Ask the Author

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  • Posts: 19
Post #21
Hmm… Have you ever been the victim of discrimination due to your being an atheist?
(Jeez, that's worded ackwardly…)

What made you decide to give Volcaryu to Carl?

What are you favorite animes/mangas?

Do you watch subbed anime, or other TV programs, exluding Pokémon?

Do you like dubbed anime in general?

Have you always been a perfectionist?

Do you think Ash's Chimchar will evolve?

Do you like exploiting glitches in Video Games?

How much, on a regular day, TV do you watch?

Are you fluent in any languages other than English and Icelandic?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #22
Hmm… Have you ever been the victim of discrimination due to your being an atheist?
(Jeez, that's worded ackwardly…)
No, not really.

What made you decide to give Volcaryu to Carl?
It was just the sort of thing Carl would do, so he did it. And it offers lovely opportunity for Chaletwo to get all worried in his subtly-fatherly ways.

What are you favorite animes/mangas?
They don't show any anime over here and I've never been into either anime or manga at all; my boyfriend has showed me a couple of episodes of various anime and gotten me to read a couple of manga books, but it would be wildly irresponsible of me to start picking a favorite based on that. Quite literally the only non-Pokémon anime I've seen any substantial number of episodes of is Neon Genesis Evangelion, which he made me watch in its entirety. Even so, I never got that much into it, really (maybe I just need to watch it again to properly get what the hell is going on). So I'm… eh, not really qualified to answer this question.

Do you watch subbed anime, or other TV programs, exluding Pokémon?
As I said, my boyfriend likes to show me things he likes, but I rarely see more than a few episodes of whatever he's most obsessed with at any given moment.

Do you like dubbed anime in general?
Judging from Evangelion and Pokémon, I tend not to be too fond of English dub voice acting, but again, not really qualified to answer. Actually I think they are quite literally the only dubbed anime I have ever seen.

Have you always been a perfectionist?
Pretty much.

Do you think Ash's Chimchar will evolve?
I have not seen a single episode of D/P and exactly one post-Kanto episode. I'm really not qualified to answer that question. Hell, I didn't even know his Chimchar hadn't evolved yet.

Do you like exploiting glitches in Video Games?
Trying them is often fun if they have interesting or bizarre effects. Actually exploiting them tends to take the fun out of it.

How much, on a regular day, TV do you watch?
About six minutes average. This would be because I watch a 45-minute episode of Lost once a week. :P Well, okay, my boyfriend downloads House and I watch that with him, but that's on his computer so it's not technically TV.

Are you fluent in any languages other than English and Icelandic?
No, but I speak a little bit of Danish and German and a very, very tiny bit of Japanese.



  • Posts: 19
Post #23
I just thought of something… What were the Ouen Route numbers in the original? Was the change the the 300's the first numbering change?

Do you participate in online text-based RPGs?

Do you, personally, play ROMs on emulators? What about ROM hacks?

Are you a huge fan of other fics? Any in particular you'd want to list?


  • Posts: 1783
Post #24
I just thought of something… What were the Ouen Route numbers in the original? Was the change the the 300's the first numbering change?
I didn't actually make an Ouen map or start mentioning route numbers until after R/S were out, so I first started it with the 200s. I wouldn't have mentioned them at all if Hoenn hadn't given a very convenient reason to believe that we knew how region routes would be numbered in the future, unlike what happened when G/S/C were out.

Do you participate in online text-based RPGs?
No. I never really got into it.

Do you, personally, play ROMs on emulators? What about ROM hacks?
Occasionally, when it's a game I can't seem to get my hands on otherwise or if I need to get screenshots. Hacks, never actually played one although I wouldn't have anything against it if there were one that I was very interested in.

Are you a huge fan of other fics? Any in particular you'd want to list?
I don't read a lot of fics, but some of my very favorites are:

- The Ties that Bind by Saffire Persian, a really sad one-shot that manages to make me cry every time I read it.
- Me and My Flame, a 53-chapter completed epic about wild Charizard, a snarky Vulpix/Ninetales and oh-so-much more.
- Tangled Web, an eight-chapter beginning of a trainer fic that in this space managed to be made of pure, unadulterated awesome thanks to the author's BEST WRITING STYLE EVER and the original plot. Can only be found on TPM now.
- The Last of Its Kind, a horror one-shot by the same author.

I am also currently following elyvorg's fic, Lost Evolution, which is pretty awesome as well.



  • Posts: 24
Post #25
What's your advice for anyone who attempts to write an OT fic? Any warnings, do's and don't's, etc.?

Have you considered setting up a forum-based roleplay using settings like Ruxido where the characters are the Leta(l/ligon) in the herd? (I think there was a thread before the forums were wiped about how to get activity up, and while thinking about that this came to mind.)

What's your dream job? (Figured you're too old for me to ask what you want to be when you grow up, xD)

Am I asking too many (personal) questions?

Fallen 0&0~


  • Posts: 1783
Post #26
What's your advice for anyone who attempts to write an OT fic? Any warnings, do's and don't's, etc.?
My main piece of advice for OT fics is to have a region map of some sort, whether it's a canon region or a made-up one (especially the latter, of course). A detailed one. And then write a description of all the locations like what the landscape is like (for routes), how many people live there (for cities), why it's named whatever it's called, possibly native Pokémon, et cetera. It's incredible how much you can spin out of a spur-of-the-moment location description written long before the characters actually get there, and it adds depth to the setting.

Have you considered setting up a forum-based roleplay using settings like Ruxido where the characters are the Leta(l/ligon) in the herd? (I think there was a thread before the forums were wiped about how to get activity up, and while thinking about that this came to mind.)
Uh, seeing as I don't roleplay myself, I don't really think I'm the right person to set up any kind of roleplay… If somebody else were interested in doing this sort of thing, I wouldn't have anything against making a forum for it.

What's your dream job? (Figured you're too old for me to ask what you want to be when you grow up, xD)
A professional writer. Possibly a teacher, programmer and/or web designer on the side.

Am I asking too many (personal) questions?
No. I'm rather bored, really, and questions are fun.



  • Posts: 6
Post #27
btw tnx for awnsering my question

the world of pokemon may die
the pokemon may die
the humans may die
the planets may die
just remember… im in your dreams…. EATIN


  • Posts: 1783
Post #28
how did you think of the fan fic?
Depends on which part of it, because practically everything is a mismatch of ideas from a five-year period.



  • Posts: 6
Post #29
well…. its not really a question but this guy named Caasi11 from pokechow stole your sprite and has used it for his/her avatar. it was umbersol im just saying it to let you know

the world of pokemon may die
the pokemon may die
the humans may die
the planets may die
just remember… im in your dreams…. EATIN


  • Posts: 1783
Post #30
So um, link?



  • Posts: 52
Post #31
>_> Pssh, sounds like that Caasi11 guy is a real jerk. I bet he didn't even give credit to Dragonfree. Wait a second, Caasi11?! You mean from these forums?

That board has been dead for months now, and the sprite is gone too, so it's not much of a problem anymore.

-___________- Kaw.

Days without a new chapter: 1 and counting.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #32
Uh, I looked at Caasi11's profile at that forum and his signature gives credit for the avatar. o_O



  • Posts: 24
Post #33
Have you ever started a sentence in English and ended in Icelandic or vice versa?^1^2

Fallen/Draconid 0&0~

^1: Yesterday we met with some good friends of ours from China that often do that, and I was wondering if you did too.

^2: You know something's wrong when the footnotes are longer than your post.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #34
Have you ever started a sentence in English and ended in Icelandic or vice versa?^1^2
On occasion when talking to my boyfriend because we tend to switch between languages a lot. And I've found myself uttering random words of English while speaking Icelandic, like saying "but".



  • Posts: 1
Post #35
How are you going to make Charlie be able to re/de-evolve without Raintecune and Molzapart?
(If you still plan on taking them out of the story,that is.)


  • Posts: 1783
Post #36
How are you going to make Charlie be able to re/de-evolve without Raintecune and Molzapart?
(If you still plan on taking them out of the story,that is.)
Molzapart's powers would be transferred onto Mementity, but even so I don't actually need Charlie to have that ability in the first place, so that's being ditched.



  • Posts: 120
Post #37
Seeing as they won't give a coherent answer themselves and I'm honestly curious for some reason: what would one of the dragons do with the rest of his life if he managed to kill the other two?

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #38
Well, they'd be free from the preprogrammed priority of thinking about that and would probably be able to calm down, start thinking and speaking coherently and generally just blend in with the other legendaries, presuming they'd be allowed to.



  • Posts: 120
Post #39
In the Scyther swarm, where do Descith and adolescent Scyther get their food from, seeing as they haven't had their First Prey yet?

Sad is happy for deep people.


  • Posts: 1783
Post #40
They get it from adult Scyther who have some to share, which in practice usually end up being the parents (at least at first). I remember you mentioned this in your final review of The Fall of a Leader on Serebii; it made me realize I really should have included something about it in the actual fic. xP


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