.
But we know it by now.
Just a thought.

EDIT: Also, in the Trivia under Scrapped And Edited, it says:
Not that I'm very good at names now either, but at least they're slightly more original than they used to.
Shouldn't the word 'be' be there?

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!


  • Posts: 69
Post #525

What, because I don't like what you read?


  • Posts: 200
Post #526

I'm your TQftL's first raving fanboy! Somehow, I got my parent's written permission to let me dye my hair blue at the begginning of this summer. I'm tottally gonna make it electric blue, get a pair of those fancy sunglasses he has, and dress up!

Unfortunatly, I don't know what shade of electric blue it is, what his haircut is like, or much about the sunglasses. If you could show me via pictures or something, that'd be brilliant! Later, I'll post up the pictures here, on this very board.

Hehe. I'm raving, I know, but I'm doing it.


  • Posts: 349
Post #527
What, because I don't like what you read?

Precisely. <_<

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #528
Scyther: Sparky's bio has a picture now, something elyvorg drew for my birthday, if you want a reference.

I'm… not sure whether to be flattered or disturbed. x3



  • Posts: 120
Post #529
…if this Sparky cosplay actually happens, I definitely want to see pics. :O

And Scyther, don't worry about following my drawing too closely, if you do use it as a reference. I was using creative licence on it myself, after all.

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 70
Post #530
So, what happens if a Pokémon (except Sciztwo) uses more then four Moves in an official Battle?

LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!


  • Posts: 69
Post #531
Precisely. <_<

I hate to say it, but you're going to have to get used to people not liking things you like.

Incidentally, read better fantasy. Seriously; read any halfway decent writer and you'll immediately see the difference.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #532
So, what happens if a Pokémon (except Sciztwo) uses more then four Moves in an official Battle?
Depends on the seriousness of the battle, what the move was and whether your Pokémon actually executes the move; in the league it's generally grounds for disqualification or at least one of your Pokémon being struck out (well, it's more like a hefty penalty in the preliminaries, but after that you're expected to have hammered the rule pretty rigorously into your head).



  • Posts: 349
Post #533
Opal: Hey, I got hooked on those when I was nine, I won't give 'em up. And don't even try to get me to read Harry Potter or something. o\_/o

I named my SoulSilver rival Taylor… following the Bio.

What do you prefer to drink on a regular day?

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!


  • Posts: 200
Post #534
elyvorg, after staring at that picture really closely, I realized how very disturbing his eyes are through the glasses.

Ehh, the goatee mustache thing'll be a problem. Any (serious) suggestions? I suppose I could just cut some hair of and glue it, but that'd be weird.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #535
What do you prefer to drink on a regular day?
Water, unless there happen to be soft drinks available.

Ehh, the goatee mustache thing'll be a problem. Any (serious) suggestions? I suppose I could just cut some hair of and glue it, but that'd be weird.
It's not like you'd ever look exactly like him anyway; just ignore it.



  • Posts: 120
Post #536
elyvorg, after staring at that picture really closely, I realized how very disturbing his eyes are through the glasses.

But they're not! They're meant to look all bright and cheery and Sparkyish! D:

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 69
Post #537
Opal: Hey, I got hooked on those when I was nine, I won't give 'em up. And don't even try to get me to read Harry Potter or something. o\_/o

… there is more to fantasy than the mainstream. In fact the only fantasy worth reading is outside the mainstream. Let me give you a few names, if you want to see what the genre can really do: George R. R. Martin, Scott Lynch, Robin Hobb. Trust me.


  • Posts: 200
Post #538
Would you care to explain how exacley Mewtwo^2's attack worked? Unless, of course, it will be explained next chapter.


  • Posts: 349
Post #539

0_o Do you have any variety in your diet at ALL??? What do you think of the Pokewalker then, did you walk for unusual amounts of time? I did. (Almost four miles today; going to walk again in ten or so minutes.)

"Do you think I enjoy telling you who you can screw and who you can't?" -Shadowdart

Don't worry about the world coming to an end today, cause' it's already tomorrow in Australia!


  • Posts: 1783
Post #540
Would you care to explain how exacley Mewtwo^2's attack worked? Unless, of course, it will be explained next chapter.
The attack didn't work any particular out of the ordinary way. Mewtwo^2's psychic abilities are just so powerful that it can affect Dark-types. In a game setting, where there's literally a multiplier of zero going on, this would most likely be expressed with an ability akin to Scrappy but for Psychic and Dark-types, though to be accurate it would nonetheless have to affect them less than other types, like by turning them "not very effective".

What do you think of the Pokewalker then, did you walk for unusual amounts of time? I did. (Almost four miles today; going to walk again in ten or so minutes.)
Um, I don't have the game. It's not out over here yet, remember?


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