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Chaletwo: if this whole "true immortal" thing applies, then how did everyone but Mew die in the war of the Legends. Aren't the preserver, creator, and destroyer all true immortals?

Earthquake :D
Chaletwo: I've already explained this. When the last of our power is taken by the Destroyer, that includes our true immortality. During the War, we are all equal.
(This is all in chapter 39.)
May: A really good stand-in for Tyranitar would be a Glalie. Just putting it out there. (Note to Butterfree: A Glalie would be an interesting character [hint, hint!]!)
"Life is too important to be taken seriously"
…"A Glalie would be an interesting character"? Hardly by virtue of just being a Glalie, any more than you could say that "a human would be an interesting character!" I like Glalie too, but honestly, I already know what's replacing Tyranitar and trying to suggest what Pokémon the characters should catch is awfully futile considering that if I made her catch a Glalie now, I'd just feel like I was ripping you off. Please don't make suggestions like this.
As for May, that isn't actually a question and she has no comment.
Yes, O Webmaster.
"Life is too important to be taken seriously"
Chaletwo: What will you do if the War of the Legends is successfully prevented?
Mark: What's your favorite flavour of pi?
There are 10 types of people in this world - people who know binary and people who don't.
There are 3 types of people in this world - people who can't count and people who can.

Chaletwo: Continue to live my life without having to worry about the War.
Mark: *confused* As in pi the number?
Lapras: Hey… T'sup? How's the whole journeyin' thing workin' out for you?
"Life is too important to be taken seriously"
Lapras: I have been all right. I've gotten mostly adjusted to life in the wild by now.
Lapras: Have you found other Lapras, or are Lapras generally loners?
May: If you could make any adjustment to your team (apart from a replacement for Tyranitar), what would it be?
"Life is too important to be taken seriously"
Lapras: There aren't many Lapras in the world and I have yet to find any, but I hope I will.
May: …I don't know. I really don't know anymore.
Mitch and Sparky: why is the grass green?
(Reading through the thread has got me in an ask-them-questions-to-compare-their-personalities mood.)
EDIT: Leah: why do you nickname all of your Pokémon? And why did you choose the names you chose, beyond the obvious like Webster?
LOOK! Some people have a Signature here!
Mitch: The grass uses chlorophyll for photosynthesis, which is green.
Sparky: Why not?
Leah: Well, I've always thought it just feels more personal when they have their own names. As for picking them, I just choose something that sounds good to me and seems to fit them. Sometimes I feel like bad puns like Webster and other times it's just out of the blue.
Chaletwo: If you do succsessfully prevent the War of the Legends, will you stay with Mark, or go somewhere else. If it is the latter are you going to have Molzapart remove the memory of you ever doing anything bad?
Sparky: How are you ad Joy doing now with the town popular again? And did they change the Town's name since it no longer fits?
Nightmare((The scizor)): Did you stay with the swarm or did you leave. If you stayed, who is the leader?
Yes I am the same Brock from TCoD forums.
Chaletwo: Well, of course I'm not hanging around in Mark's head forever. I'll trust the kids to not go blabbing to everyone what we were doing.
Sparky: Oh, we're wonderful. :3 There's so much more business for both of us and more people to meet - townsfolk we used to know years ago have returned, too.
We haven't done anything about the name yet - it's been such a short time, after all - but a change is probably in order.
Nightmare: For now, I'm staying. The new Leader will be determined in a series of duels as traditional when the Leader dies outside of a duel.
Floatzel: If you could be any other pokemon, apart from a Floatzel, what would you be?

Hell yeah, Murkrow.
Chaletwo: When in Mark's head, do you experience everything he does, such as pain, agony, etc.?
Molzapart: What is your opinion of being considered the 'Most Powerful Pokémon alive'?
Old Lady Who Exposed Mark back in Crater Town: Why were you reading a two week old newspaper from two weeks ago?
Yes I am the same Brock from TCoD forums.
Floatzel: I know how to be myself. If I were another Pokémon, I would have to learn to be them, but then that would be myself. It doesn't matter which one it is, hm?
Chaletwo: Not the same way as if it were happening to myself, but I'm aware of it.
Molzapart: Well, I am, give or take Chaletwo. There's no reason that shouldn't be recognized.
Old lady: What? You'll have to speak up, dear. My hearing isn't what it used to be.
May- looking back on everything Taylor's done to you, are you happy he's dead?
Mark- If you had a chance to either be better than Ash or ride a Lugia, what would you choose?
I love the way that Brock posted this:
'Why were you reading a TWO WEEK old newspaper from TWO WEEKS ago?'
How old would a newspaper from two weeks ago be? A month? Just seemed funny.
OT - Old Lady Who Exposed Mark back in Crater Town: WHY WERE YOU READING A TWO WEEK OLD NEWSPAPER FROM TWO WEEKS AGO????!!!!!!!
(Sorry Brock, I couldn't resist.)

Hell yeah, Murkrow.
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