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To any Scyther who is willing to answer: Have you ever seen the "Pokemon in the Sky"(clouds) do anything strange, like turn funnel-shaped and touchdown on the ground, causing high winds and destuction?(Just out of curiosity)
Random Scyther: I think I heard about that happening many years ago, but I've never seen it.
Lapras: How is your new life without a trainer?
Floatzel: How was your life before May caught you?
Mark: Do you actually like fighting the legendaries on the slim chance that it'll save the world, or do you do it because you feel an obligation to Chaletwo?
Chaletwo: What if Mark had said no? Would he still have been resurrected?
Lapras: Better. I'm glad to be free.
Floatzel: Battles, battles and more battles! Battles are fun, yes?
Mark: Well, I don't like it, per se… but it feels worth it because I feel like I'm helping to save something. At first I was kind of just doing what Chaletwo told me, but after Suicune, well, I realized there's a better reason to be doing it.
Chaletwo: Well, yes, and his memories erased and the event of his death erased, but I'd have done everything in my power to make him agree to it first.
Chaletwo: Excuse me if I'm overlooking something obvious here, but why didn't you appear at Green town and tell everyone about the War of the Legends? I'm sure a bunch of older, more experienced trainers would be able to help you more then a kid and his friends(No offense to them). So why did you choose Mark alone?
Still waiting desperately for the next chapter.
Chaletwo: Haven't I said this many times already? For one thing, if it were made public, the legendaries would probably hear of it and know to hide, making the search that much harder. And then there is the part where all sorts of shady trainers would be only too happy to use this as an excuse to seek out and capture legendaries, knowing they've been weakened, and then try to keep them after the War is over. Or, heck, they could be on the legendaries' side, help to hide them and protect them. We have to do this with a limited number of people we can trust. And I think I've explained this before, but the reason we picked kids is that most kids are active trainers. With an adult you never know if they released all their Pokémon years ago.
Floatzel- Did you always love battling, even as a Buizel, or did you only really enjoy it after you evolved and gained more power?
Mark- Do you think that the Effect in Sailance affecting non-legendary Pokemon has anything to do with the legandaries loosing power everywhere because of the War drawing closer?
Still waiting desperately for the next chapter.
Floatzel: Battles have always been fun and will always be fun.
By the way, note that this thread applies to the ILCOE - in the ILCOE there is no actual "Effect". Mark can't really answer that question.
Floatzel: did your siblings and friends tell you that you are an obssesed battle drone often?
Or did they abandon you because you are so freaking strange?
I guess the later.

Torterra will save us!
…We're doomed if turtwig wont take the job….
Floatzel: I left them because they were not good enough. Some liked to fight. Some did not like to fight. But I was the best of all of them.
Floatzel: Did you ever encounter any wild Pokémon better at battling than you? Did it stay that way for long?
(jumping on the ask-Floatzel bandwagon because asdfdfgfgh this is making me love her so much :3)
Sad is happy for deep people.
Floatzel: No. I beat them all.
(I like how this is my 666th post.)
Racko: How are you doing right now?
Ash's Pikachu: How do you feel being so popular and being petted all the time?
Racko: Great! We are on the trail of Rainteicune and drawing ever closer!
Ash's Pikachu: It's annoying, but you get used to it.
Floatzel: Do you think you'd still find battling as fun if you didn't win all the time?
(unrelated: eeee Racko is adorable <3)
Sad is happy for deep people.
Floatzel, when did you evolve? (Where, what you were doing, if it was a battle, which pokemon did you battle, what part of the battle, etc.)
Please check out my Fan Fics (They're in this forum).

I'm not always rational, but I think people think I am.
… errazib nialp tsuj era serutangis emos ,wonk ouy.
Buisle is the ruler of the seven seas of sand, it is the terror of all Floatzel!
Man, I wrote Fics of three different Pokemon story types! What's next?! A wild Pokemon fic?! Hmmmmm…
Floatzel to elyvorg: The battle is over by the time I win or lose, yes? I would not lose until I have had my fun.
Floatzel to SandStormBuisle: I fought a swarm of Carvanha. They were many and I still won. They bit off one of my tails, but when I evolved it grew back. I laughed when they fled.
Raichu: How did you feel when you evolved way back in the Evolution Solution?
Sparky: How has Stormy Town changed since the weather returned to normal?
Raichu: Well, it was unexpected, but not too bad. I was always pretty neutral on evolution anyway, but it was a pretty scary experience to be there all of a sudden. First I thought she'd changed her mind without telling me.
Sparky: Oh, it's been wonderful. Old former inhabitants are already returning to town, and a lot of clean-up work is getting done. I think the town will be back to its former self in no time. :)
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